My working life has been spent in numbers, first in a then "Big Eight" CPA firm, reconciling subsidiary lists to ledgers, tracing back to numbers appearing on invoices and original documents, finding differences and reconciling to find truth between them. Clear numbers; a right and wrong, either it "is" or it "isn't." Later it became reconciling between footnotes and basic financial statements and then it became testing assertions in SEC documents, 8Ks, MD&A in 10Ks, due diligence letters, all summarized in accountant's opinions on "fairness" or "negative comfort." Each step along the career became one step removed from "is" and one step further into "kinda."
When I see numbers like this, I cannot but question the "scientific" Gaussian view of randomness:
The above numeric synchronicity cannot happen. It's the "is" not the "kinda."
The final proof. "Proof" is vastly overstating the trail of supposed evidence; but it will be a compelling "story." Each of the three proofs I've offered begins with the obvious or the clarity of "is" and declines to the some level of "kinda." The "kinda" proof is, well, "kinda" like Marie's letter, "According to your faith be I unto you."
Jonah or Jonas, page 69 of WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air." I hope I present the
apparent paradox which I identify. Others have mistaken (as I did) the apparent misspelling of Jonah(s) on
page 69 and have been corrected by persons of far greater understanding of the translation of Hebrew and Greek. Now corrected, we realize it was not a misspelling and is a proper presentation of the literal name the "Book of Jona
h," and the better translation of the man, Jona
s. A distinction without a difference for a vast majority of readers who haven't a clue of the distinction. Were it me writing TTTTA and knowing the distinction, I'd opt to present only Jonah and suffer any scholarly criticism. Why would Mr. Gann, who apparently absent minded-ly (if you believe that) misspelled/missused "Mammouth," "clew," "great
y City of Chicago," care about the distinction of Jonah versus Jonas? In my opinion, Mr. Gann intended to create the apparent paradox not to demonstrate his command of Biblical knowledge to scholars, but attract the attention of the "others" among us. Why the
apparent paradox, then?
If true, then obviously to call attention to something to be considered and pondered. Jonah, which evaluates by Pythagorean values to 5, is spelled once on page 69, and Jonas, which is 3, is spelled three times. Jonas wins 3 to 1. We can find much meaning in "...three days and three nights..." but I'm not qualified and much has been written there. As conditioned at this point, I read the pages 33, 35, 333, 353 and land on page 53. 53, the middle width angle of the Pythagorean 345 triangle and meaningful to Pythagoreans, Rosicrucians, Masons and other orders. Page 53 puts me amid the curiously included Chapter V, near wholly comprised of Ezekiel prophetic scripture. It places the reader
after Ezekiel 8:1 from which the the date
June 9, 2016 was derived; the date that was interpreted as predicting an earthquake in Los Angeles. Again, wrong on magnitude, a 5.2M earthquake hit Borrego Springs (about 151 miles southeast of LA) but very close to the day. It was four minutes after midnight PST on June 10...4 minutes off by my calculation from UCT to PDT to PST. And the strongest earthquake to hit the 48 states since 2014.
The text of Chapter V beginning on page 53 holds a lot of meaning depending on your particular search. From where my search begins, I'm particularly sensitive, err fixated, on disasters from my previous work. Among the other things we find in those pages, Ezekiel's description of the beast of fours, the righteous three men, prophecy against the south field, judgement in the place of nativity, and....Ezekiel 33:21 and 33:...I freeze:
I find on 33:21 and
33:33. The numbers pull me in. The narrative, "
The City is smitten." The date, "tenth month" fits but the "fifth day" does not. A number to be reconciled or one that disputes propositions already on the table. I continue reading, the four winds, write upon and join the sticks to one, a great
shaking in the land, a
place for graves in Gog, the gate that "looketh toward the east," "came to destroy the city," "
noise of many waters," "ashamed of their inequities," July 15, 1932....I freeze.
Where did yesterday's essay end? At the number 84. 84 years from Robert's July 15, 1932 above is July 15, 2016 and the Bastille Day Massacre where 84 people were slaughtered. I continue reading, return the inheritance of liberty to the prince, Ezekiel 46:17:
Return the inheritance, and I keep reading "it was a river I could not pass over," "these waters issue out toward the east country, and go down into the desert" and I fix on Ezekiel 47:8 describing from where the waters emanate and to where they lead:
From west to the desert, and further reading, "that everything that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever, the rivers shall come shall live... because these waters shall come thither; for they shall be healed," and the last citation, Ezekiel 48:14, 15:
If you've struggled through the above you've paid your dues for the next section in advance, "raw final message." My several early readings Chapter V formed an "ignore this" rant. In my present frame of mind, its all essential to the "message." An interim recap:
- "The City is smitten,"
- a great shaking,
- a place to bury vast numbers of dead,
- return the inheritance of liberty to the Prince,
- a river that could not be passed emanating from the west flowing to the desert in the west,
- that where the river goes so that which lives in the waters thrives and the land is healed.
A theme of scripture cut out of scripture.
And the proof, weak as it is, is the numbers in that final cutting of scripture; Ezekiel 48:15. Finally I have numbers to evaluate, albeit taken out of context. The context is the land is apportioned among the tribes measured in units. "Five thousand that are left in the breadth over against the five and twenty thousand." The context of land/distance measurement is simply not there. Mr. Gann did not produce the verses that give that context. Why? Absent that context and given the theme of the smitten City, death, a river that cannot be passed emanating from west to the desert in the east....what are we to make of the numbers 5,000 and 520,000. A population that is reduced from 520,000 to 5,000 perhaps?
If so, how can we identify that population? What Pacific Coast city has 520,000? ...or, perhaps 520,000 X Phi? 841,460?
Might the population of San Francisco have grown since 2013, to...841,000? A weak but dramatic proof. The lingering question; only 5000 left in the breadth? "The City is smitten." How many perished?
The final message. The above story in scripture is the color of the message but how do we know the all important intent of the message. Did Mr. Gann intend this interpretation and its prediction?
Some background needs to be recalled from previous essays. Mr. Gann's gravestone is 30"X30"X8" yielding 30X8=240, WD and Sadie Gann living a combined 130 years, and the difference of 240 minus 110 years. 1776, the year of founding plus 240 is 2016. 1886, the year the Statue of Liberty is dedicated plus 130 years is 2016. And the year of the Country's greatest natural disaster plus 110 years is 2016. Did Sadie Gann and WD Gann die at 53 and 77 years respectively in order to create the such a mathematic synchronicity?
What a delusional question to ask!!! You decide. What did we find the anagram of the words on Mr. and Mrs. Gann's gravestone to be?
"A shaman died willing - Gann." Every letter used, no letters added. 53 and 77 years, notable if not startling numbers individually, or a combined life span of 130 years; did WD and Sadie Gann pass when they intended? The above would suggest so, in my unscientific, un-random biased view.
Assuming their intentional sacrifice to create a final and important message, what might that final message be? Well, the bulleted "theme" above is a starting point. A great disaster involving waters from west to the desert in the east, massive casualties, chaos, three weeks before the Presidential elections in 2016. We found a relevant message in none other than the title of TTTTA. The plainest in sight location, the inside title page of the book. Its a message a very few people take seriously, but some do. As I read it, I see an error, as frequently I find when I re-read my work. The error, itself, has a meaning (other than for you to test my work). I incorrectly spelled "Barrack" with two "r"s. Shame on readers for not alerting me. The corrected anagram:

A dangling unused "9" at the end freed up because of my error. If this were intended by or,acceptable to Mr. Gann, what's the rationale for that extra letter? Its the second identification of the President in the anagram. According to
Luo Clement (who is WD Gann, IMO), the
name number is the Pythagorean equivalent of the
first name. And "Barack" enumerates to 9, correctly spelled that is. He is identified twice in the anagram, once by name, once by number; as if to say "Yes, that is who I mean." The early 1900s equivalent of our now so eloquent "Duh."
I'll not utter the message of the anagram. Your quarrel is not with me but with that which is printed on the inside title page of TTTTA. Argue with the mathematics of the previous two anagrams using the Gaussian god of statistical method...which, even with its defect, will not support you. Yes, you can spell a vast number of anagrams out of that many letters; go right ahead. Find the subset that gives you an intelligible message. And now find the subset that make sense out of the already developed prediction. Now find both anagrams that provide a continuous theme. One is above.
Now, elaborate the gravestone mathematics and scripture to form the obvious message... something like this; "In the 240th year since the Country's establishment, 2016, a great disaster will occur, one repeating that which occurred 110 years before, and which will create chaos, resulting in the liberty, represented by the Statue of Liberty dedicated 130 years ago and granted under God will be won by a new king."
Triple down with a third anagram that must make sense with the anagram of "Knowing." So, how do I know the above is
"the message?" "Knowing," the anagram of of the movie, "Knowing:"
King now.
So as WD Gann appears to be the completion of Francis Bacon according to numbers, so "Knowing" appears to be the literal completion of the prophecy of "The Tunnel Thru the Air."
These days we talk about "creative destruction" as if a new concept, but so few things are new. Hermes Trismegistus, reflected in the "Kybalion," is said to have taught the "Principle of Polarity" which dictates that opposites are of the same thing; they differ only by degree. Heat and cold, light and dark...all of the same nature but differing by degree, by measurement. Evil can be translated to good by application of the "Principle of Polarity"
....destruction results in creation. Where new rivers go, the occupied land is displaced, taken back from the occupant by the Prince, the land is healed and teams with the fish and creatures. We naively say we "destroy to create" to show our instinctive understanding, but will that understanding predominate should events implied by these essays of the October 19, 2016 series come to pass?
The lamentation of WD Gann on page 130:
Today is the 84th day preceding October 15, 2016 the first of three events. And October 15, 2016 reduces to 7. And you find the first essay of this series is 777, which you also find to be the prominent
identification of WD Gann and Lord Francis Bacon. 84 days to consider the evidence, agree to or deny the conclusions and prepare. Your choice.
Jim Ross
PS- I hate to re-read my work for all the errors I find ranging from irrelevant typos, poor expressions, word usage. Vanity, obsessiveness, self consciousness. I do edit a lot but the progress you make in study in impeded by the work done to perfect something that doesn't help your progress. I hope my work helps others. I shouldn't stress over the perfection so, once published, I try not to go back. Just forward. Which emphasizes one of two thoughts for any reader. First, you need to test my work and conclusions....obviously.
Second, I believe learning and believing the truth of a thing is inverse to effort. The 20-80, 10-90 or whatever version of the rule indicates with 20% of the effort you can accomplish 80% of the goal. Perfection costs in terms of the value of time. I find learning to be the opposite in theory. To achieve 20% of the goal you must spend multiples of time in terms of the effort. You have to struggle with the questions. And Mr. Gann makes us struggle mightily. There aren't any answers of deep value that can be achieved without your own work. A teacher can only lead. The student has to do the work themselves. It cannot be any other way....of course, in my opinion.
WD Gann "Map of Time" is available for free download. You can download it and replicate everything I've done and more.