Pre Flash Crash 4/26/2010 top with the one-day wonder occurring 5/6/2010. Here's a possible Spiral Calendar connection to 2014.
The direct application of Spiral Calendar intervals (an interval is the square root of each Fibonacci number multiplied by the synodic lunar month) is pretty much what the herd does. Take a great pivot date, say March 24, 2000 and add several of the intervals to guess at a future pivot you "like." If you triangulate two or more historic pivot dates to one future date you have an enhanced likelihood of success.
But if you read carefully in one of Carolan's itemized lists that I've footnoted on this blog before, you will find that a spiral can be anchored to any Golden Section between two pivot dates. Of course, a Golden Section is most often thought of as .618 and .382. But what about .5 and .5? Yup, IMO. I believe Carolan shows an example of the .5 and .5 section as an anchor.
To get to the point, take the 15th SC interval which is 729.34 days (the square root of the 15th Fib number of 610 X 29.53) and add it to the final highest high before the Flash Crash which was 4/26/2010 and you get 4/24/2012. That date was the first wave bottom of the 2012 panic….exactly. Coincidence? Not for a Carolanophile.
Now add another 729 calendar days and you arrive at 4/23/2014. I'm sure it doesn't escape anyone that we're dealing in nearly exactly equal bi annual increments? And is the Sun cycle an important cycle?
Simply a date of interest connecting two important pivots to 2014. If I had the time I might try to "triangulate" it with other important dates. But combined with the astro configuration described in the essay "Looking back 100 years", the Gann eclipse method Sun longitude crossing on 4/23/2014 and the forthcoming 2nd eclipse on 4/29/2014 perhaps its all the more interesting?
What was it Gann said about halfway points? Now strengthen those halfway points by correlating them with the annual solar cycle, the synodic lunar cycle and the Fibonacci series. Again, April 23 is not "triangulated" with another confirming SC interval application, but it sure looks interesting for something.
Re reading Carolan, I'm not sure this qualifies as his Golden Section method. Actually, I think it is not. Ultimately, if April 23, 2014 is an important pivot, then April 24, 2012 would be the Golden Section anchor date from which one might apply SC intervals to derive future dates. Again, April 23, 2014 is an interesting and unconfirmed date that has a Spiral Calendar relation to the 2012 date.
ReplyDeleteAlas, I thought I had something of more critical importance.