Sunday, October 1, 2017

Finding a three-deep path of prediction in the WD Gann "Map of Time"

[I will be writing this essay tomorrow but wanted to monument today's discovery with the date stamp for today, October 1, 2017 or 10/1/2017 or reduced to 1-1-1.]

At least from the day I discovered the prediction of 9/11 in WD Gann's 1927 novel "The Tunnel Thru the Air" (TTTTA) and its structural/mathematic formulation in the "Map of Time" (MOT) I have sought to understand how it works.  Pointedly, its numerical and chronological columns worked in perfect mathematic unison to create the number, 2977 (the number of innocent victims on 9/11) to appear on the same line as the date, 9/11/2001.  To understand the mathematic structure of TTTTA, one should refer to the many essays I've written going back to the discovery of the prediction on exactly September 11, 2015.  A quick excerpt of the lines providing WD Gann's prediction of the tragedy of 9/11 follows and a limited explanation of the structure of the MOT follows:

[2699 + 279 = 2978 and there were 2977 innocents killed that day, 1 off.  However, there are two dates on that line, the lesser of the two being 9/11/2001.  Hence, 2977.]

Both the ascending cumulative line number, 2699 and the ascending cumulative chapter line number, 279, are used to create the number of innocents.  Not used are the descending cumulative line number, 12643 nor the descending chapter line number counterpart, line number 302.

It would have been logical, to me, that a "Map" might use the descending line numbers to lead to some insight, either in the narrative or the acrostic telestic encoding of TTTTA.  Or, perhaps the descending counterparts would lead to a corresponding prediction.  For example, if I trace the descending cumulative line number 12643 to that line number in the cumulative ascending column, would I find there associated an historic terrorist act; history repeating.

It just didn't work.  For two years since I discovered the MOT, I have not been able to figure out how it works.  It must have a predictive purpose but, after hundreds of hours of research, trial and inevitable error, I have been unable to find it.

Yesterday, October 11, I found a link.  Instead of working on TTTTA, I was viewing Khan Academy (named after Sal Khan, a math and geometry instructor).  Specifically, I was viewing lessons on the math and geometric nature and principles of triangles, circumscribed within their each unique circle:

I'd been driven to reprising that which I learned in junior high math some 50 years ago out of my renewed geometric interest in Mr. Gann's allusions to the circle, triangle and square.  A strange, but not so infrequently encountered thought came to mind:

If "he knew" would he have encoded "Khan" into the MOT?

So, I went to the "finder" macro in the MOT and entered "Khan" and found immediately those four telestic letters:

Statistically, finding the four contiguous letters in 15341 X 2 possible letters (15341 acrostic and 15341 telestic letters), well, it was intriguing but not much more.  Its an 'attaboy,' even considering it was what I was working on that same day (Khan Academy, that is).

If "he knew" and wanted to reinforce what I was working on as a fruitful endeavor, 
wouldn't he spell the word "Sal" or "Academy?"  

Where do I go?  Well, I knew it would not work but I selected the center of the word "Khan" or ascending line number 13083 (blue highlighted above), referenced its counterpart descending line number 2259 (green highlighted above and below):

And I found the contiguous acrostic letters "sla," which rearranged is "Sal."  I'd found "Sal." 


So excited that I'd found a "wheel within a wheel," a two-deep path in the MOT I decided to explain it to my wife.  And, during my explanation, I discovered I was wrong.  I'd gone to line 2559, not 2259.  I was crushed.  So I started looking at cumulative ascending line number 2259:

Out of trying to follow the link hundreds of time, I knew there would be nothing of hard value on that line number 2259, and there wasn't.  Indeed, the narrative provides a weak allusion to the world's present state as it faces nuclear terrorist states in North Korea and Iran; that the coming war will involve nuclear fire and air borne vehicles (planes or missiles).  As I've tried to trace a line to its ascending or descending counterpart, as above, it was a yet another failure.

How was I fated to incorrectly look at line 2559 and find exactly the 3 contiguous letters, namely 'sal,' only to find I was wrong?  That, in itself, is pretty unlikely.  So I kept looking at the lines 13083, 2259 and 2559.

And I found a three-deep path and the three nodes are interdependent.  All the elements are above and they reprove one another... but do not flow intuitively.    

Objections.  Okay, its line 2562 versus 2559.  It is, nonetheless, the 'a' of the three letters sought.  Another objection, how can the "path" be traced not knowing line 2559 in advance?  Prior to the advent of computers; it is practically impossible.  You need to compute every line of the 15341 and look for the result, 2259.  Armed with my computer and Excel, I can compute every line of TTTTA, combining the ascending cumulative number, ascending chapter number and descending chapter numbers.  And I will find line 2259.

*** ***

I didn't do that.  On October 1, 2017, I went to line 2559 out of error; out of fate.  Out of that fated error, I now believe I know how I can connect the three nodes, mathematically, with the power of a computer.  I'm confident the method of navigating the MOT will emerge from this error.

All of the above is not what struck me last night when I "reserved" the date of this essay.  It was the date, October 1, 2017 or 10-1-2017 or 1+0  / 1 / 2+0+1+7 or 1-1-1.  

If you are challenging the possibility that time and space are mathematically interrelated and structured such that a book published in 1927 can predict both great events such as 9/11/2001 and negligible events such as a finite mathematician mistaking line 2559 for line 2259 in the year 2017, then you should add another challenge to your plate.  You'll need some background and resources.

The number 252; John Dee's philosopher's stone number outlined in his "Monas Heirglyphica."  John Dee was the alchemist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher of Queen Elizabeth I's court and the tutor and mentor of Lord Francis Bacon.

Lord Francis Bacon, whose encoded numerical signatures of '33' and '111' are offered as proof of his Shakespearian authorship, officially died in 1626.  Some claim Lord Bacon was a driving force in an evolved Freemason and Rosicrucian orders.

WD Gann was born in 1878.  A 32nd degree Mason, some say a 33rd degree.  His character, thought by many to be a self portrait, Robert Gordon.  'Robert' is 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33.  'Gordon' 7+6+9+4+6+5=37, a number revered by Freemasons and Rosicrucians, the smallest angle of Pythagoras' 345 triangle.  

The challenge; WD Gann was born on the 252nd year from Lord Francis Bacon's death.

Obviously, the numbers 33, 111 and 252.  Particularly the number 252.  Page 252; love's immortality in death:

Numbers, the only truths, the only language upon which all men and countries can agree.

Jim Ross

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