Saturday, July 16, 2016

Debriefing July 15, 2016 - the Bastille and Recep Erdogan

In the previous essay I'd offered modest expectations that July 15, 2016, apparently encoded into WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" would hold significance.  I offered July 15, 2016 might represent a seismic warning or might have socio-political significance as did Adolph Hitler's "Appeal to the nation" speech that occurred on July 15, 1932.  So what happened, arguably, if anything?

The really good news is, no earthquakes of any substantial magnitude.

The bad news is two international political events did occur.  Within hours of having posted the preceding essay on July 15, a Muslim warrior drove a truck through a crowd of hundreds of persons gathered for Bastille Day celebrations (technically, still July 14, I believe).  The first reports were that 50 were killed and hundreds injured.  When I awoke on July 15 the first report I saw was 84 killed and 200 plus injured.  The first thought my synchronicity attuned mind conjured was page 84 of TTTTA.

It says, IMO, count the days and nights, and reckon from their accumulation in days and years, the signs.  And Mr. Gann laments, people will not do that.

A second bit of bad news, and this one occurred exactly on July 15; Turkey's military attempted a coup to depose the democratically elected Islamic government of Turkey.  The Turkish President Recep Erdogan went into hiding July 15 upon the commencement of the coup but by this morning the public outcry became so great that the coup was declared a failure (see a compilation of today's headlines here).

The Bastille attack.  Why might the the tragedy of the Bastille terror attack and failed coup affect the US and the world?

I should interject here my "local" bias; a bias we all have.  Most people who read WD Gann focus only on his stock market teachings.  Those few of us (and I assume there are others aside from myself), focus on how we will be affected in the US.  Time isn't about the US, its about all of humanity (obviously I could say the universe but that's a bit...).  Restricting one's view of the world will not, in my opinion, provide a proper view of any of its components as they are 'all' connected.

So what's the impact; further clarity of realization and instability.  First, greater clarity.  Most leaders will not speak to alienate any of their constituencies; President GW Bush would not indict Islam over 9/11 but he did define the problem in his "war on terror."  Declaring the "war on terror" over in his first administration, President Obama characterized Fort Hood as workplace violence, the 9/11 Benghazi attacks as a spontaneous mob incited by a film (as did his Secretary of State)....   Only recently has he begun using the word terror and never with the word Islam.  As NPR radio reports his words, all this "yapping" (June 14, 2016) over radical Islam and terror are just political talking points.  He quickly redefines the issue as "home grown extremism (June 13, 2016)."  With the fight redefined as "extremism" he can indict his political enemies as those same extremists.  One politician has said the enemy of which she is proudest of is the Republican Party.  Republicans are greater enemies than Sharia Islam.  Fellow citizens, who do not seek to kill, are greater enemies than those who would kill citizens.  This seems incredible to me.   If walked back (which it was clarified), its still the truth.

But that evil manipulation of the truth fast erodes when in rapid succession we have the Paris night club attack, Orlando attack and now the Bastille attack.  At some point the rhetoric must give way to the renewed insight that this is a war and it deals with an ideology that is incompatible with the laws of the U.S.  Bottom line, as another U.S. politician pointedly stated it yesterday, is Sharia law compatible with U.S. laws?  Certainly, it is not.  Think about it.

The Bastille attack is just another point of recognition, but perhaps a "tipping point."  As the Persian empire was reaching its height of power some 1000 years ago (WD Gann uses the word "great" only in the context of the "great 1000-year cycle") and about the time of the first Crusade, so, perhaps, we have the ascension of the Persian Empire in our age.  A moment of recognition.

The attempted Turkish coup.  Instability in the U.S. closest ally in the war on "ISIL" (the localized view of the war put forth by our administration); will the reaffirmed non-secular Islamic government be as strong an ally in fighting our jointly perceived common enemy?  Will the reaffirmed Turkish government, wary of its military's alignment with the U.S. aka the "Great Satan," become a lesser ally, or worse yet.... This can't be a good thing.  Can it?

Addendum added July 17.  Looking back two days, some analysts are wondering why Turkey, so unlikely of having a coup in their assessment, had one and why it was so pathetic.  Many are suggesting it was staged to some degree.  Consider, Recep Erdogan has alway favored a non-secular Islamic state but the military and judicial branch stood beside Turkey's Constitution which declared it a secular state.  What do you do when your military and judiciary won't let you do what you want?  You do what Adolph Hitler did with the Brownshirts, you eliminate them.  And from what I am reading, Erdogan removed a lot of top military and judges in the last two days.  July 15, 1932 and July 15, 2016.  Will we be looking back to July 15, 2016 from 2024 and saying "that was the moment...." just as the U.S. might have looked back from 1940 and said "July 15, 1932 was the moment?"  

Vastly more worrisome are the possible events of October 19 forthcoming, which I will develop in the next several essays....and the scenario to which the first letters of TTTTA, its very title, alluded.  You may wish to re-consider the essay "Anagram scrabble; "Look Thru Tunnel for Giddy Barrack Obama Winning the Throne."  Was the title of TTTTA, itself, the most important for our generation?


I resigned myself from all social media to avoid the political ant and concentrate on WD Gann.  Largely I've avoided the political conversation as I don't know the answers.  But at some point everyone has to take a position, choose a side, or be run over without the contest.  

I believe Mr. Gann foresaw the polarization of the U.S., the political enemies, the end of the U.S. as founded, at least figuratively, in its 240th year (as I've so often offered as a WD Gann prediction).  I think he saw the Rabbi Cahn thesis of the U.S. departure from its Christian roots and lamented the Biblical implication on page 130:

So where does all this lead us?  Choosing a side.  July 15, a date for which I held little promise for defining either a seismic or poltical event Mr. Gann may have may well be one important piece in defining for people on the fence the real war(s) taking place in the world and in the U.S.

Did Mr. Gann predict both 7/15/1932 Hitler and the 7/15/2016 events affecting the 12th President of Turkey, Recep Erdogan?

But you ask, where is the "p" in the spelling of Recep Erdogan?  The Pythagorean number equivalent of 'p' is 7.  You will find that missing letter in the number 7 which is highlighted in blue.

And you ask, "Bastille" is missing the "i."  Add the bracketed 2 and 7 to get 9.  And what is the Pythagorean letter equivalent of 9?  It is "i".

As always, an inquiring mind would read the narratives for meaning that Mr. Gann might be intending for reflection.  Perhaps, this 240th year of our Nation is the one in which we, the servants, give back to the Prince our inheritance of the gift of liberty.

And, I have found the words "total war" encoded above when using Pythagorean equivalents.  As became the seed of 1932, so might the events of yesterday, July 15, 2016?  Perhaps an inquiring mind reading this would search the above for the message of "total war."

There are other indications in TTTTA ,which I have not provided as yet, that would indicate this reading is not substantially in error.

Jim Ross

PS, thanks to Steven who noticed Recep was spelled in the above.

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