Friday, April 18, 2014

Grand Cross, DJIA and Gann angles

My ignorance of the Grand Cross neigh upon us had me scrambling today to find its correlation with markets.  And find I did.  It took me minutes to find an article that  pointed out the following:

In January 1934, we experienced a grand square between Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter in Aries, Cancer and Aries at 23 degrees of these cardinal signs.
It wasn’t a mainstream site but that didn’t matter….I didn’t get past the 1934.  It caught my imagination.  [I didn't replicate the astro chart but took the 1934 as given.]  Since I was also working on some Gann angles I thought I’d apply simple zero angles on the DJIA chart with an origin in 1934; 1X1, 1X2…   The specific date I picked out was February 5, 1934, the high for the year.
As I recall (the lines are long since erased) the 1X2, 1X3 and 1X4 intersected price in recent times, that is, 2000 to 2014.  But nothing to brag about; after all they had to end up somewhere.  
I’d done this several years ago with the August 1932 bottom and the 2000 top (I think those were the dates).  I inserted Phi somehow and the 1932 origin ended up intersecting the 2000 top.  I was also able to get to the 1987 top.  I’ve seen this done by others as well.
This time I decided to put a .618 step in a Gann 1X1 angle with origin of February 5, 1934.  Goodness, it’s a little more than 100 points above the current high in DJIA (see the blue arrow on the below chart).  I was a little “wow’d”, but not that much.  
But I kept pursuing it beyond this first kinda success.  I pulled out Bryce Gilmore’s handy appendix on key Sacred and geometric numbers and started popping some into 1X1 Gann angles.  The black arrows indicate where they end up and the Sacred or geometric number that was used.  Now that’s a big “wow” IMO:

Every high and low since September 1998.  Is 1998 significant?  I don't know but I am familiar with it.  Bradley Cowan marks that low as the beginning of the Pentagonal 17-year cycle that is in the process of resolving in the 2016-17 time frame.  About 3 years left in that cycle.  Hmmm, I seem to recall that 1929 was near the end of that particular 17-year cycle.  Perhaps 1934 was the mirror reverse of where the markets find themselves at this juncture?  Working backwards towards 1929?  Too much time on my hands.
Looking at the blue arrow….perhaps a higher high in DJIA forthcoming?  You weigh it.  They didn’t teach this stuff in CPA school.
Not much to report other than the 1934 and 2014 grand cross events are apparently connected by more than just the planets.  Both vibrate with the underlying geometry that rules them both.  Perhaps “as above, so below” is only half the story?  Maybe 'as below, so above?'  Is the independent variable the perfect geometry and the ‘above’ and the ‘below’ are dependent co variants?  
Have a blessed Easter.


1 comment:

  1. BTW, all of the above works with SPX using the earliest date for its having been published. Simply Yahoo's first date of 1/3/1950. Wikipedia says that SPX official date was 3/4/1957, but the S&P has been around a lot longer. And 3/4/957 does not produce the results that 1/3/1950 produces. Hard to consider either a natal or first trade type date for an index in this case.



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