Thursday, January 11, 2018

Debriefing - the circumference of the "Circle of Time"

Where I stand with the predictions, how I evaluate the first of the three and what sense is to me made.

The three predictions:

1) The highest high of DJIA will have occurred when it prints a high equal to the "true theoretic equatorial circumference" of Earth plus 386 points (the top intraday price on September 3, 1929).  The high, thought to have occurred at 1:28pm January 8, will be the highest and final high of the 2009, 1932 and 1896 bull markets, never to be exceeded again,

2) a secondary high will be reached on Friday, July 13, 2018 very close to if not touching 24861, and

3) a "wave 1" crash will occur on about February 22, 2018.

Three important points.

First- the "Circle of Time."  The first prediction is actually #2 above, that a high would occur on July 12 that was later modified to July 13.  That prediction was based on time since July 8, 1932.  Then a second prediction was made, #1 above, based upon the spacial displacement that has occurred since September 3, 1929 and the supposed known value of the earth's equatorial circumference plus the value of the DJIA on that date of the 386 high that day.  The third prediction is a crash for February 22 based entirely on subjective "clues."

Let's see where we stand with #1 above.  It is wrong, but there's information to be gleaned.  Baring another high in the DJIA, that I do not believe will ever occur, there's immense information to be had.    What is the true circumference of the circle that creates time?  

Pending another high in the DJIA, I know that answer.  It is not the popular and largely consensus view of 'science' that it is 24901 miles.  That number, as I've mentioned, was first calculated 2200 years ago by Eratosthenes of Cyrene, by fixing on a distant celestial body and determining its position over a period of time compared to a known distance on Earth.  Science has since refined the methods using increasingly greater technology and more sophisticated assumptions regarding Earth's topology to come up with a calculated circumference, arguably, the same as that of Eratosthenes.

The answer is based purely on math and repetition of history in WD Gann's laboratory of the DJIA.  The 'circle of time,' and therefore the equatorial circumference of earth is the DJIA top at 1:59pm on January 9, 2018.  WD Gann knew that number because it is essential to predict the future.  I will provide the proof in the next section.

Second-WD Gann knew the "true theoretic" equatorial circumference of Earth, as I've named it "the Circle of Time."  He proved it in the "Map of Time (MOT)" that I have converted to the "Weekly Map of Time WMOT."  Let's start at the end, namely my speculation #1 that was wrong, that the high would occur January 8, 2018 and 1:28pm.  Wrong.  I couldn't figure or predict that without first knowing the circumference of the "circle of time" or the nature of the WMOT.  So that prediction was destined to be wrong.  Now I know and the WMOT knew it before we did.

Here's the record proving the WMOT. Taking the second and lesser data point first; I predicted, based on the WMOT, that the top would happen at January 10, 2018, 10:43am.  What happened, in real time, was a clear pivot within one four-minute cycle.  Look at a snapshot of the 1-minute DJIA here.  Now look at the WMOT:

The "IP" acrostic, where the left arrow is pointing, is PI inverted. PI is inverted because the time frame appears ascending on the right side of the WMOT where the right most arrow points.  And you see the time, January 10, 2018 10.43am which I'd incorrectly and feverishly identified at the indicated top based on perceived, and false, subjective messages in the WMOT.  We saw the error unfold in real time.  But the error otherwise proved the WMOT was accurate to within 4 minutes.

The second data point; what I presently believe is and will always be the highest high in the DJIA.  Here is the WMOT prediction:

Above, the WMOT predicted that at 1:59pm on January 9, 2018 there would be a pivot.  There was:

On the 1-minute chart, the present all-time-high which I believe will be the final all-time-high, occurred exactly when the WMOT indicated a pivot would occur.

No, the WMOT did not say it would be the ATH, I say that based on my subjective belief.  WD Gann created the WMOT more than 90 years ago and mathematically it will tell us where pivots occur to an accuracy of 4 minutes.

I'm offering two of perhaps six data points (not a lot of data points to date) that I have that document WD Gann's and his invention, the MOT and WMOT, that prove the assertion....something many people witnessed in real-time.

Pending any further highs, the "true theoretic" equatorial circumference of Earth is 25439.78 (above insert) minus 386.10 (top print September 3, 1929) or 25053.68.  It is the 'Circle of Time' for purposes of reckoning time in WD Gann's cosmology...  Of course, pending any other highs.

Third, and next to the greatest in importance, we have preliminary evidence the WMOT works.  Its limitation is it provides only a few of the pivots to the DJIA in any given week.  Still, putting WD Gann's invented "timepieces" on an evolutionary scale, it is the most evolved.  I'd say the Square of 9, which I've read he carried with him on the NYSE floor, would be one step lower, the Financial Timetable a step lower, the various rules of trading including the 45* angle that divides time and space.

Different timepieces for any range of market student ranging from the materialistic and expedient to the inquiring and dedicated; "milk for the weak, meat for the strong."

The only timepiece of greater understanding would be the divine mathematics that underpins all of the lesser ones and governs the fates of "people, nations and stocks."

[The "Map of Time," from which the WMOT has been mathematically and logically derived has been available for free download for two years HERE.  I do not intend on providing the WMOT.]

*** ***

I said "next to the greatest in importance" for a reason.  The most important implication of the circumference of the "Circle of Time" is that "modern science" will never discover the divine mathematics without the parameter, the "true theoretic" equatorial circumference of Earth.  As long as "scientists" dwell on impossible to determine assumptions of such things as the swell of oceans affecting the measurement of its circumference, they will be unable to recreate, to mathematic perfection, the relation of time and space.  Measurement technology is not the key.  What we "see" lies to us, just as the perceived messages lie to me (as WD Gann intended).

The key is purely theoretic space and time measurement.  It will be found in WD Gann's 'laboratory,' where the Biblical principle that history repeats and the theoretic structure of time and space, arbitrated by the Kepler triangle, are synthesized into a workable and provable "understanding."

And the circumference of the "Circle of Time," pending any further high as may or may not occur (DJIA is very close to the January 9 top), is the first step in defining that measurement and divine math.

Why did I really write this self-gratifying rehash this morning?  It started out with a realization I had between sleep and waking this morning; if WD Gann articulated the WMOT with "Pi" and its aberrations (Ip, etc.) to signify measurement of space that defines time pivots, did he include time measurements as well?  Duh, I know he did; now to figure out which of the oft recurring encoded markers are that measurement marker?  What is the marker that signifies time and therefore defines price?

I've repeatedly resolved to stop writing to work towards my own ends (although I'm confused as to whether this research and writing is my "ends"); I just don't see this devotion of time continuing.

Jim Ross
January 11, 2018 or reduced, 1/11/11

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