Monday, January 1, 2018

The final days of the New Atlantis, the time of greatest need

I've read Lord Francis Bacon believed North America would be his "New Atlantis."  I expect it is hard to tell from that book, thought to have been unfinished and one of his last.

Not in uncertain terms I've read WD Gann providing his testimony that he 'saw' the first Atlantis through his mastery of time.  A great civilization that 'descended' without indisputable remnants as proof of its existence.

I find in "The Tunnel Thru the Air" indications that the substance of the spirit of the United States ended in 2016, the last year of the 168-year WD Gann "Map of Time:"
  • As 168 years before, when socialist revolutionaries, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels inspired the "1848 Year of Revolutions" in Europe, we see the first socialist credibly run for President and a generation of Americans, the "Millennial's, largely ignorant of or unimpressed by the horrors that socialism wrought under Hitler, Stalin, Mao and others.
  • That the highest per capita income counties of the nation are suburbs of Washington DC suggests the government is no longer 'of the people' but an unaccountable aristocracy.
  • That the highest law enforcement agency's highest officers would adopt 'insurance' against the possibility of a political candidate, contrary to their views, winning the Presidency might occur.
  • That half the public and growing is dependent, be they the retirees, the welfare recipients or the government employees, on government at the cost of the minority destines that the government will increasingly oppress the minority - the often misattributed but popular sentiment "The United States will fail when the politicians learn they can purchase votes out of the public coffers." 
  • That a startling hallmark of the 2016 primary was the two Democrat primary finalists offering competing plans to provide free college education
So I am out of the closet, a very conservative person.  But whether I am on the right side or the wrong side of history, that is not the point.

The themes are these; 168 years ago socialism and revolution.  Its Ayn Rand's 'slavery to the common good.'  Its the William Bradford's first failed experiment in Plymouth Colony.  And revolution; the bizarre direction of social momentum; the death of a video taped street thug, romantically, and incorrectly, thought to have been holding up his hands when shot by a law officer spawns the "hands up don't shoot" Black Lives Matter.  And how I and my generation to believe hard work, persistence and effort will create success has morphed into the Millennial's "You didn't build that" or "diversity is the cause of US greatness."  A country that had heros now reduced to the point that, again as Ayn Rand observed, victims who complain the loudest reap the most of the socialist state.

And, in 2016 I crisply see both the seeds of both socialism and revolution.  "Looking back" from years in the future, my imagination draws the bright line on 2016.  The path of the Country's descension into socialism and chaos, into Emah, is, to me, very clear.

From the Declaration of Independence to the year 2028AD there are 252 years; the 'philosopher stone' number of John Dee and one tenth the prophetic Biblical Great Week.  As well, I demonstrated that year reckons from the birth of Christ by the net of one Biblical Great Week (2520 years) and one period of Daniel (Dan 9:24-27, 490 years).

And I've traced the path WD Gann encoded into "The Tunnel Thru the Air" that seems to point to 2028 and that same descension into 'Emah.'  

  • The world is one EMP (electro magnetic pulse) away from partial or complete destruction of its international communication backbone, the Internet...  One fiscal default or bond market refusal to refinance the Nation's debt...  One S&P/Moody's debt downgrade.
  • People have never been more dependent on communication coordinated, "just in time" delivery of food.
Think about it. What if those dependent on government could not receive their electronic allowance on their EBT card (Electronic Benefit Transfer).   Worse, what if the Internet were disabled, "next in time" distributor to store food shipments impaired, card-enabled gas pumps disabled....

What would the people of the cities do?  Emah, is what I believe WD Gann saw.

There are many root disasters that might result in a geometrically if not exponentially worse catastrophe.  That's the nature of leverage.  It could be as natural as a great earthquake or as predictable as an ultimate day of reckoning of $20 trillion of national debt and the unseen $80 trillion of unfunded national entitlement promises.  An exquisitely, diabolically interdependent society, many generations removed from the can they cope?  Emah.  The only missing ingredients are the "tipping point," and the rapid reversal of the leverage will occur.  And.... the "when."

*** ***

The conclusion is obvious; though entirely doubtable by those who choose to doubt.

Out of this three-year journey, I've concluded the spirit of a person or thing is perpetual.  It might not seem much for those already so oriented, but its a great personal evolution for me.  That the end is always a new beginning.  And from whatever the future befalls this, the second of only two nations founded "under God," there will be a future.

As well, I believe WD Gann saw that future in the greatest detail, whatever it might be, and did his part to provide a means to bridge what is now to what is to be.  He left a great invention for the time in which the need would be the greatest.

Jim Ross

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