Sunday, October 8, 2017

Continuing the synchronicity or delusion of The Tunnel

A favorite, among few others, is the 2015 movie, Synchronicity.  In it are many fictional events that only today came into personal focus.

Recall I have found my name encoded into WD Gann's "The Tunnel thru the Air" dozens of times.  I've written whole essays on that discovery and the links from my name to my street address, my profession, the date I eliminated the possibility of coincidence.  Most will dismiss such as impossible and narcissistic nonsense without reading the evidence or considering the possibility.  'All is random' is the so-called intellectual's inflexible (bigoted is a fitting synonym) call to arms.

Synchronicity, the movie.  The plot involves a research physicist, Jim Beale, who has developed a machine that can transport an object, a rare dahlia is the planned subject, through time.  A "tunnel through time" as I've speculated Mr. Gann might have intended.  As an result of Jim Beale's seeming failed relationship with Abby Ross, Jim throws himself into the tunnel machine and is transported to a parallel time dimension which he already occupies.

Interesting that Abby stoutly defends Jim's experiment to the evil venture capitalist in with the story of Nikola Tesla's promotion of alternating current in the face of the self interested heretic, Thomas Edison.  You can read the many misguided explorations of the encoded references to Tesla in essays I've written.  Jim Beale's Time Tunnel uses a lot of energy; he get's it by harnessing the energy inherent in the rotation of the earth.  Tesla died not having realized the invention he sought; extracting energy from the atmosphere and the earth's natural polarity differences.  I seem to recall the Allied Enemy having great ships that could be supplied energy through the air (page 333) and certain inventions of Robert Gordon using current developed from or transmitted there the air.

But I digress from the direction you may have already guessed.

You're likely already at the punch line.  Besides, I've beat this movie to death many times before in essays.  To my discredit, I hadn't found just that punch line you've already discerned.  Google "markettimeandprice and abby," "markettimeandprice and beale" "markettimeandprice and, well, "jim" and "ross."  You'll find that I've found all those words acrostically/telestically encoded in TTTTA.

The obvious punch line is what, after all the research into the finding of Jim Beale and Abby Ross in TTTTA, I realized today.  Its my name.  And all four of the names, Jim, Beale, Abby and Ross are encoded into TTTTA.  No, I'm not going to waste my time documenting what's already been documented nor foisting on the meticulous reader...or the inflexible intellectual... the need to verify that assertion.  You can Google and find those locations in the "Map of Time."

I will, however, go back and retrieve those locations to answer this question; "Did WD Gann encode those four words into TTTTA with intention."  How can I prove intention?  I can prove it to myself if there is a line number path, the "three-deep path," between the words to mathematically demonstrate their intended relation.  Math, number is truth and the only real arbiter of proof.

*** ***

Hardly a mumbo jumbo concept, the term synchronicity was coined by analytic psychologist,Carl Jung in the 1920s per Wikipedia:

"Real scientists" characterize the phenomena as low probability coincidence that, in the great infinity of random time and space, do occur, must occur; events that we simple minded isolate out of our desire "to find what we want to find."  Real scientists explain, we subconsciously, I take it, cull all the random data and events confronting us and pick out only those correlated events that suit our preconceptions. 

Or maybe all events are related, "unus mundus," some more directly but most distantly, imperceptibly.  Perhaps those who are more attuned to details are more prone to envision the relations; as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock would say "You see but you do not observe."  From the contemporary Benedict Cumberbatch' portrayal of Sherlock:
"The world is woven from billions of lives, every strand crossing every other. What we call premonition is just movement of the web. If you could attenuate to every strand of quivering data, the future would be entirely calculable. As inevitable as mathematics."
Perhaps its the "real scientists" experiencing delusion of randomness as law.  That phrase seems almost contradictory in itself; randomness as law. 

My favorite quote from the movie comes from Abby Ross in response to the observation of the scientist, Jim Beale, who has traveled through time to be with her:
Jim: "What happens from here is up to me.  That's why I'm here with you right now."
Abby: "But you can't change fate.  It's like trying to make the sun set with your mind."
A Randomite and a Determinist confronting the circle of supposed time travel; if you change future time, was it fate that entitled you to be able to do so in the higher cause?

When I do get around to searching for the four names and, most importantly, their link via the "three-deep path" of line numbers, I'll be especially searching for a similar mathematic link to the encoded word 'fate.'  I know all the words are encoded because I've pondered them before; in isolation.  But are they linked by math?

Are their inclusion what WD Gann intended or are they my delusion pending refutation?

Jim Ross

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