I did not know it would work out that way when I first discovered in WD Gann's "Map of Time," by a method similar to that of Prof Koestler in "Knowing;" finding in a map the date 9/11/01 and the exact number of deaths that occurred that day. But soon thereafter, I acquired and viewed seeming similar movies "2012" and "San Andreas." Unlike "Knowing" these latter two movies did not have positive and valuable themes, in the opinion of an accountant. But they have some meaning. I say that pending critique I hope to provide soon from WD Gann and Luo Clement. For now, let's present additional and composite evidence that those three movies are mathematically related to TTTTA.
According to Pythagorean symbols and Luo Clement method the 1) name number hero of each movie, 2) title of each movie and 3) the person in each movie most responsible for the discovery and elaboration of each event to occur in the movie:
The hero of each movie is easy to identify; John Koestler, Jackson Curtis and Raymond Gaines. According to Luo Clement convention, the name number relates only to the first name and its the version thereof to which a person is referred and considers themselves. For John, its John. For Jackson, a viewing of the movie indicates he is referred to as Jackson and likewise, Raymond is the movie version of Ray.
The person of discovery is obviously Lucinda in "Knowing" as she hears whispers that guide her in encoding a "map of time," a math puzzle to be located and deciphered by John some 50 years later.
Less obvious is "Fred" in the movie "2012." His name is Dr. Frederick West who is at least third to be informed of the discovery of forthcoming calamity but is the most senior of the scientists informed of the discovery. The discovery is first made by Dr. Satnam Tsurutani then viewed by Dr. Adrian Helmsley and finally reviewed by their then senior scientist Dr. West. Painfully, I re-watched 2012 to determine the manner in which Dr. West is addressed. He wasn't. His three or so almost cameo appearances to give the 'final word' on a factual event occurring, he isn't named. Or I haven't noticed one. The guy is the clutsy scientist-type you've seen before who you'd find his disheveled appearance to connote the nerd...someone you'd prefer not to call "Doctor" or even the incongruent name "Frederick." He's a "Fred" if ever I saw one.
A contradictory interpretation of Dr. Lawrence Hayes in the movie "San Andreas" is enumerated above. Similar to Lucinda and unlike "Fred," he is first to realize the coming calamity to befall LA and SF. In the movie, he is referred to as "Dr. Lawrence Hayes" or "Dr. Hayes," not Lawrence or Larry. His full given name is retained lacking any evidence of an alternate self or public conception.
The latter two paragraphs are the subjective judgements that have been made and on which, I'm sure, the "randomites," "scientists," "experts" (derisively commented on by Dr. Koestler) will make their stand. To what else might they cling? Regardless, what's the probability, even given the one subjective judgement made as described, the perfect finding of 11, 77 and 88 as above is possible?
With Pythagoras' symbol interpretation and Clement's name number definition and methodology or rules of interpretation, we obtain the numbers comprising the Fermat number; 11, 77 and 88 which reduce to 2, 5 and 7 (red highlight) or 257 (green highlight) above. Key aspects of each of the three movies, "Knowing," "2012" and "San Andreas" are encoded in the same numbers as found encoded in TTTTA.
Separated by 82 years from the 1927 publication date of TTTTA and the first of the above movies, "Knowing" in 2009, you'll find on page number 82 of TTTTA the warning of the "remarkable events" to occur upon the election of the 266th Pope. Is it any surprise (I guess it is) Pope Francis was born on the 266th day of the solar year? His election in 2013 begans the sequence. "Knowing," "2012" and "San Andreas" are the types of warnings that might appeal to our generation, at least those few persons who are aware.
The above insert does not, however, tell the whole story. The numbers 11, 77 and 88 are derived from their root values by two levels of reduction. We find 77 and 88 derived from the first level of reduction but the number 11 is derived at the second level of reduction. In other words, 77 results by adding the root values of 39, 5 and 33. Same for the number 88. One level of reduction. 11 is different. First you add the root values of 20, 19 and 17 to get 56. Then you reduce those numbers by adding 5+6=11. Two levels of reduction. The number is derived differently.
So it is in the encoding of them in TTTTA. 11 if different; it is an acrostic spelling whereas 77 and 88 are a telestic encoding (pages 70, 97 and 219):
I find it meaningful the narrative of the third of the above finds "war in their camps" and the populace that must pick a new leader able to lead them during the "great war in the air."
*** ***
I envision further insights to come from, again painfully, re-watching the three movies. It is first most important to tie, through evidence as presented and as incredible as it seems, the subject movies of our time to the 1927 TTTTA. The evidence cannot be made better than it is; it has the subjective limitation of the names of the two scientists. If you cannot accept that limitation "according to your faith be it unto you," then reading further essays would be a waste of your time. In that mindset, you would not be "reading to consider," but reading to argue.
If you do wish to consider, then you noticed the three movies covered give us destruction by fire, water and earth shaking...where is wind? As far as I've traced the emerging scenarios, it is in the second enemy campaign. It is Yellowstone that occurs the year after the first enemy campaign. It is the enemy incursion up the Mississippi to St Louis that enables the destruction of Chicago-by the winds and ash. But that has to wait.
One last thought from the movie "2012;" does the below utterance comport with the "final message," comprised of anagrams, of the preceding essay:
As in TTTTA, President Thomas Wilson is the last President (he dies amid a great cloud of ash and a tidal wave) and the Vatican is shown being destroyed; the last Pope.
Jim Ross
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