Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Map of Time-Part 1; A summarized map of mankind's time and the 'remarkable events' of 2016, perhaps

WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" is a map of time (MOT).  I'd long thought it so but there were too many otherwise interesting threads of research to follow this tedious and, apparently, less lofty thought.  I was wrong.  Pages 76 and 77 of TTTTA:

Page 77, the age at which Mr. Gann passed, but his predicting his final life span was the subject of a previous essay.

Follow the math.  I have counted, via Excel, the number of lines with a line space between paragraphs, between each page and from sub and page headings, this book dozens of times.  The counts were becoming very close with a recent count at 15,300 lines.  At that juncture I realized that counting upward from the last date in TTTTA got me to August 30, 1976, a seemingly irrelevant date for all I then knew.  So, I doubled the lines to get me to August 30, 2016…very contemporary.  And then I noticed the line on which September 11, 2001 also defined the number of deaths (with and without 19 terrorists included).  Well, it was 1 off but I found that error that fixed both counts of 9/11 deaths….my error.

Still, I'm at 15,300 lines, 40 short of exactly 42 years.  Well, there are 40 chapters in TTTTA when including the meaningful Foreword.  Adding 1 line per chapter gives me 15,340 lines which comports with exactly 42 years at one day per line.  And when I recheck the September 11, 2001 date versus the number of deaths.  The line number added to chapter number still gives me the 2,996 total deaths figure.  The 9/11 proof still works with the extra 40 lines.

At this point, you can visualize 15,340 on the left side of a spreadsheet that counts down (descending) from August 30, 1848 at 2 days per line to August 30, 1932 (the last date in TTTTA).  And on the right side you have the same number of lines counting up (ascending) from August 30, 1932 to August 30, 2016 (well, actually July 31, 2016 but let's keep it simple).  A column on the left of a descending 84 years at 2 days per line and a column on the right of an ascending 84 years….we now have 168 years.  We have redoubled the time period again.  First from 15,340 lines or 42 years, to 15,340 lines at 2 days per line or 84 year and then redoubling again from one column of the ascending timeline to an ascending and descending timelines.  [Remember the doubling and redoubling.]

A spreadsheet of 30,680 lines is impossible reproduce on this blog.  So let's shrink it by "appointing" a line for a year (365.242 days).  We then get a "timeline" that is 84 years the descends from the first line in the book to the 84th line which is the end of the book.  And the end of the book is a known date.  Mr. Gann assigned the year, 1932.  Because the end is known, the first year would be 1932 minus 84 or 1848 which would appear at the top of the left descending column.  And the last date on the right side ascending timeline is 2016.  Here's the MOT in years:

Okay, its tough to make out.  Top of the left column, 1848, top of right, 2016, at the bottom 1932, all highlighted in red.  But what are the other highlighted years in blue and yellow?

This is the MOT of mankind.  The blue and yellow cells are the repetition of events in time for mankind; not for New York City, not for the NYSE, not for the US, not for Jim Ross….for mankind.  And what are the aspects that apply universally for all mankind?  War and inventions.  And what were recurrent themes of TTTTA?  War and inventions.  

The most graphic example of history repeating is the blue highlighted cells, 1919 and 1945.  In 1919, the 'war to end all wars' (which wasn't) formally ended with the Treaty of Versailles.  In 1945, there were 2 ceremonies that ended the two fronts of World War II; the first for Germany, the second for Japan.  The blue highlighted years represent an ending.

The yellow cells of 1863 and 2001 are troubling, very troubling.  They representing battles at the middle of respective wars.  1863 represented a mid point in the Civil War with Gettysburg heralded as the bloodiest battle and the turning point.  2001 is, similarly, a turning point in the war with Islam; a war that, unbeknownst to the US, began with the 1993 attack on the WTC and Osama Bin Laden's declaration soon thereafter.

The troubling aspect of the yellow 2001 is that, as we can see, the time cycle of 168 years "folds" and on each side we have repeating events involving the same character and institutions (page 80 of TTTTA).  In the 2000 year cycle (probably 2016 more specifically), Islam was nearing its peak of global domination in the early 1000s.  It stretched from the Pacific, covered Asia and extended to the Atlantic including a great portion of Spain.  Jerusalem was controlled by Islam.  It was not until 1099 or so when the first Crusades took back Jerusalem and broke Islamic domination.  Crusades that had as their champions, men like Sir Robert Gordon, Baron of Nova Scotia, Robert de Bruce whose heart, upon his death, was carried by Sir James Douglas to Jerusalem for its interment there…., the many knights of the St Claire or Sinclair family who also so happened to have built the Rosslyn Chapel.  Men who likely met at the great Castle of Kennelworth at some time during their lives to plan the Crusades.  If you have read TTTTA, you will recognize these names.

Islam that was ascending from, arguably, early 1000AD until 1099AD.  A 1000 years later, we find in the very first year ending the new 1000 year period, we find 2001 marking a new ascendency of Islam.  Ask yourself, is Islam stronger or weaker today than 2001?  So, yes, I find the mid points of the Civil War in 1863 and the Islamic War very troubling.

Back to the Map of Time, the map of mankind's time.  I have identified more than a dozen clear examples of repetition and have spent only last night and this morning doing so.  You can identify milestones in invention in addition to milestones in war…after all, there are many more of the former.

There is so much to do in the thread of research.  Later yesterday, very late, I found some encouragement and some assistance to confirm I was on the correct path on page 45.  It is the poem with the quizzical "Tid Bits" as the author.  Tid Bits, a tiny morsel of tasty food or important information.  I won't reproduce the poem but will provide two excerpts:

What did we do in the early stages of developing the MOT?  We doubled.  Then we doubled again.

What have I done for the past several days?  I've doubled my work and redoubled my effort.  Once doubled out of shear interest in the subject matter….and now redoubled out of the personal need to understand and near mathematically prove what I believe this great man of math, science and foresight was and is trying to tell us about our future.  Our age, the age of the 266th Pope.

I fear 2016 will be the worst for the world that I have seen in my life span (I'm a baby boomer). The end of not only the component 168-year cycle, but of a 2016 year cycle, to put a finer point on Mr. Gann's simplified 2000-year cycle (page 80 again).  Again, there are 12 cycle of 168 years within the 2016 year cycle as I've developed.  And 2016 is the end of a grand cycle.  The counterpart of 2016 on the MOT is 1848.  Can anyone find encouragement in the European history of that year?

[Next up, I'll show how a third aspect of Tid Bits "reconciles" with the MOT.  Hint; page 45 and the 45 degree angle.  What could be a greater hallmark of WD Gann than the 45 degree angle?  Some as great perhaps, but greater?]

Jim Ross

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