Moreover, the GMT is contrived (alternately, Mr. Gann identified the facts as they already existed) to demonstrate that space and time are inverted. The longest distance leg of the GMT is the shortest time leg and vice versa.
Now, how do we identify the mathematic relation between time and space, at least in the GMT? Two additional concepts of inversion is necessary.
Take the legs of the GMT in distance (e.g. space) and they form 90-55-35 right triangle shown above. Now square the sides of the triangle and you get a straight line:
Side A to B plus side C to A exactly equals side B to C or 30 + 15 = 45. We have a straight line.
Now take time. Time in the GMT might be conceived as a straight line because the time from side A to B plus side B to C is equal to the exact time of side C to A or 46 + 23 = 69. If we take the square root of those sides, the straight line becomes a 90-55-35 right triangle:
Isn't that funny how the triangle of space becomes the straight line and the straight line of time becomes the right triangle? Separated by an exponential operation (squaring distance or taking the square root of time), we have the 90-55-35 right triangle representing BOTH space and time. I have previously named this triangle the WD Gann Exponential Triangle or "GET." [9/28/15. Divide a line into two segments giving you the original line and the two segments. Take their square root and compute the angles of the resulting triangle. It will be a right triangle.]
But that is our trouble. We perceive space and time as separate concepts when in reality they "do not have independent existences." They are inverse according to an exponent relation as will be demonstrated below.
But first, one more concept; a Biblical concept of order from page 78 of "The Tunnel Thru the Air:"
There is also the concept of the lesser becoming the greater and the greater becoming the lesser as Jesus descended to our level and we should stride to his greater level.
Space and time respond to an exponent but inversely according to a concept of mathematical order or, perhaps, reciprocity. Put it in one chart of the properties of the GMT and we find that each of the three legs of the GMT ARE EQUAL:
So elegant, so simple. Unifying space and time according to a squaring/root, ordered by the reciprocal of the smallest results in the three sides of the GMT becoming equal. I will not explain it further. Its something you either devote the time to ponder or you won't know it. Some things must be discovered even if laid out before you.
I have advanced (or I think I have) further than the above owing to TTTTA being a map of time. I am working on reconciling that map of space and time to the above mathematics of space and time. I have seen tangible evidence in TTTTA that the above is the guiding principle of TTTTA's map of time.
Still a work in "proving to myself." Once proven, I believe the work will demonstrate not only that Mr. Gann's knowledge predated the discoveries of Albert Einstein, but Mr. Gann had identified the working relations in special relativity that allowed him to predict events including but not limited to the stock market.
Jim Ross
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