Saturday, July 16, 2016

October 19, 2016; Pierre de Fermat's 257..., and 11, 77 and 88..., and "Knowing"

In honor of the number 777 I have begun writing this essay on 7/16/16 or 777.  More on 777 later.

This series of essays is first entitled October 19, 2016 because it develops worrisome thoughts on what WD Gann might have predicted would happen on about that date.  At the beginning of each post of this series, I will provide a minor insight into personal synchronicities that suggest meaning.

October 19, 2016 struck me as numerically meaningful weeks, months, maybe even years ago because of the relation of Black Thursday of 1929, Black Monday of 1987 and October 19, 2016.  Mr. Gann gives us page 84's recitation of Genesis in counting days for the purpose of discerning the "signs."  And we should "measure the pattern."  I've provided that pattern before, you can reconstruct it from this paragraph.  But here's the personal synchronicity involving October 19 for this essay:

I pass 10/19 every day, many times.  It is my street number.  More synchronicities in later essays.

This essay will begin elements that will lead to the date October 19, 2016 in Mr. Gann's work, not some silly Freudian suggestion.  How do we get from WD Gann that date?  One link in the trail will be Pierre de Fermat.

257.  Pierre de Fermat, a French barrister and mathematician of roughly the same generation as Lord Francis Bacon, de Fermat made discoveries in calculus, analytic geometry, number theory...  The sequence of numbers "Fermat numbers" are named in his honor.  Few Fermat numbers are known because the function from which they are derived has them reaching numbers so large they can't be comprehended.  The known numbers are 3, 5, 17, 257 and 65537.  That number, 257, remember it.

How do I know Pierre de Fermat and his number 257 will prove meaningful in pursuit of October 19?  He and 257 are encoded in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" along with three unique numbers, 11, 77 and 88.  Wow, all that correlation.  No, it was designed by Mr. Gann.  We use the correlation to figure out the analytic, single solution design.  Then we know what was intended.

If I wanted to find Pierre de Fermat encoded secretly in TTTTA where might I look?  Page 257, duh.

In tan, every letter of "de Fermat."  Arguably, coincidental that on page 257 those letters are found in a compact zone of acrostic telestic letters.  Improbable but possible.  I'm not sold.  After all, where is "Pierre?"  There's got to be a Pierre for de Fermat.

When you study Mr. Gann as I have I think you start to thing like I think he thought.  Whew.  The numbers highlighted in three are the descending line numbers of the WD Gann Map of Time and the yellow numbers are the ascending line numbers of the MOT.  We found the "A" of "de Fermat" on descending line number 9715 or the 9,715th line of TTTTA.  That line is also the 5,627th ascending line of TTTTA.  If I were Mr. Gann, I'd interchange the descending and ascending line numbers and put Pierre in the range of lines descending line number 5627 to 5619.  That's what Mr. Gann did:

Not approximately, not close, but exactly in that range you find Pierre in tan letters.  The first letter is found on the first line of the range and the last letter on the las line.  I surmise from that, Mr. Gann has proven to us the rare de Fermat number, 257 is very very important.  [We also have another 'modus operandi' or method of Mr. Gann's encoding.]

11, 77 and 88.  Enter the next numbers of this essay; 11, 77 and 88.  They are the only two-digit numbers encoded in TTTTA comprised of the same digit.  They appear once each and there isn't a 22, 33, 44, 55, 66 or 99.  Well, there is a 00 but that's another story.  You'll find several essays on 11, 77 and 88 in this blog.  For purposes here, they are a bridge to somewhere else.  As well, our Fermat number, 257, is a bridge to right here.  How so?

While 11, 77 and 88 have notable properties in their own right we have now tied them to the Fermat number which Mr. Gann made us work so hard to prove meaningful in his mysteries.

"Knowing."  The movie, "Knowing," led me to my "great mistake" (as if there's only one).   Armed with several encoded correlations between TTTTA and "Knowing" I derived the belief and adopted the Chicken Little mindset that San Francisco would fall into the sea on or about February 23, 2016.  It didn't but California and the 48 contiguous states had the largest earthquake in 14 months on that day.  Wrong, but a faint hint that maybe, that date has some warning merit.

One of the many 'encoded correlations' was the name of the author, Ryne Douglas Pearson.  Mr. Gann encoded the name of the author in TTTTA.  As well, the method Professor Koestler discovers a "Map" of 50 years of disasters, the map having been buried in a time capsule for 50 years and verifies that map is exactly the manner in which I discovered WD Gann's "Map of Time."  In fact, it was on September 11, 2015 that I discovered the map having just seen "Knowing."  September 11, and the discovery I made, as did Nicolas Cage made, was the date, September 11, 2001 in the respective maps; the map Nicolas Cage discovers that was buried 50 years in a time capsule and the map of WD Gann that was buried 83 years in TTTTA.  [Instinctively, I read page 83, that persons aware of mathematics should warn people of the things that are forthcoming.  As well, my fingers go to the calculator; 83 / 50 = 1.66.  And 1.66 is the 7th Fibonacci number divided by the 6th or 5 / 3 = 1.6666.  Phi in one of its earliest iterations.  "La" of Pythagoras' diatonic scale.]

All told, the correlations are too great to dismiss.  And they're about to increase exponentially.

Nicolas Cage deciphers his "Map of Time" and discovers every disaster for the 50 years the map was buried was found in that MOT.  There are three future dates left over.  If you work the chronology, those dates are October 15, October 17 and.... October 19, 2009.  All of which is not to say the timeline of the "first enemy campaign" of the Great War in the Air, is erased or altered.  More work is required.


We will find the numbers 11, 77 and 88, in the reverse of that order, are found in correlation ...unmistakeable correlation, with the movie "Knowing."  

And the last date of the movie is October 19.

Before you think Chicken Little is over the edge again, I'm not saying the world ends on October 19, 2016.  Beyond my pay grade for sure.  First, I'm interpreting what I think Mr. Gann was saying.  We all know what "interpretation" means when even the clear literal word may be spoken by one person and may be perceived incorrectly by the receiver of the word.  Further, I take comfort in Mr. Gann's assertion on page 89:

".... but the Good Book has promised that the time will be shortened."  

So, its not the 'extinction level' event.  But something very "remarkable" will happen in October, and actually, I think some "remarkable events" will have already happened by that time.  That's my interpretation, demonstrably in the past, subject to error.  In the next essay I'll show the exact encoding of Mr. Gann's numbers of 11, 77 and 88 in the movie, "Knowing."

Jim Ross

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