A very easy, enjoyable essay to write. From page 120, the trine, of WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air:"
Let's look at Marie's note through the teachings of Philo of Alexandria's rules of enigma. If you want to teach those who are capable of meat, you encode what you want them to learn so they have to 'seek' it; work for it. Give them the deepest secrets when they've penetrated the deeper layers of encoding. To emphasize importance, you create links and interlinks that create "circles" between distant concepts and bring the reader back to the greatest points for emphasis. For those less capable, you give them milk; you repeat the phrases they can digest. As Mr. Gann said in the Foreword, a "good book" will have something in it for everyone.
The wonders of Marie's note:
- Incredible. Mathew 9:29-30. From the King James version and Biblehub:
In plain sight for all, Mr. Gann suggests the miracles, wherever found, be recognized as such and believed in as such, understand their nature and wait for their promised reward.
My reading of commentary suggests Jesus did not wish to display the conceit demonstrated by many of those days by having his miracles "broadcast." At least until their time of need is due; when their need is the greatest. Fortunately my all too often lack of humility might be the trait of character that is needed to "out" the messages Mr. Gann wanted spread in "our" time of need, the time of the 266th Pope. Might that be Pope Francis who was born on the 266th solar degree of the solar year? Indeed.
- And from Luo Clement, "The Ancient Science of Numbers" page 16:
My goodness, one might think that, in my delusion, I believe Luo Clement = WD Gann. Too many circumstances in that linked essay to think otherwise...but...that's...me. A reading of that essay might be suggested. Personally, I believe "The Ancient Science of Numbers," published in 1909 (May 8, 1909 is when 2 registered copies were delivered to the copyright registering authority, 1 day before that same calendar date of the TTTTA Foreword), is the hidden reflection of Mr. Gann's great 1908 discovery. Mr. Gann, having already discovered the simple mathematics of predicting the future of the stock market ('simple' said facetiously), the extension of the vibratory "curve of the future" to the unique vibration of a person or entity via name number and birth number....well, that would seem to be the key to prediction of those more complex 'variables.' Indeed, if true, that would have been a monumental discovery. It would be the math of all things in our "special relativity" sphere. Mr. Gann openly attributed such knowledge to his study of the Bible (TTTTA page 84 among others).
- It gets deeper. Parse Marie's letter, this time in the mathematic context of the WD Gann "Map of time." We find Marie's letter appearing on page 120, again, the trine. Some finer detail as appearing in the downloadable copy of the MOT:
I keep saying it, 'incredible.' Obviously "Phi," I don't have to highlight that encoded word I've referenced many times before. But it is in red highlight nonetheless.
To the left of Phi, that 'h' midpoint letter appears on a suspicious chapter line number '180' (highlighted in yellow), half the circle. I've found some "math" on that line but it escapes me at the moment. It would seem important. Too much to cover to reprise that already turned soil.
Those blue highlighted numbers....
As we all know, Robert, in his "Seven Days" destroyed all the great buildings of the Allied Enemy, including the Vatican, but for the Great Pyramids because of their "divine purpose." Let's follow that thread by wandering, briefly, to page 398 of TTTTA:
Those highlighted numbers; they "sound" important for some reason. The Noxious Stalker sees my delusion descending into "hearing" things now. Perhaps 128 is universal lower 'c?' Where's Russel Smith's "Cosmic Secrets" teaching Gurdjieffe diatonic scale when you need it? What would that line 236 be, pray tell? Within 4 vibrations of do, re, mi, fa, so, la, si, do. Within 4 vibrations of twice page number 120. Oh, I really love this thread of thought.
Back to Marie's note. Should I mention the encoded acrostic word "Ahym" in all caps (see the tan highlighted letters in Marie's note); as if to "shout" "A HYMN" in current Internet vernacular? It seems to fully enclose the entire left portion of the body of Marie's letter.
Still discussing Marie's letter, "Time proves all things" on chapter line number 201 (highlighted in green two inserts above). Not much extraordinary about that. Unless you notice that it is the perfect center of Chapter 11. How can I tell? Line 201 on the left side, the 201st line counting downward from the top of Chapter 11 and line 201 on the right side counting upward from the last line of Chapter 11. The exact center and that line says "...have faith, understand and wait. Time proves all things." What a line.
Still on line 201 down which is 201 up. Half the octave defines two inner octaves. Twice the one octave creates two octaves. I seem to recall Mr. Gann favoring halving and doubling. Half the right angle or 45 degrees divides time and space (price) equally.
---How far down this mindless waste of time rabbit hole will I go, as the kind Noxious Stalker would say to me? One last, very tiny, very remote hole.---
- How many times do we count the permutation of "Love" in Marie's note? Three; love, love and lovingly. Interesting number 3...Gurdjieffe's "Law of three." Robert, Walter and Edna, the three against the Alied Enemy. We know the plain meaning of love but on the third iteration he dropped the 'e' in preference of 'lovingly.' Did Mr. Gann intend something mathematic?Invoke Luo Clement's (need I say aka WDG IMO) values of letters to see if there might be some secret knowledge (many know the math of the below but those others):
For anyone studying numerology, astrology, geometry, mathematics, physics, WD Gann....as approaches to the market, 72 and 360 has incredible (there I go again with that word) significance. Reflexively, I read pages 72, 144, 216, 288 and 360 again and found much personal meaning. On reflection, there seemed to be a beginning of an adventure with Robert wanting to make money, not out of his needs, but to aid him in creating inventions to aid his country. And then the tribulations, obstacles, and courage to face them and his detractors. And then the inventions and the conflict. And then the end in the final battle of NYC (the battles of NYC are treated almost as if they were one, the final battle) when the fruit of his work became his reward. A beginning, and end and then, with Marie returning, a new beginning.
Oh!!! Did I forget the 6th interval of the Pentagonal element or 6 X 72? The rear flap of TTTTA is the 432rd page, the 42nd "chapter," when counted as I believe Mr. Gann intended.
Down that wondrous "rabbit hole" the Noxious Stalker warns me, in his immense wisdom, not to venture; for he knows and worries for me. Too late. There are so many threads of, apparently, irrelevant information, such as faith, love, hope, trust, kindness, humility... which are entirely without value when studying WD Gann. And they reference each other back and forth and lead you back to the same places....as if Mr. Gann wanted to tell you the same thing more than once. How silly. Why would anyone waste time on such concepts when there's a world of money to be had by concentrating on the "secrets" of WD Gann that the Noxious Ones won't share but will tell they have.
Maybe I should change my Internet name to "WD Gann" or "LawofVibration" or "Phi" or "Robert Gordon" to symbolize my passion for TTTTA? Alas, I'm sure they were snapped up long ago. But wouldn't that be a bit prideful in addition to being an example of passion? A school "chum" once correctly accused me of vanity and I've been there much of my life. It's like putting your hand on a ceramic burner that you can't see is still too hot.
Nope, I just am who I am and enjoy what I'm doing. With another such title would come expectation, pridefulness.... And I sure don't have any more knowledge... nor ignorance... than what I am sharing, such as it is, in these essays. And those darn math and other mistakes I make! From page 46, an excerpt of Edith M. Thomas' haunting poem, "After the Years - Quiet:"
Such as I am and will simply remain,
Jim Ross
p.s. That date, June 5 at 3 a.m., really intrigues me; the day on which "All his future happiness was blasted in a moment." Nah.
Very impressive essay. Notice that it is your 66th of the year?
Thank you. As you know, I think it important that I understand the timeline of the first campaign of the fictional war that began April 1930. And to correlate 40 instances of "ens/sne" with 45 earthquakes.
ReplyDeleteStill, when I see a thread of meaning, I am powerless to resist following it. Those darn rabbit holes of no meaning.
ReplyDeleteIf the Bible were to be written by humans, than this may be the kind of computer necessary. Qubits existing in multiple states.
Interesting that this "breakthrough" happens at the end of the Great Biblical Week.
There was a Nova (I think) on a computer developed that sounds a lot line the Quantum computer. One that allows calculations to take place simultaneously rather than sequentially. As I understand it, traditional computers perform one task at a time. It seems multitasking is occurring but in reality, the calcs go so fast that it seems its multitasking. The same is probably true of our brain. Perhaps we take three tasks at once, but the brain breaks them up into pieces handles one piece, picks up a piece of another task and solves.... But they aren't all taking place at once. Only 1 piece at a time.
DeleteIt would seem quantum computing might be a little...well frightening. But I guess all new technology and change is a little scary.
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