Wednesday, September 16, 2015

11/9/2015 or 11/9/2016...or perhaps October 19, 2016 AND 11/9/2016

Having floated the 11/9 alert on September 2 of this year HERE, I was stunned to see the news report that Al Quaeda was looking to have a repeat on 11/9/2015.

I was led to 11/9 by another date, October 19, 2009, appearing in a contemporary fictional work that I'd seen.   The exact spelling of that title of that fictional work appears in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" some 26 times.  The last and middle names (each word contains several letters) of the author of that fictional work appear in TTTTA comparably numerous times.  And the first name, a very unique four-letter name which I'd not seen spelled as such before, appears as a telestic wording on page 330.  Let me restate that.  The title of the fictional work appears prominently in TTTTA as does the first, middle and last name of the author of that work.

Of course, October 19, 2009 is a fictional date but consider its unusual properties that may link it to 11/9/2015...or 11/9/2016; from the September 2 essay:

"All of his future happiness was blasted in a moment."

Now consider the nature of the relation of October 19, 2016 to previous market events in 1929 and 1987; again from the September 2 essay:

One last consideration; the 2000 'Tech Wreck' crash began well in advance of 9/11/2001.  The above timing would provide the same chronology of the 'epicenter' of the crash and would be more similar if the top has already occurred (the Nasdaq market top preceding the 2001 crash was 3/24/2000 as I recall).

I've wasted your time in reprising the September 2 essay only because it seemed uncanny that terrorists are reportedly, unfortunately, thinking much the same.  If this timeline has merit, and there isn't a bit of scientific evidence of which I am aware in my study of Mr. Gann's apparent understanding of advanced concepts of relativity and spacetime, I would favor 2016 as the year of occurrence.  Again, not from science but from circumstances or perceived 'clues' left by Mr. Gann.

And to that end, it is offered for consideration, not proclamation.

Jim Ross

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