Friday, July 8, 2016

A closer look at the enumerations of Lord Francis Bacon and WD Gann

In the previous two essays I've left the lingering question posed by the number of years between the death of Lord Francis Bacon and the birth of WD Gann being 252 years.  Dr. John Dee's 'philosopher stone number' as derived from the Monas Heirroglyphica is 252 and John Dee was Lord Bacon's tutor and, aside from his student, considered by many the greatest intellectual in several centuries of great minds.  And Mr. Gann ties is all together by encoding John Dee's name in his "The Tunnel Thru the Air" 45 times with an unmistakable 46th time as "007" the code identification of John Dee with his client, Queen Elizabeth I.  .....I'll leave the lingering question to your imagination.

I am so unprepared for this work and I apologize to all those experts of the Bible, Elizabethan history,  physics and geometry, Pythagorean vibration, geometry and diatonic...  In every field, I am the least of persons who should be going to these places and I make so many errors.  Yet here I am and I do my best to figure things out.  Please indulge my ignorance and "read to consider."

One of the errors that I've made is in Sarah/Sadie Hannify's name as I have enumerated it in the previous essay.  As an error, I consider it yet to be an opportunity for an additional insight.  Isn't that the nature of learning?  I'll leave it at that for the moment.

Recall I indicated in the the previous essay there were many numbers on that great spreadsheet that would be noteworthy but on which I would not comment at the moment?  ...that essay already too lengthy.  As then, this essay will only touch on a couple numbers.  So, drill down on numbers of only WD Gann and Francis Bacon:

So very many observations to make but I'll confine myself to simple colors above.

Dark green.  The grand total of the four cipher and Pythagorean value of the names Francis Bacon and WD Gann are 17, a number of immense importance.  Keep that number in mind along with its reduction to the number 8.

Bold green.  Under WD Gann, the numbers 9 and 18 represent the given and surnames with the Francis Bacon counterparts of 34 and 17.  9 divided by 18 is the inverse, the reciprocal, the ratio that makes whole the Francis Bacon number of 34 and 17.  Think about it.  WD Gann makes the ratio of Francis Bacon the monad, unity, all things....the number 1.  WD Gann, the completion of Lord Francis Bacon, in the latter's work, figuratively and, perhaps, spiritually. 

Red.  Under WD Gann, 7-7-7 or Mathew 18:22 or Luke 17:5 (note Luke 17:5 adds to 22 which is the same 22 as found in Mathew 18:22, a code perhaps) a permutation of which gives you the 49 and 49 in red under the Francis Bacon name.  7, the number of the years in the full Shmita cycle and 49, that number extrapolated and the base period of Jubilee.  I am instructed by a commenter, George, that there are 49 words in the first paragraph of TTTTA...where we find the birth of Robert Gordon.  He's right because I checked (as should anyone of my work).

Light blue.  Under WD Gann, the number 9 and under Francis Bacon, 6 or 9-6.  Arranged chronologically (Bacon came before Gann), you have the more appropriate number 6-9.  And what was Robert Gordon's "number" according to Luo Clement's methods?  Robert's name is 33  (which you see in Bacon's surname simple cipher) reduced to 6 and his birth number is the 9th day of the month or 6-9.  When did WD Gann pass?  June 18, 1955 or the month of June 18 reduced, 6-9.

As a side, 9-6 or 6-9 is the additive and multiplicative result of the Book of Jonah(s) appearing 69 of TTTTA.  That is 3+3=6 and 3*3=9.

Dark blue.  WD Gann's surname enumeration of 4 and Francis Bacon's similar enumeration of 7 or 47, the 47th problem of Euclid.  If you don't know the nature thereof, you're where I was two years ago with many things of wonder to experience if you chose to undertake a similar experience.

Light blue / dark blue.  Under WD Gann, 9-4 and under Francis Bacon, 6-7.  94 / 67 = 1.403, near the hypotenuse of the 1X1 square or sqrt(2) or 1.414.    Psalm 67, (first reduction being 13), 111 words in 21 lines.  And we find the simple cipher of Francis of 67 added to the simple cipher of Gann gives you 111.  Gann, again the completion of Francis.

Psalm 94 (first reduction being 13), 46 lines long or the number of John Dee's name appearance in TTTTA, 284 words by MS Word count or divided by the reduction of 21 lines in Psalm 94 or 284/3=94.66667.

Purple.  Horizontally, 69 under Gann reducing to 6 and 9 under Bacon, the two concatenated being 67 already discussed.  Vertically, 999 under Gann and 786 under or 1.653 near an early iteration of Phi, namely the 9th item of the Fibonacci sequence divided by the 8th item or 21 / 13 = 1.271 squared or 1.615.

Tan.  13, the lonely total of WD Gann's name according to the four Elizabethan ciphers and the Pythagorean enumeration.  [Note, the was an error in the Rosicrucian total that gave the number 13 and that has been changed on the spreadsheet and the incorrect comparison to the total of WD Gann's 13 has been removed.]

13, the reduction of both Psalms 94 and 67.  Again, the light blue and the dark blue above comprising each man's total for given and surnames; 9 and 4 or 94 for WD Gann adding to 13 and 6 and 7 for Francis Bacon or 67 adding to 13.  13 must be an important  number.

But still a lonely number, the number 13.  The 8th number of the Fibonacci sequence:

Where do we get the number 8 other than to acknowledge 13 is the 8th number of the sequence and create a most important iteration of Phi or 1.625?

Look to the two lowermost numbers on the above spreadsheet and numbers already discussed; both the total enumeration of WD Gann and Francis Bacon sum to 17, the reduction of which is 8.

Green and Tan.  WD Gann, the numeric completion of Francis Bacon if not more, Masonry and Rosicrucian forming a very mystical iteration of Phi 13 / 8.  Why so mystical?  It is the only iteration that can exist where the divisor is also the number of the place in the sequence where the quotient exists.  The quotient is 13 which is the 8th item in the Fibonacci sequence.  

Richard Wagner characterizes this number, 13/8 or 1.625 in the context of his examination of Sarah Pardee Winchester's symbolic 8 petaled daisy (which does not exist in nature).  From page 255 of his freely available book, "The Lost Secret of William Shakespeare:"


There are phrases that contain elegance that we recognize but do not understand.  Its like Emerson's quotation of Swedenborg on the innate ability of the honest man to discern truth from otherwise without knowing the complete nature of truth; its instinctual.  I can't remember the essay, perhaps Emerson's "Intellect," but the point is, that last sentence of above has some meaning I know others know and understand.  I can only appreciate it for what knowledge I think it possesses.

Here are the questions I have about my own essay and ones I'd propose to any reader:
  • Could the above spreadsheet of number's been devised in such a weave of reciprocal synchronicity between and among themselves absent order, as opposed to randomness, of all things?
  • Could the above be devised absent the continuity of all things; the "lingering question?"
  • Does the Jacbob Cats' engraving of John Dee passing the lantern to Lord Francis Bacon represent that passage of light to the successor or the passing of the light from Lord Francis Bacon to WD Gann?  (1)
These are not among the questions that, any longer, will keep me up at night.  

Jim Ross

(1)  The reader might note, as previously pointed out, John Dee appears encoded in TTTTA 46 times, 45 as "Dee" and once as "007".  And "light" is the 46th word appearing in the KJV translation of the Bible.


  1. I am a regular reader of your blog. I strongly beleive in 168 year cycle. 8 july is going to be very important.Price may not go to 19000 , it may reach previous top or squares with 30681 ( 18268 is 360 degrees).

  2. I am a regular reader of your blog. I strongly beleive in 168 year cycle. 8 july is going to be very important.Price may not go to 19000 , it may reach previous top or squares with 30681 ( 18268 is 360 degrees).

    1. The 19,000, Phi and the 84 half cycle was just too synchronous to ignore. At the same time, my experience in speculation convinces me the simplest stuff is rarely right. Heck, my last 5 years of speculation (very little) has me being right...rarely.

      The first thing I did when I discovered the MOT was to try to reconcile the 15,341 lines to some cycle. Ultimately I settled on the 168 year or 1/15th of the Great Week. And then, to try to prove it, I went back to 1848 Europe and I found great similarities. I found a great opposite in the US.

      I believe we saw what I'd been expecting for several months since I did that study of 1848 Europe. I saw the similarity in unrest in 2016 US versus 1848 Europe. I saw our first socialist to run for office similar to the aspirations of Karl Marx. Both call for revolution....peaceful of course. Socialists are always peaceful.

      And today, July 8 we see the first open act of domestic revolution..."Black Lives Matter" takes credit for a rebel action. We may not call it civil war at this point, but it sure isn't peaceful demonstration. In my life time, race, financial insolvency of the government, foreign insecurity, border insecurity....I don't know if it has ever been worse.


  3. Hi Jim,

    have a look at this:

    1. Everyone knows Bible code 666.
    2. Not so many know alternative code 616 - perhaps the real 666.
    Lets perform some mystical - nevertheless logical -
    stuff with 616:

    616 is octal number 1150.
    Split and mul: 11 x 50 = 550.
    Lets take 550 as octal number and decode it to
    a decimal number: 360 !

    Thats in my opinion the meaning of 616 (aka 666):
    We're trapping ourself into a circle with everything at
    anytime and everywhere.

    It gets even better and much deeper:
    Take number 1 as 45°.
    Take Bibical Great Week Number 2520.
    2520 / 45 = 56.
    7 x 8 = 56.
    77 x 8 = 616 !
    8 x 77 = 616 !
    her you get the most impressing meanings for 7 and 8 too - at least in my opinion.
    Thats enough proof for me about the fact that 616 is the
    real 666 code and its a warning pointer to our circular world - philosophically, technologically, and regarding nearly everything we do since at least 2000 years.
    Hoping to shed some light on biblical numbers.
    I wondered many times why nearly NOBODY compares biblical numbers in some inspired way to other number systems - most importantly to the octal and hexadecimal system. Even the musical octave is what ? Octal.

    1. With the numbers of 7s that are implicit in "WD Gann" based on the 4 ciphers and Pythagorean enumeration, it would seem to be screaming at us to study base 7. When you derive 360 from the octal reflection of 616 you got my attention.

      Assigned to near term 'to do.'


  4. To go a little further, the first Quote in TTTTA is Proverbs 3:13....And the first sentence in TTTTA has, you guessed it, 13 words.
    BTW, the 2nd sentence has 12 words and the 3rd 7 words.

    1. NB: That first quote Proverbs 3:13 has....yep...13 words. So the first two sentences, the quote and the first sentence of the Foreword both have 13 words
      The second quote in TTTTA is from Matt 7:7, but you knew that didn't you!

    2. George, you're on a roll. Weaving confirmation of key concepts into the KJV Bible during translation was a key Baconian method. I would think we are coming close to figuring out how to decode meaning in TTTTA.

    3. To finish off there are 3 things to learn (purposes) and 3 quotes in the Foreword.
      The 3rd quote is Proverbs 4:7
      so we have
      quote 1...3:13 that gives 313, 39, 9 (3x1x3) and 7
      quote 2....7:7 that gives 77, 49 and 14
      quote 3...4:7 that gives 47, 28 and 11
      over to you Jim

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