Thursday, July 21, 2016

October 19, 2016; The Biblical, Masonic and philosophical symbolism and imagery of the movie, "Knowing," and an apology

The intertwining of the encoded numbers 11, 77 and 88 developed in the four previous essays of the "October 19, 2016" series is evidence that two fictional works, separated by 82 years and whose authors never met form a single warning.  My perception of that warning will be published two days, two essays from this one.  For now, it seems important to me that I provide a comment on the striking Biblical philosophical and Masonic imagery of the movie "Knowing."  Consider the themes of "warning" and "message."

Anyone reading this or other of the last two years of essays on this blog knows the story of the man reputed by many as greatest stock trader in history; WD Gann.  A Mason who rapidly rose to the 32rd degree of achievement, and some would speculate the honorary 33rd degree of recognition, and performed verified miracles in those rare glimpses of his trading...  trading that is not possible according to contemporary "scientific," near theologic, Gaussian probability.  Mr. Gann wove symbols and imagery of the "craft" into his 1927 novel to illustrate predictions of "remarkable events" that would occur following the election of the 266th Pope.

Do we find such imagery and symbolism as to which I allude in the 2009 movie "Knowing;" the movie which I argue is the completion, complement, coloring...of WD Gann's 1927 "The Tunnel Thru the Air?"  We do and richly so.  But first, an apology.

This the 357th essay of this blog (the first 100 being worthless boggling at mysterious numbers) I have a lot of apologizing to do.  I know what its like to be upset about reading a wrongfully presented fact or incorrect inference, intentional or otherwise.  I want to climb through the screen and say "that's not right."  I worry that, with the many errors in both fact and logic I make, I offend researchers that are interested in truth; scientists in math, geometry and physics, philosophers, Biblical scholars, WD Gann experts, astrologers, stock market technicians and fundamental analysts....the list would be never ending.  I could probably list more areas of study I perceive myself as having offended somewhere in this blog (not to mention in life) than there are the numbers of the few people who read this blog.  I consider myself as knowing a little about a lot of things, nothing perfectly and not a lot about anything in particular.  Often, I overstep those limits of recognition.  What I've worked on for the last two years touches on so very many fields of study.  Therefore, I've probably offended every reader at some time or another.  Obviously, anyone reading what I've written should both "consider the source" and read only to "consider."  The decision to believe is always the burden of the reader and not the source.  The responsibility of the readers with respect to what I write is to "consider" and nothing more.

So I'll start by apologizing to Masons, Biblical scholars and philosophers for the following display of my naive attempt at understanding.  I'm trying hard for being so late to the game so please give me the "E" for effort as opposed to the "F" for failure.

The 2009 movie "Knowing," which ends on the date 10/19/2009 or 1/10/11 or 1/1/11, begins 6 days previous with intense Masonic imagery as if, duh, to make a statement.  It continues throughout the movie to its final scene depicting the grandeur of the "Tree of Life" and the theme of "beginning again:"

Flash back to that first scene of the movie, the steps of William Dawes Elementary School in Boston, MA.  Who was William Dawes?  He was a "forgotten midnight rider," one of the "Sons of Liberty," a rider among those who assisted Paul Revere in alerting of the approach of the British.  He was a Freemason though the lodge is unknown.  We see in the above link to the image of William Dawes Elementary the entrance' twin pillars (blue posts, the on the right obscured by a worker), three levels of steps with ledges on either side having four pyramids on each side...I've tried counting the steps but, so far, failed.  We see a lower level of steps which have on either side again three ledge but without the triangular images.   Notice the ascending brickwork bordering the entrance awning.  Notice the symmetry.  So much more.

William Dawes, a warning.  "Knowing," perhaps a warning.  Further, perhaps a message.

Ezekiel's wheel:
  • In the opening scene when burying the time capsule on October 13, 1959.  Here.
  • When Prof Koestler partially realizes the prediction of October 19, 2009.  Here.
  • When Prof Koestler fully understands the Ezekiel prophecy of October 19, 2009.  Here.
  • Upon delivery of his son to the "four whispering people" to board the ship, the "four" and the round ship in the background.  Here
Professor Koestler's home, built for this movie (implying unique features) rather than rented:
  • The home from above as if a cross pointing down left and as if southwest (arrows added to define the roof top and cross configuration on the dark and dim image).  Here.
  • Prof Koestler reflecting with a compass and straightedge behind him (again, arrows added).  There is a circular feature that cannot be seen for the dimness as well.Here.
  • The symmetry of the exterior with one of the four whispering people in the foreground.  Here.
  • An angular staircase to the upper room which is Caleb's bedroom.  When Prof Koestler approaches Caleb's room at the 20:29 mark of the movie you will see a child's shoe, Koestler must climb the doubling back staircase.  As he is climbing you begin to hear a video of Caleb's mother singing from the lullaby "All Through the Night" the verse "O'er thy spirit gently stealing."  As he is climbing you hear footsteps, of course.  I try to count 14 footstep sounds...I count 14 steps...its close.  The image you see at the beginning of the footsteps is one shoe.  Here.
The license plates of four vehicles used by characters in the movie (keep in mind that 37 is the smallest angle of they Pythagorean 345 triangle and emblematic of Masons, Rosicrucians and Pythagoreans and that 53, the complement of 37, has the same significance):
  • John's license plate 287965 = 37, smallest angle of Pythagorean 345.  Here.
  • The vehicle of the four "whispering people" 875764=37.  Here.
  • Diana's vehicle 4H17C4 or 481734=27.  Here.
  • Vehicle commandeered by Diana, 2L53M9.  Here.
  • Mathematic relationships among the four above license plates are Here.
  • A notation on the commandeered vehicle "2L" or 2 3's or 33.  Here.
One last word on prophecy, the subject of this series of "October 19" essays; the "warning" to enable those aware, awake, to enable them to prepare.  Here.

Oh, there's much more but enough, at least, for now.


I know, I know all the above proves only that the director, author or associates were Masons and/or had an excellent research staff.  You don't need to argue that with me.  Two years ago I'd accept the logical explanation that those who created "Knowing" used secrecy of the Masonry and associated groups to make the movie "spooky."  After all, contemporary men of science "know" all things are random.  That issue is raised, without resolution, in this image exactly here.

Having watched the movie almost as many times as I've read TTTTA, there isn't a doubt in my mind of the Masonic and Biblical influence.  It only takes a single attentive viewing to grasp that.  But it does not explain the meaningful correlations between a book published in 1927 and a movie that debuted in 2009; the respective encoding of 11, 77 and 88 in both works, the coding of the name of the author of the 2009 fiction in the 1927 book and many more.  

Today...well, I can't dismiss the vast web of synchronicity.  Hopefully, on October 20, 2016, I'll be back the normal, well adjusted disposition of the always affable accountant.

82 years separating TTTTA and "Knowing." And where was the first clue that has led me to through last two years of research arriving at this point?  Page 82 of TTTTA and the "remarkable events" that would follow the election of the 266th Pope.  

That January 29, 1922 article in the New York American cited was indeed published that day but in the "Brooklyn Daily Eagle," Mr. Gann's hometown newspaper.  That day's newspaper had 82 pages.

Jim Ross

PS:  Last night, after completing this essay, I confirmed the "Knowing" timeline prediction as being encoded in TTTTA; events that will occur October 15, October 17 and October 19.  I found the dates corresponding the encoded spelling of the cities attendant the dates (LA and SF), and I found those cities in the plain narrative on the same lines.  The next essay will present the confirming evidence of the "warning."  The final essay of the series will present the greater "message" I've identified from my work.

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