Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A note regarding page 82 of TTTTA, the 266th Pope and WD Gann's Map of Time

Page 82 of WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" gives us St Malachy's (or Nostradamus if you prefer to believe) prophecy of the 266th Pope and predicts "remarkable events" upon his election.  As I've offered many times, Mr. Gann knew full well that the 266th Pope would not be elected for decades after the publication of TTTTA and decades after Mr. Gann's death.  Doesn't take a rocket scientist or a prophet to make that prediction in 1927 given that the number of the Pope in 1927 was number 259, Pope Pius XI.

Obviously, the message of that page and pages 83 and 84 are meant for the age of the 266th Pope which is widely recognized as Pope Francis (there are discrepancies in counts concerning anti Popes), elected in 2013.  Mr. Gann gives us St Malachy's description of the 266th Pope:

"Fides Intrepida, which means---"Unwavering Faith…."  Would we expect the 266th Pope to embrace the words "unwavering faith?"  Is Pope Francis winking at us when he gives us:

It would be hard to attend church for a significant number of Sunday's and not encounter the phrase and Psalms 3:5-6 as the subject of a sermon.  Yet, I found it oddly timely.

After all, 2014 is the 82nd year after the mid point the 168-year cycle or July 1, 1932.  Restated, we find the consensus 266th Pope uttering "Unwavering faith" in the 82nd year of the ascension from the mid point of the WD Gann Map of Time and find that same description on the 82nd page of TTTTA.  82 years between the notations.

Did Mr. Gann know and arrange his book to create this….synchronicity?

9/23/15 addendum.  How I forgot, I don't know.  The date September 29, 1922 was an intentional plant.  The "New York American" article of that date was, in reality, found in the Brookly Daily News on that date and discussed the St Malachy prophecy.  And, aside form providing us insight into the 'modus operandi' of Mr. Gann's elaborate encoding of TTTTA, what further insight is this link providing?  Count the pages of that daily paper on that date.  82 pages.  I made that count in the following essay found HERE.  

Jim Ross

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