Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Refined target top in QQQ and reflection on Plummer’s “The Law of Vibration”

Pretty much the same price and timing that was derived in several essays on ending diagonal triangles; 94.73 on May 14, 2014.  Just a few of a multitude of interesting geometries created by that projection.

This newest look is inspired by a first reading of Tony Plummer’s “The Law of Vibration; The Revelation of William D. Gann.”  The title is a bit misleading because Plummer derives several insights by first exploring and reconciling hidden information in Gann’s work, George I. Guedjieff’s “Beelzibub’s Tales” and Chapter 12 of St. Mathews Gospel.  Plummer creates the argument that each of the above created hidden records of their understanding of Fibonacci, the Law of Three, the Law of Seven, the diatonic scale, etc.  I do not believe Plummer believes he revealed an actionable secret out of his work.  But documenting the methods of concealing information he revealed was an incredible bunch of heavy lifting.  This is a book of documentation and not a ‘how to’ book IMO.  Many years ago I read the James Smithson review of the book and, unfortunately, I did not then read it.  I find Smithson's review curious.

In chapter 13, Plummer uses Gann’s method of drawing squares to evaluate his derivation of the similar patterns of energy waves of the three subjects (Gann, Guedjieff and St. Timothy).   Plummer created a Golden Rectangle to encapsulate the first portions of an energy pattern and used it as a basis to project the end of the second portion of the pattern using the 45* angle.  All three worked out pretty close thus demonstrating their similarity.  I’ve got to take his word that he proved what he says he proved because there isn’t a way for me to learn gematria or count pages and paragraphs in TTTA.
So, here’s what I put together to section the limited history of QQQs into logical sections that can arguably fit the energy patterns Plummer describes:
The entire history of QQQs is subdivided into 6 rectangles, only 3 of which have price activity.  If you have a background in Plummer and the wave form he is suggesting in this book (not the Plummer pulse wave but the derivation of the waves in this book), please do not try to fit it to the above chart.  Rather, I’ve sectioned the chart based on QQQs natal date, the 2002 low, the 2009 closing low and the projected top.  I believe I could argue the subject wave form could be fitted to those three market sections, but that’s not worth the time to consider.
Two points before we part with the chart.  First, this is not the way Plummer constructed his Golden Rectangles in Chapter 13.  It’s simply a logical fitting based on extreme price.  Plummer does not describe the following math work I’ve put together.  Plummer does not compute areas.  It is de novo.  Second, that red zero line crisscrossing the chart; it is a slope of 2.236 cents X 1.  That is based on what I have identified as the ‘initial vibration’ in QQQs.  On March 24, 1999, QQQs recorded its first extreme bottom at 48.50.  One year later to the day QQQs recorded its all time high at  120.50 on March 24, 2000.  That 72 points in one year or one fifth of the circle; hence, the square root of five.  The fit from the 10/10/2002 origin to the present highs is incredible.
Now here’s the math supporting the areas of 6 rectangles and the total rectangle as derived from the above chart:
Being an accountant, I computed the area (time X price) of the entire history of QQQs (ALCJ), broke down every rectangle in that larger rectangle into 6 component rectangles and then reconciled the areas of the components to the whole.  The 3 rectangles having price activity are highlighted in yellow above.  They are ABCD, EFDG and KIGJ.  Here are just a couple more of the statistics that may be derived:
The areas appear to be structurally related IMO.
That’s as far as I go.  The rabbit hole goes far far deeper.  IF the projection as suggested substantially occurs in the dollar amount (94.73) and timing (May 14, 2014), further investigation is clearly warranted.
So that you don’t have to go back and find the expanding ending diagonal triangle for QQQs that originally came up with a higher high in the second week of May in the 94 area, here it is:
There are traditional contracting EDTs in DJIA and SPX that are included in the related essays.  The QQQs EDT might well be a 4th wave expanding triangle with a 5th wave currently in progress.

1 comment:

  1. A bit further down the rabbit hole we take the reciprocal of the percentage of the 6 rectangles (the % column) and place it in the green highlighted column. And it adds up to:

    45. And what was Gann's favorite angle?



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