Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Reprising and extending the implications of the three-deep path - Sal Khan found

Recall from the previous essay and the discovery of the 'three-deep path' on 10/1/2017, now the infamous date of the Las Vegas shooting and also one of the secret signatures of Lord Francis Bacon.

Let's reprise the discovery.  I was viewing a Khan Academy lecture on the three non co-linear points of any unique triangle, their circumcenter and the circumscribing unique circle.  Out of curiosity, I looked for the principal of Khan Academy, namely Sal Khan, and found his last last name encoded in telestic letters (blue highlight):

Looking at the counterpart of ascending line 13083 above, that being descending line 2259, I intended to go to ascending line 2259 to see if I could find 'Sal.'  I found 'Sal:'

Except, I had made an error.  I went to line 2559 by....accident....instead of 2259.  I later found that, had I gone to line 2259, and had I known the mathematic result of its cumulative ascending line number, ascending chapter number and descending chapter number, it would have led me to cumulative ascending line number 2559.  But I'd have never guessed that.  It took an error to find that three-deep path.

To round it out, you can't get directly from Khan to Sal, but you can get there through the path jointly created by line 2259.  Here's that line:

Let's construct the path to 'Sal' again; its kinda like pinching myself to prove to myself that it happened.  Take the 2259 (third excerpt and descending in the first excerpt) that I should have gone to in the first place, add the 358 ascending chapter line (third excerpt) and deduct the ascending chapter line number 53 (first excerpt) and you go to ascending 2564 (second excerpt).  Yeah, its a couple lines after the 2559 we're looking for.  But, the words 'Sal' and 'Khan' are spread over several lines each.  If you used the center line of each of those words you'll arrive very very close to line 2559.

So was it blind luck?  Another 'fat tail' synchronicity?  Here's another inexplicable result from this exercise that, yet again, extends and magnifies the improbability of the chain of coincidences.

Take end numbers and beginning numbers and average them.  In other words, we started with  ascending cumulative line 13083 with its counterpart descending cumulative line 2259 and we ended with ascending line 2559 and its counterpart line 12783.  Now average them:

Here is the line we just computed:

So what?  What is the significance of line number 7671?  Twofold:

  • Mathematically, given that "The Tunnel Thru the Air" is exactly 15341 lines in length, there are exactly 7670 lines before and after line 7671.  Exactly.  Compute it yourself.  I hear Gurdjieff, "to know a thing we must know what came before it and after it...."  7670 before and 7670 after.  
  • Historically, 1907 and 1908; aren't those the years just before the 1909 "Ticker Interview?"  Wasn't WD Gann, at 29 years and a mere boy, then making his reputation as did Jesse Livermore?  Why, Jesse Livermore was a year older than WD Gann.  To resolve who might have been the genuine "boy wonder" was it not WD Gann who bailed out Livermore later in life so that Livermore could, once again, make his fortune, lose it and, ultimately, die broke?  At least, I've read all that somewhere.  [I hear the chorus, "but WD Gann died with an insubstantial estate."  Yeah, yeah.  I don't think he was all that motivated by money, but that's my plain reading of the philosophy of infused into TTTTA.  It was first God, then Marie, then country; money was only a 'hygienic' or enabling factor.  JMHO.]
*** ***

Incredible to me.   As I was studying in Khan Academy any non-collinear three points that define a unique triangle and which, in turn, define a unique circle, I discover the lecturer's name encoded in TTTTA.  And to boot, the comprising points are arranged in a three-deep path connecting them.  As well, its a three point path that defines a triangle; and, as therefore, a circle.  And their paths do not truly end; just as the circle hasn't an end.

As if to prove the intention of the obviously contrived mathematic exercise, the beginning and ending points of the triangle, averaged, give you the perfect center of the entire book.  It wasn't a coincidence; it was intended to be there and to be found.

I believe I know why Mr. Gann encoded this exercise into TTTTA.

But, why did I discover this (if it isn't just blind luck and it has importance)?  Why now?  Why on the date of 1-1-1?

Who's he talking about?  Or, perhaps, talking to?

Jim Ross

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