Tuesday, March 18, 2014

June 4, 2014, the October 11, 2007 top, Flash Crash top and 1962 top

What Spiral Calendar dates might derive June 4, 2014:
  • October 11, 2007 grand top plus the 20th SC interval = June 4, 2014
  • April 25, 2010 Flash Crash top plus the 18th SC interval = June 4, 2014
  • 3/9/2009 grand bottom plus the 19th SC interval = May 31, 2014
The 10/11/2007 plus the 20th Spiral Calendar interval of 2428.83 calendar days gives you June 4, 2014.  April 25, 2010 top of the Flash Crash gives you June 4, 2014 in a similar manner as does the great bottom of 3/9/2009 (within 5 CDs).  Looks like June 4, 2014 will be a something pivot of significance.

Drill down a little farther.  Perhaps you recall the 1962 secondary top on 3/16/1962.  Likely not so here it is:

240 point or 33% drop in 100 CDs; not shabby.  So how does 3/16/1962 relate to 6/4/2014?

10/11/2007 minus 3/16/2007 = 16,645 calendar days 
10/11/2007 minus 6/4/2014 = 2,438 calendar days, and

16,645 CDs / 2,438 CDs = 6.85544.  And the sq rt of 6.85544 = 2.61829.  And the sq rt of 2.61829 = Phi.

I like 6/4/2014 for something special.


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