Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A very troubling thought concerning 2016, 110 and 84

Recall from the essay found HERE that several time clues may have been left by WD Gann on his gravestone may infer the year 2016 as important.  In addition with find on page 82 of "The Tunnel Thru the Air" that Mr. Gann was concerned, intrigued or whatever with the "remarkable events" to follow the election of the 266th Pope.  That, of course, occurred in 2013.  SO what might the event's that might occur in 2016 presuming that year is properly "triangulated" and Mr. Gann is correct?

So what was the first events of TTTTA which we might suspect of repetition?  In the first paragraph, Robert Gordon was born, but there are millions of births daily.  Here's the first paragraph of Chapter 1:

1906, the Great San Francisco earthquake.  Add 110 years defined by Mr. Gann's gravestone (see above referenced essay) and you have 2016.

Still further, I have discovered that TTTTA may constitute a "Map of Time" that is only days short of an 84 year cycle.  For simplicity's sake and to save me from presenting the "Map of Time" before I truly understand it, take the last day of TTTTA, that being August 30, 1932, and add 84 years.  By a finer calculation based on the Map as I have defined it, I get June 26-27, 2016.  [9/10/15-It should have struck me earlier but the first date given in TTTTA, the date Robert Gordon was born, was June 9, 1906.  This is a nearly perfect 84 year period.  See the page number of the last TTTTA excerpt below.]

One final consideration.  Am I mixing cycles of 110 and 84?  No.  Space and time according to special relativity are also subject to relative motion.  Motion, an aspect of space, affects spacetime.  A person in New York and at the 40th parallel travels, relative to the earth's center at a rate of 785 MPH (18832 circumference at the 40th parallel divided by 24).  At the equator, a person travels at a rate of 1036 MPH (24901 miles / 24 hours).  And at the 37th parallel where we find San Francisco, the rate would be still different.  Differing physical locations infer differing time cycles in my current thinking.  In New York, a 2016 disaster in San Francisco would create a market disaster.  And in 1932, the market formed its great bottom in August 1932.  San Francisco and a 110 year cycle (unique to the 37th parallel) between disasters (earthquake disasters).  And New York with an 84 year cycle, unique to the 40th parallel, between market disasters (stock market bottoms).

If my (nearly) worst fears are correct, the event would be of Biblical proportions; both in San Francisco and in New York.  I checked page 110 of TTTTA and did not find anything of interest.  But page 84, a continuation of the prophecies that began on page 82:

These things are not based on math and science of which I have discovered.  They are simply following clues that I believe Mr. Gann may have provided.  Maybe he didn't.

But it all concerns me.

Jim Ross

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