Friday, January 12, 2018

Update on January 12, 2018 at 12:20pm DJIA 25586

DJIA gapped up big time in the face of an increasingly looming government shutdown; 60+ points.  Err, an upside breakaway gap up...or an exhaustion gap?  Such a hypocrite am I to be arguing a fundamental view (government shut down) and a technical/chartist view (gap analysis) of the market that, momentarily, favors my deterministic view.  Looks like I'm "talking my book."

And it exceeded the 'ideal' "Circle of Time" circumference - implied price of 25586.  I expect I'll have to revise my perception of "lost motion."  I'm used to my theories being disproven.  Its a component of experimentation...and my fallibility (as to which my wife will bear witness).

Regardless, where does DJIA come to rest at 12:20pm is the larger test of the theory.  Here's where DJIA stands at the moment:

I will update shortly after 12:20pm.

Jim Ross

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