Monday, January 1, 2018

My ten most memorable 'moments' studying "The Tunnel Thru the Air" - the final essay

Today, January 1, 2018, I am publishing this 490th published essay.  I've worked hard to review and post the 'in process' essays that had any worthy insight.  This will be the last documenting my journey.  These 490 essays are my diary documenting first the vastly unusual events I saw, time and again, in the stock market.  They became a ledger of my discoveries of the encoded works of WD Gann and his mathematics that rivals or is greater or more complete than that of the Great Pyramid of Giza.  It is a complete and faithful record without removal or substantial post publishing editing.

I think it appropriate to look back over the last three years of studying WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air," ("the second book of instruction"),  Luo Clement's "The Ancient Science of Numbers" ("the first book of instruction") and "The Magic Word" (the third book of instruction).  I've studied the TTTTA very hard because of its encoding and the depth of its enigmas.  I've studied TASON less because it appears far simpler, in my present naive understanding, and because I have not identified substantial encoding in it.  And "The Magic Word," well I chant and ponder "Jehovah" from time-to-time as a means of lowering my anxiety and blood pressure and enhancing my spiritual mindset, but there hasn't been enough time for study.  I do not believe "The Magic Word" to be any lesser of importance than the first two of the three "Books of Instruction."  Together they are a "trilogy" and interdependent between their otherwise separate areas of knowledge.

That's the playing field of study.  I didn't study Mr. Gann's market courses or other books for this three years (having done so previously), though worthwhile to the trader.  I believe Mr. Gann created lessons for every level of stock market participant but the "trilogy" is where, in my opinion, the real math and science of his secrets are located; and his real philosophy and life's teachings.  Milk for the weak, meat for the strong.

I think it important to chose a few of what I perceive as the most important moments of the last three years.  Their importance is not denoted by the order below; the enumeration is just something to divide the thoughts that are roughly in chronological order.  I've prepared this essay largely from memory, supplemented by a quick reference back to the cited essay.  If in doubt of my recall, refer back to the essay; I do not modify essays after a couple days and do not delete essays.  It is the record for better or worse.

10.  Discovery of the "six eeeeee's" and my name and confirmation of my name.  Random text in a finite population of 15341 lines will not, statistically, have six consecutive lines ending in the same letter; its vastly statistically improbable.  And yet there it was in the first lines of the Foreword of "The Tunnel Thru the Air."  It screamed "this book is encoded" with messages.  As well, how improbable is it that I would recognize my name emblazoned, even if encoded, over and above the incredible chapter VII, "Future Cycles?

I felt a chill when I saw my name but recoiled into the comfort of "I doubt it."  Still, I was upset.  How could it be proven and then, on exactly January 27, 2015 I knew how it could be proven.  And it was, the next morning, as I recall, I completed finding my exact street address encoded in TTTTA.  And, after having found that proof I looked back at the mysterious dating of "Future Cycles" and the date was January 28, 1927, 88 years to the day that I completed the confirmation.

9.  The prophecy of the 9/11 attack, "Tao to War" and the 168-year "Map of Time."  By this time I had downloaded well proofed text of TTTTA from the GannStudyGroup, checked every page, added the page headings, added page breaks and blank pages, cover and rear flap pages, added typical printer line feeds, line numbers and two dates per line beginning with the summer solstice of 1932.  Tens of hours of work and proofing that, ultimately, reconciled its line structure to one fifteenth the Biblical Great Week and, when divided by the number of subdivisions of the book, the number 365.262... two one hundredths different from the days in a year or 365.242.

Having not a clue of what to do with the file, now enumerated with line numbers and two days per line, I was watching the fictional movie "Knowing" in which Professor John Koester, MIT astrophysicist, discovers the date of 9/11 correlated with the number of people that died in those attacks that day; in a page of numbers buried in the ground for 50 years.  Impossible.  And I went to the text file and found on line 2699, the date of the 9/11 attack and the number of innocent lives lost that day when adding the cumulative line number and the chapter line number.  Impossible.

Line 2699, the line of the 9/11 attack, had one of two very prominent acrostic words, Tao.  "Tao" or "path."  The other word 158 lines later in all caps; WAR.  Since my name was confirmed I asked myself, how might the intended Path to War be confirmed?  Take the difference between the lines, divide by 2 and spell the word "to" on that line.  And so it was, "to" was on exactly line 359/360.

So important.  Any intended message must have mathematic confirmation.

8.  The seven manifest prophecies.  Seven great predictions of WD Gann; i. the many inventions of WD Gann that have occurred (drones, remote controlled fighter planes, laser rays, cellular phones, encryption, air borne air craft carriers....),  ii. the bottom of the Great Depression crash on July 8, 1932 (the Battle of New York on July 4, 1932), iii. World War II including many of its renowned participants, the name of the Japanese flagship, Nagato, signaling the attack on Pearl Harbor and the title of the Allied Supreme Commander, iv. the Vietnam War indicated by the near acronym of Edna Quinton or the Gulf of Tonkin resolution that enabled the war 'condition,' v. the fictional Great Battle of Detroit symbolizing Detroit's bankruptcy, vi. the 9/11 attack previously discussed and vii the prophecy of me also previously discussed.

7. Three trips to Green-Wood Cemetery, resting place of WD and Sadie Gann.  On June 21, 2015 I visited to pay tribute and learned only after leaving I was at his grave stone within minutes if not exactly of 12pm on the summer solstice reading, Marie's note (Mathew 9:29) and Mathew 7:7 as a memorial.  On August 2, 2015, I visited to document the "Great Tree" that obscured Mr. Gann's 'view' of Manhattan across the Hudson, finding a curious medallion (probably denoting the donor of the tree) with the year 1942 (the year Sadie Gann passed) and to document an odd arrangement of 12 gravestones in an apparent triangle.  And then there was the third trip.

On November 15, 2015 I made my third and most startling trip to search for a 13th stone under the arm of the Great Tree that would be the apex of the previously identified 12-stone triangle.  I was unprepared for finding the upper die of the 13th stone having been moved askew relative to the base.  And I was unprepared to have found the date of the deceased, Mae Alker LeGrand, on the moved stone was the same month and date my son had passed; September 18.  Reducing the date my son passed, September 18, 2007 reduces to 9+9+9 or a single digit 9.  Reducing the date on the 13th stone (9/18/1932) to a single digit yields 6.  96, the birth and name number of Robert Gordon or reversed, the birth and name number of WD Gann.

5.  WD Gann = Luo Clement.  For years, I would not know the significance of this find.  The mathematic time and space properties of "Robert Gordon's seven days" including those same parameters found in the Great Pyramid of Giza are incomplete without the concept of vibration that can be derived, if and only if, one adopts the Pythagorean methodology of classifying people, nations and stocks by their birth and name number.  If doubts Luo Clement is a clever pen name of WD Gann, the mathematic properties of Robert Gordon's seven days will never be made.  And WD Gann's secrets will be perpetual.

4. My great error.  Ignoring the lesson of confirming all messages unless confirmed by mathematics, I created in my imagination great geologic catastrophe that would occur in 2016; San Andreas, Cascadia subduction, Yellowstone, all creating destruction parallel to TTTTA's Great War.  The encoded messages are as clear; modern science knows all these things will happen.  The problem is 'when.'  I could not put a date but was so upset by what I'd found in TTTTA and felt such a need to make people aware, I settled on a date of October 19, 2016.  Which came and went without an event.

The lesson I should have learned from #9 above; nothing is to be accepted as true or as a true intention of meaning conveyed by WD Gann without mathematic confirmation.  Language is subjective.  Mathematics is the only language upon which men and nations agree.

3.  Solution of the two great enigmas posed in the Foreword.  Very early on, I was struck by a great challenge and reward, that if one understood "Robert Gordon's seven days," then the future would be as an open book, that one would overcome his greatest enemy, Death, and one would understand why "Jesus rose on the third day and rested on the seventh."  The Nicene Creed indicates Jesus rose on the third day but scripture indicates less than 48 hours transpired between his death at 3pm on Friday and his having left the tomb before the women with spices arrived on Sunday.  And that Jesus rested on the seventh day?  An error on the part of a great Bible student, WD Gann?

No, two purposeful and great enigmas.  Perhaps the math does not settle the two-thousand year-old theologic problem, but the math of Robert Gordon's seven days settles the cross proving enigmas.  The enigmas were solved only days before Christmas, 2017.

Two great enigmas, solved by the math of "Robert Gordon's seven days."

2.  Robert Gordon's seven days, WD Gann's Great Virtual Pyramid of Math and the Periodic Table of Vibration.  The math of Robert Gordon's seven days is the math of time and space or space time and contains all those same ancient parameters found in the math of the Great Pyramid of Giza.  Indeed, it is WD Gann's Great Virtual Pyramid of Math.  Where the Great Pyramid of Giza will, in eons, disappear, the Virtual Pyramid of Math can live as long as knowledge is preserved.  But it is incomplete.

"Robert Gordon's seven days" explains the mathematics of time and space, the "curve for the future." But it does not relate the universal to the individual.  How is the future predicted for a person, nation or stock?  It is according to Luo Clement's "Periodic Table of Vibration."  This is, in my opinion, WD Gann's great 1908 discovery.  And Luo Clement's "The Ancient Science of Numbers was published in 1908.

I discovered, pending real time confirmation, the link between vibration and the math of WD Gann's Pyramid of Math on Christmas Day, 2017.  Impossible?  "Impossible is the logic of fools."

1.  The 13th stone.  As aforementioned, discovered on November 15, 2015, the stone under the outstretched limb of the Great Tree that had been moved:

Will it be squared upon my fourth and final visit to Green-Wood Cemetery?

*** ***

490 essays, perhaps my atonement for a life heretofore hardly well lived?  "L'enfer, c'est les autres?"

A wise virtual persona of a stock trading site stimulated my thinking that there is a time for learning and a time for doing according to what has been learned.  It has become a time for doing.

I believe there is yet a great invention that WD Gann encoded in "The Tunnel Thru the Air."  Perhaps its the activation of the "Map of Time."  Likely that or an extension of its math.

And I believe there is forthcoming a great time of need for the United States incrementally manifesting from 2016 and culminating in 2028.  After all, we live in the age of the 266th Pope another great WD Gann enigma among so many.

I hope these essays, which discloses WD Gann's mathematics of spacetime to within a fraction of their fully articulated reality, will enable a wise person to derive the invention which I believe WD Gann conveyed as well. 

As we find in "The Tunnel Thru the Air" "nothing is impossible if God is with us," and "according to your faith, be it unto you."  In each ending, there is a beginning; "We could die.  Everybody dies, Norma."

Thanks to each of you for considering my journey these last 490 essays and 1172 days since the date of the first essay (WD Gann's philosopher stone number, 342 pages in TTTTA squared -  342 X 3.427=1172).

Jim Ross
January 1, 2018 = 1/1/11

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