Tuesday, September 15, 2015

2016 and the "Map of Time"

Conceptually, the "Map of Time" (MOT) that is created by the line properties of "The Tunnel Thru the Air" is proven, in my opinion, by the correlation it creates between the computed date of September 11, 2001 and the number of deaths that occurred on that date; both total deaths and deaths excluding the 19 terrorists.  Originally, the number of deaths was one off.  Since publishing a rough description of the MOT, I have found an error in the line mechanism that correlates with both measures of fatalities perfectly.  The error of one life is not gone.  That essay is found HERE.

Which is not to say the MOT is any where close to perfection.  I believe Mr. Gann contrived the August 30, 1932 date (the last date in TTTTA) only to create the correlation of 9/11/2001 and total deaths.  Other notable dates such as Pearl Harbor and others do not work.  What is missing is a better understanding of the geometric structure that has been formed, the correct dimension of the structure formed and the correct beginning point.

My still in progress research suggests the geometric structure formed is an isosceles triangle and the idealized time period is 168 years (which happens to be the Biblical hours in a week) and the correct beginning point.  I have, what I consider to be, substantial evidence of the former two items and some clues to the correct beginning point.  I'll forego discussing those items because the mathematic model is not complete enough to provide a level of accuracy of prediction which will prove itself.  The model is not proven to a granularity of a daily period.  On the other hand, I am having success with the model suggesting years in which comparable events occur.

But first, one observation regarding the number 168.  It is comprised of 2X2X2X3X7.  Alternately, we might comprise it as 2X12X7.  The numbers of 12 and 7 are striking to me, initially, because they are the reduction of the ratio of the number of pages of TTTTA (including title page, blank pages, back cover, etc.) and John Dee's Monas Heiroglyphica number or 432 / 252.  I have discussed these numbers extensively in this blog including HERE,  HERE, and HERE.  The observation is this.  The number 168 and the MOT would seem to be a map of the time of mankind and not the map of the time of the life of the USA.  To that conclusion I find the following math to be highly suggestive:

 2016 / 168 = 12.0000

The year 2016 divided by the 168 is the Biblically notable number and the number highly favored by Mr. Gann, 12.  Again, it would seem suggestive not of a period in the life of the USA but in the new life of mankind.

With the background of the MOT developed, the point of this post is otherwise not the nature of the MOT but a very preliminary prediction of the nature of the year 2016.  Indeed, we might be seeing the clouds occurring in current events in the US and Europe now.

There are three points to the isosceles triangle the comprises the MOT and which are highly suggestive; August 30, 1932 (the beginning point as presently configured based on the last date in TTTTA) is the point of the angle that is not equal to the other two equal angles.  The other two points will fall with the years 2016 and 1848.

If you will study the nature of 1848 and, particularly, the proliferation of national revolutions that swept through Europe, I would suggest this is the larger time frame suggestion of the MOT.

Previous to this time, I have presented suggestions of the character of 2016 which might be derived from possible clues that Mr. Gann might have left.  Perhaps they will prove correct.  But they were not based on a mechanism that has a provable link, however tenuous you might view it, to an event that has  occurred (the 9/11/2001 correlation in the MOT).  This "suggestion" would seem, at least to me, to have a far elevated level of gravity associated with it.

I hope I am wrong.

Jim Ross


  1. Jim,
    I know you like to compare 9/11 often, but one could argue that 8/6/1945 (13 yrs are 1932) was a much bigger event in world history, many more people died and the effect on the world, arguably more pronounced. Here the US perpetrated the act (in war) the opposite of 9/11 when the terrorists were at war with the US. Does that date come up?

  2. I agree, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were far bigger events. However, I believe Mr. Gann did not consider his ideas as ripe for the world until the age of the 266th Pope. And in that era, 9/11 would be the date most prominently recognized at this time.

    I've tried and tried to find a way that the MOT would confirm Pearl Harbor (12/6/1941) but I cannot find anything unique about the counterpart in 1923 or as otherwise apparent in the MOT. I am left with 9/11 as the proof of the MOT's concept. I believe 9/11 is just the 'taste' of the matter to keep the trail warm.
    9/11 and 2996 also appears in a contemporary fictional work that I have not, as yet named….it was that method that gave me the idea that perhaps the line numbers of TTTTA would perform a similar operation. And it did. When I search the author's first, last and middle name I find all three. The middle and last name, both long words, are found in the plain wording for TTTTA but the first name (a short but entirely unique name) as an acrostic. I haven't any doubt that 9/11 is the planted success in the MOT that proves the concept but it is not the final iteration of what needs to be done.

    What remains is competing the MOT at exactly 168 years and then finding the exact beginning date in time. I am convinced it is not August 30, 1932 and probably not July 4, 1932. I alluded to the beginning date; the beginning of the modern era of time… And the 12th cycle of 168 would have started, I currently believe, in 1932. Once the MOT is completed then its a matter of documenting the history repeating. Sounds to simple.

    That does not end it. The MOT would give the "curve of time" which relates to world events, not specific entities or persons. The next step would be relating the "curve of time" to the vibration unique to each entity or person. That's where Luo Clement and his "The Ancient Science of Numbers," who I have offered, is WD Gann.

    And still one further but separate research thread; the Einstein Editor who I also believe is Mr. Gann or his closely associated proxy. I believe he leaves clues to the math and physics that explains the mathematics of spacetime.

    Thanks for considering,



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