Friday, October 6, 2017

WD Gann's encoded final message, purpose and signature

People will read the last two posts, not to understand WD Gann and his incredible cosmology but to make money.  Or to have a social media cause celebre to mock, to taunt as a method of self aggrandizement.  Make yourself more by making someone else less.  That's okay by me since I'm not into either activity.  What money I don't make won't affect what I do own.  What ridicule I incur will not affect my self perception if I don't hear it.

Was WD Gann's bottom line purpose to further the human condition or to proudly tout his knowledge?

In studying the great market highs and low of the Dow, I have looked at their positions and attendant acrostic and telestic encoding dozens of times each.  Each time I noodle the possible messages, arguing with myself what the meanings might be, changing my mind and trying again.  Many strike me but the below is perhaps the most memorable:

On the 15333th line of WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" I find the stock market bottom of the Great Depression.  It is also the 9th line of TTTTA counting from the bottom.  Find those two numbers; 15333 and 9.

What was WD Gann's birth and name numbers?  He was born on the 6th so his birth number was 6.  And his name number is 9 derived from WD (his adopted given name which he chose to refer to himself) or in Pythagorean numbers W=5 and D=4 and in sum 5+4 = 9.  His most important numbers according to Luo Clement's (a pen name of WD Gann) "The Ancient Science of Numbers..." concatenated were 6-9.  I've written many essays on the number 69 and its prominence in WD Gann's work.

But here we find it as the parting encoded signature of TTTTA:

Line number 15333 = 1+5+3+3+3 = 15 = 1+5 = 6

Line number 9 = 9

He signed his work "69." (see note below)  Mr. Gann summed his purpose on that line, his poem, an adaption of Emily Dickinson's "Not in vain."  And if he has done those things referred in that simple stanza then:

"I shall not then have lived in vain..."

*** ***

Search TTTTA "in vain" and it will take you to Emily Dickenson's poem, "Not in Vain."  Look 10 lines above the line that contains "Emily Dickenson" in the "Map of Time" and you will find the date 8/25/1987.  You'll now be on ascending line 5265 or 5+2+6+5= 18 reduced to 9 and counterpart line 10077 or 1+7+7=15 reduced to 6.  We have '96' which is Robert Gordon's concatenated birth and name number.  96, Robert's number, is perfect inversion or perfect inverse order of 69, WD Gann's number.  The 9/3/1929 post crash final lowest low linked to the 8/25/1987 pre crash final highest high...   an end that is only a beginning.  From page 76 of TTTTA:

I am humbled to have read and discovered these and other things today.  All my life feels so little and unconnected to this point.  I take comfort that each new day is an opportunity for redemption, a new beginning.

Jim Ross

NOTE:  In the two previous essays, I have interpreted ascending cumulative lines 238-241 as a WD Gann prediction that the October 13, 2017 will exhibit a great all-time trading high.  October 13, 2017 appears on exactly ascending line 240 and its counterpart descending cumulative line is 15102.  240 reduces to 6 and 15102 reduces to 9.  We have, again, just as in WD Gann's birth/name number, just as in the line on which the 7/8/1932 Great Depression low appears....69.

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