Saturday, October 21, 2017

Stanislaw Marcin Ulam, WWII and the "three-deep path"

There are some things even the casual reader of WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" cannot, if he or she is "observing" while "reading", help but take note.  For example, might someone read all of the names of the primary military characters in TTTTA and say "Wow, all those people were primary warriors in World War II?"  Generals Pearson, Johnson and Cooper in TTTTA all played notable roles in WWII as did Admiral Dawson.  For goodness sakes, General Nagato, the commander of the Japanese army, is found in WWII; the Japanese Pacific Fleet flagship and battleship Nagato from which it is said that the order to attack Pearl Harbor was given.

Didn't any of that ring a distant bell in the head of the knuckle dragging, drooling Neanderthal?  Its right there in "plain sight."  How about Supreme Commander Robert Gordon?  What was the first time you heard that term?  If you're in high school now, perhaps you haven't heard (especially considering our increasingly revisionist cleansing of history in public schools) it but chances are you have.  Dwight D. Eisenhower was the first person in military history (so I've read) who was given the title of "Supreme Commander."  He was the Supreme Commander of Allied Forces.

All in plain sight in TTTTA.  The crown is the "110 floor Mammouth Building" in Manhattan.  "Mammouth," intentionally misspelled no less.  As I recall, I was given kudos by a WD Gann historian in 2015 when I realized and published the recognition of that misspelling.  I expect others have noted that misspelling, were embarrassed for Mr. Gann and demurred from making a deal of it.  But 110 stories in Manhattan!  Also called the "Cedar," a Biblical prophetic imagery now explored by Jonathan Cahn.  The "Mammouth" was the World Trade Center the ground breaking for which was 1973 and the falling of which was 2001.

To my knuckle dragging discredit, I did not notice any of those things in about 1973-74 when I first read TTTTA in grad school.  I read but didn't observe.  In 2015 I made the plain sight connection in at least two essays (here and here).  These among other observations comprised what I called WD Gann's "Fourth Manifest Prophecy" (might have been third, fifth...) out of seven; the prophecy of WWII. 

Details that were left for 28 years and then it hit me.  There was a deja vu feeling when I saw the misspelled "Mammouth" in 2015; I'd seen that misspelling in 1973 but thought, "why are we reading a book in grad school by an author who can't spell?"  No, Jim, he wanted the dense to ponder the word and surrounding descriptions (110-story, Cedar, Manhattan, etc).  Took me 28 years.  Not the sharpest knife....I admit. But, I'll find far duller knives among the "experts" that predominate the WD Gann industry.

This time the light went on after only 2 years of sitting on "Ulam."  On a first reading of the acrostic/telestic encoding of TTTTA in 2015 I found the word "ulam:"

I knew, at that time, it was the mathematician Stanislaw Marcin Ulam who joined the WWII Manhattan Project in 1944.  With only four encoded letters of his name, I chose not to add it to my list of WWII; heck, I wasn't totally convinced.   [As an aside, Ulam is best known to MBA, engineering and statistics students for "Monte Carlo Gaming" or simulation as a means of solving excessively complex analytical mathematic problems with "brute force" and for the Teller-Ulam formulation of the hydrogen bomb.]

Can the three-deep path prove "Stan Ulam's" identify.  Well, it gets us close.  Follow the "three-deep path" as I've applied it in the previous essay (hint: the yellow highlighted numbers above) and you arrive at line 13032:

We find "Stan" in the red highlighted letters.  I'd have felt better if we found the full long word "Stanislaw" but, that not being the case, "Stan" was compelling to me.

But if its a three-deep path, we've only gone 2 levels deep.  Follow the yellow highlighted letters, by the previous given formula, to line 13467:

I can't make a convincing connection here but I'm left with a 'feeling' for the moment and two thoughts.

First, consider in chronological order the dates of the three excerpts above that are highlighted in green; September 24/25 1942, February 1945 and December, 1945.  On September 23, 1942,  Leslie R. Groves became a Brigadier General and placed in charge of the Manhattan Project.  The next day, he and James Marshall traveled to Oak Ridge, TN which was to be chosen the prime production place for the atomic bomb that would ultimately destroy the will of the Japanese war culture.  February 1945, we've got to assume the atomic bomb was complete and ready for deployment that would occur in August 1945.  Indeed, the first plutonium arrived at Los Alamos on February 2, 1945 for the first nuclear test in July 1945 ("Trinity").  As a result of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, substantial surrender was quick, certainly, all of Japan was surrendered before December 1945.  

Put the dates together; 1942 to 1945 is substantially the most productive period in history that brought the atomic bomb from concept to terrifying reality.  And Stan Ulam was at ground zero.

Second, consider the contemplation of the Japanese and Edna regarding the compassionate ends of the Great War and the contemporary philosophical questions of compassion versus the terror of the atomic bomb.  Its all there in TTTTA.  Its the resolute end of the fictional Great War with compassion and the resolution of WWII; arguably compassionate, arguably barbarically ruthless.  

But most of all, it boiled down to Japan and the USA in both the end to the fictional Great War and in WWII.  He knew.  And he knew the details.

*** ***   

A summary of the this and the last essay.  The last essay, the three-deep path uncovers the great mathematician, Leonhard Euler, of the 17th century.  The three-deep path proves Mr. Gann encoded his name beyond any reasonable doubt.  But so what?  An author deviously encodes something that occurred two centuries before his book was published.

This essay is the so what.  He encoded the name of a primary player in the development of the implement of war that ended WWII and a great mathematician.  He predicted it.

I'm left with something I already knew and a detail that is new.  I already knew that WD Gann calculated and knew the future, but I've long known that.  So what's the new detail.  In my reflection, at the moment, its Monte Carlo gaming or simulation as a means of avoiding the heavy mathematics that WD Gann must have known; mathematics that dwarfs my finite math (I'm a CPA if you don't recall) ability.  I struggle to solve the methods that I believe Mr. Gann knew and used to solve the market and those same methods he used to solve the future for individual men, places and countries.  Perhaps Monte Carlo simulation can be used to create the means to find a solution without knowing the laws.

Perhaps the WD Gann Map of Time is the printed result of that gaming solution.  And all we need is the path through it.

Jim Ross

[I have reflected on the Map of Time as a mini Torah Code derived from the line structure of the Torah.  A work in progress as all of this adventure of mine.]

[What happened to the great battleship Nagato?  Google "Nagato," "Bikini Atol" and "atomic tests."  Fascinating.]

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