Saturday, January 27, 2018

It is the Torah Code, stupid

The second grader stands up and waves his hand frantically, "I know the answer..."  Sometimes he's right, sometimes he's wrong.

Early on, when I discovered the encoding of the acrostics/telestic messages, someone asked if WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" has encoded in it the Torah Code.  How fantastic was that?  And of course, the pragmatist and semi agnostic I was...and naive... I said 'no.'  Vainly, I thought, if I said 'yes' the social media would label me the fool.  Nevertheless, I wasn't comfortable with the professed 'no' and I plodded forward, never admitting, the answer, as I now know, is 'yes.'

It is WD Gann's rendering of the Torah Code.  I'll start with a suggestion I found and about which I've previously written:

"Torah" highlighted in red and "Code" in blue.  Torah in vertically contiguous letters, "Code" in a perfectly sequenced geometric pattern.

Is WD Gann playing a game with some unsuspecting semi believer?  Surely, its a mortal concoction designed to entrance the unsuspecting chicken whose beak is trained on the straight line it straddles.

No, it is not just a mortal, as we know it, concoction.  I've decoded dozens of messages that are the real thing and there is a mathematic path to decoding the future.  The mathematic paths lead to prophecy.  It is apparent to me the whole exercise in TTTTA is a seeming never ending enigma designed to teach, by mystery and repetition, the 'tao,' the path, the Code.  There are real prophecies in TTTTA.  And I expect the same path methodology will be found in the Torah.

I've given dozens of examples of the mathematic referencing of the path.  One very easy to understand example is "Sal Khan."  I won't recount it.  For a person not at my stage of believing, it is simply a bizarre "coincidence."  To me, and anyone who understands statistical inference, it cannot be coincidence; its too far out on the "fat tail" of the normal distribution.

Instead I'll appeal to the non-believer's thought that this crafty rich guy, WD Gann, sat around trying to cook up brain teasers for some accountant who might find them ten decades after TTTTA was published; "Spooky Jim" to dredge up the characterization of Fox Mulder.  Let's journey through a non-spooky "in plain sight" Torah Code mechanic.  We start with a near clean slate:

Most "Gann experts," probably only me actually, would recognize the above by heart; it is the Foreword to TTTTA.  In red are the statistically impossible 6 consecutive e's in supposed random text.  In tan is the month and day of my birth.  In yellow is the incredible claim that TTTTA is based, in part, on factual events that have not occurred.  I testify to that assertion and have documented many verifiable occurrences of such.  There are at least as many I have discovered and not documented.

Do you see any words in plain sight?  Its a theme I've come to completely accept but not seen asserted.  A feeling I've put into words many times but hadn't Mr. Gann's assertion to add comfort that I was on the right track.  It is the feeling of predetermination, of fate.

Here are those two words, or at least, their skeleton in plain sight.  Don't just "see," "observe:"

We have FATE in green highlight, though not vertically contiguous letters and DETER__NED in tan letters with a break around a seeming misplaced L that is in blue.  If Mr. Gann were trying to spell those two words, he must've really screwed up.  Or did he.  Deeper, find more words.

Also in plain sight, the word "LOCATE" with every letter present.  The letters are borrowed from "FATE" but they are in plain sight.  And there's the letter "Y" in yellow.  Connecting the dots, the phrase is:


This comes to me after already decoding portions of TTTTA that have indicated to me my fate.  Oh, not the day I will die, but the nature of the next decade of my life.  I have no doubt the date of my death is there, but there's a lot to be done in the interim.  Death is not a factor.

So where are the missing letters.  The M and I of "DETERMINED" and the O, U and R of "YOUR?"  That's the mathematic path of the WD Gann "Map of Time."  Reverse order, let's find the OUR then tackle the MI.

To find the O and R I commandeer them from those many letters already used.  In the below, I re color those previous letters to yellow.  To find the U I look to the range of descending chapter line numbers that I have outlined in a bold box on the left of the below insert.  I draw that same dimension box over the ascending chapter line numbers and I expect to find the U and I do.  I find it on ascending chapter line number 25 and I put the U in yellow highlight.

To find the I you can look for it as a telestic letter in the range of ascending chapter line numbers that was "boxed" in the above or you can look for it as an acrostic.  The U was the telestic that we found right next to the box.  The I is simply the first letter of ascending chapter line number 41 and I put an blue arrow pointing to it and I highlighted it tan above.

I can get to the I in a second way.  Where did the word "DETERMINED" break into two fragments?  On ascending chapter line number 41.  I've put a red arrow pointing to line 41 number above.  Now look for descending chapter line number 41.  Its the blue arrow that pointing to 41 and the I.

Which leaves finding the M of DETERMINED.  In my thinking, the proof of the entire phrase lies in my finding the perfect mathematic path to the M.

The math must perfectly lead me to the M.  I'll extend the path we are already on, where the blue arrow is pointing.  We are on ascending chapter line 41 and I'll read across that row to cumulative line number 15260.  I put a yellow arrow pointing to that line number.  Now I'll look for descending line number 15260 which is only 81 lines from the last line of the book.  Here's what I find:

And what I don't find.  I highlighted the entire line 15260 in yellow and the acrostic and telestic letters are I and U.  I do not find an m.

Failure, but there is yet one leg of the path yet to be followed.  I've placed the blue arrow on it.  It is ascending line number 39.  The M must be on that line number.  It must be there.  Here is that line with a blue arrow pointing to ascending line number 39:

Failure.  No other way than to say it, mathematic failure.  I wanted to find the final missing M perfectly on the mathematic path to confirm the entirety of the phrase "LOCATE YOUR PREDETERMINED FATE."

But with, on chapter ascending line 38, there is an M.  Could it be that I have enumerated the 15341 lines of TTTTA incorrectly by 1 line?  Sure.  I don't think so, but sure, it is possible.

Or is it possible we have both confirmation and an enigma?

*** ***

So it was, I slept on it and I arose with two answers.  First, that providing the method of the WD Gann's Torah Code I am not disclosing the final secret to his mathematic methods of the future.  And second, the one line error is anything but an error.  It is the third ingredient of the Torah Code.  So here are those three ingredients of decoding and understanding the results of the Torah Code. 

First, you must be willing an able to imagine an end result.  In four years of study of TTTTA I've encountered a recurrent theme; fate and predetermination.  It is permanently in my knowledge base.  When I saw the word "FATE" so plainly spelled in symmetrically arranged acrostic letters, I looked for "PREDETERMINED."  And there it was, parallel to FATE but not perfect.  And then I saw "LOCATE" even less so perfect.  And then "YOUR" almost entirely obscure.

Second, you have to have the correct knowledge to imagine a worthwhile end.  Studying Charles Manson's manifesto of Helter Skelter would not be recommended.  TTTTA is worthwhile.  In four years of study of TTTTA I've encountered a recurrent theme; fate and predetermination.  It is permanently in my knowledge base.  When I stumbled on F and T in the Foreword, my natural inclination to notice details and ask questions led me, in the context of my knowledge, of TTTTA, to find "FATE."

Third, and the answer to the enigma of the one-line error in finding the confirming M, you must have faith.    You must have faith that the Torah Code led you to the confirming end because it does not give you the perfect answer.  You must seek and find, but you must have faith that your objective inquiry leads to the correct result.  How many times in TTTTA (I know the answer because I've counted), is Marie Stanton's note to Robert Gordon reiterated verbatim or in substance?  Read it again:

If you go through this incredible journey to find "LOCATE YOUR DETER_INED FATE" and reject its substance because the M was one line off the perfect mathematic path, well, you're an accountant such as I was and will be nothing more.  It's Jesus' to the blind man.  If you cannot accept that clearly, in my opinion, intended result, then I've just wasted whatever time it took to read and trace the steps of logic in this essay.  If you cannot have faith your work is to a noble end, then you cannot implement the Torah Code as I have described it and as I believe WD Gann has rendered it in TTTTA.  Its not intended to make you rich in material terms alone.  Again, my opinion, and true enough, I've not made a cent off my work in the last four years.  I do expect that to change very soon.

Can Mr. Gann's rendition of the Torah Code be applied to God's Torah?  I believe it can but I haven't started.  I'm not sure I will have the time in my life to begin such a study of the Torah as there is so much to TTTTA and the Trilogy of WD Gann's books of instruction ("The Ancient Science of Numbers," "The Tunnel Thru the Air," and "The Magic Word").  

Whose Torah Code is it?  Obviously, its God's Torah Code.  In the dozens of messages of FATE I've decoded, Mr. Gann does differentiate between his great invention, the "Map of Time" and its decoding method, his Torah Code, and God's Torah Code.  Mr. Gann does not presume to be its author, only the renderer of the far more elaborate, enigma ladened divine code he, I presume, found in God's Torah. 

WD Gann has given us the dumbed down version or "Torah Code for Dummies."  Read the sentences of the Foreword in the first insert, above, that I re colored in tan, underlined and italicized.  Perhaps you didn't "observe" their emphasis.  I'll repeat it for convenience:

"It contains the key to the process....  The future will become an open book."

So very much more.  But a thin line between what I believe WD Gann intended for "our time" or the time of the 266th Pope and what he cautioned must remain secret.   I do believe the Torah Code, such as I have described it and though undoubtedly more complex and mathematic, was intended for our time.

I hope this helps any of those who 'seek.'  I hope that I am right.  I believe and have faith that I am.

Jim Ross

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