Friday, April 22, 2016

Ah, the aroma of smoldering bigotry

Some time ago I gave up social media largely because it consumed too much time and distracted me from what I wanted to be doing.  I was spending too much time defending what I'd been taught (some right and some wrong) without otherwise creating/recreating myself.  I'd found a great investing bulletin board but it too took too much time.

Without any provocation I receive the following email from a person who long ago I advised to not read my work because it so diverged from his sadly limited perception of the world.  Here, today, he took his valuable time to lecture me on The Bible Code:

Not for a minute do I think this dear person has any interest in my wasting my time.  And for edification, I have read Ingermason's very well thought out work "debunking" The Bible Code.  There have, however, rejoinders to his critique as I distantly recall, one by a Rabbinical Torah, physicist and statistician.  The latter found, again as I distantly recall, the "cylinder proximity" of messages that had come true was statistically significant.  Again, very distant recall and I'll not resort to wasting my time on Wikipedia for a 'one-up.

Perhaps Drosnin found the Bible Code, perhaps not.  Other pretty smart people believed such was present.  Isaac Newton, it is said, would have been far more fruitful had he not spent much of his time pursuing the Bible code he felt existed.  And, well, WD Gann... he, himself said many times that his knowledge and methods came directly from the Bible.  Gee, I hadn't found those methods in the Bible.  Why, they must be...encoded.  

But the point is not whether or not "The Bible Code," as presented in Drosnin's method, is true or not.  

The point is to inquire and make one's own decision.  To consider, wrestle with the evidence, weigh the results and move forward.  As Lord Bacon once said:

So, I again invited and advised this concerned reader, the Noxious One, not to read my "loony" work. 

I'll sign this essay in red with a challenge to the Noxious One's sense of self importance; explain this (and the other 33 instances in TTTTA):

[Its good to be reminded why one might not want to participate in social media.]



  1. So I read this and decided to just leave it alone. No way to win. Say something and invite more wasted time. No point. So I go do some shopping and come back. I go looking for more messages and start working on line 9037. Decide to try out an anagram site on the web. The letters were"poenem". Here is what I got back:


    Little lower down on the codes I find this:


    That is Poemen's monastery. Only missing one "s".

    Here is a Poemen quote:

    "A man may seem to be silent, but if his heart is condemning others, he is babbling incessantly."

    I don't believe I came by this by accident. I'm probably suposed to learn from it.


    1. My reply is below. I might add, he was calling you a "loon" as well. Nice guy. He doesn't even know you.

  2. Yeah, I'm not sure what that means but it would seem timely. I dropped out and began this blog so I could concentrate on who, as Gudjieffe taught it, is the person you trust as having the "ancient knowledge." Fortunately, this is the only guy who has 'stalked' me into my seclusion to inform me how ignorant I am and, thereby, infer his greater wisdom.

    "Babbling incessantly?" And, despite my requests, I've yet gotten another 3 emails.

    What was it George's father on Seinfeld said to try to lower his blood pressure? "Serenity now, serenity now..."


    1. I really need to read Gudjieffe's book. But I feel that time is getting short and we need answers immediately.

      I'm hoping the messages I see are an over active imagination. Because they don't sound at all pleasant.


    2. Because it was on WDG's supposed "Recommended reading list" (it was actually a books for sale list), I read PD Oustpensky's Terbium Organum first. Then I found that Oustpensky later became a student of Gurdjieff and wrote a book on those classes. Oustpensky asked G what he thought of Tertium Organum. And G said he said a lot about things in the book he did not understand. Its apparent from Oustpensky's recounting that he had immense respect for G.

      I hope the messages are over imagination as well. That's why I put every bit of my research and the MOT out there. People can do it themselves to their satisfaction. And few will.

      I was way wrong February 23. As Guerdjieff would say and as WD Gann would say, the only proof of a thing, the only thing that all people and countries agree upon is math. If it cannot be proven by math, then it is subjective and problematic. Whatever we think the messages say, they aren't math. At best they are our guessing at what WDG was saying. If nothing else, that's what my "great mistake" teaches me.

      Guerdjieff teaches a well rounded philosophy including the math. I believe the "4th way" is based on G's spiritual philosophy (which is the ancient knowledge). His math side is Pythagorean diatonic scale derived from the law of 3 and law of 7. Russell Smith has a great and free which deals with the math "Cosmic Secrets." Ultimately, I believe the diatonic scale math....harmonics/vibration...will figure prominently in Mr. Gann's secret knowledge.


    3. OK, change of plans. I have to read that book. Off to Amazon.

      Thanks once again,


    4. No, no. Russell Smith's book is free and in public domain. I downloaded off of Scribd and have the pdf.

    5. Hmmm, have you read Beelzebub? Did Smith do a good job of analyzing it? Maybe I need to read both.


    6. I was told once that Gann could use either mathematics or the planets to get his answers (as the planets are just harmonics). To use math way (which I think he had by 1908 or earlier) you needed to understand Cosmic Secrets, in particular the 3 key octaves (p81???) and that once you 'had it' or could 'apply it' (which is not easy) the math would never change for that market.

    7. Good morning George,

      I so agree. Either math or, since planets orbit or "vibrate" according to math, astrology.

      Many times I've tried to relate series of events to the "circle within a circle" math of the diatonic scale without success. The diatonic scale is a fully articulated model that fits with so many of WDG's comments. WDG tips his hand with his reprising the "Anvil of God," changing the first letters of the first stanza to spell "Lata" where, myth has it, Pythagoras journeyed to be taught by scholars the "ancient knowledge." [I have essays for that.]

      In my thinking, the octave structure and its dynamics at mi-so are the 'curve of the future.' Gurdjieff said that once a person knew the ancient knowledge his search should then turn to applying it to every phenomena and aspect of reality to prove and understand all things (distantly recalling Oustspenky's recounting of the teachings).

      I really think the stock market was Mr. Gann's "laboratory" where he first discovered the "curve of the future." I then think his "great discovery" of 1908 was applying it to human events other than the stock market. The stock market is simple; it involves rather static, three dimensional charts; height, width and time. Static places like events affecting a place like New York. People, on the other hand, have another dimension. They move. They aren't always in the same place. They change their names (just as WD Gann by suppressing his first and middle name). They change their "multiple" of the "curve of time."

      I can't even get the supposed simple case of the stock market right. Its a great and worthy riddle to pursue IMO. I'm comforted that not an "expert" that I've read has it figured out either. WDG had it figured out IMO and the first proof of that is the 286 trades in the Ticker Interview. That's impossible in a "random walk trading scenario." He had to have it figured out.


    8. Circle within a circle can apply to the cosmic octaves (the 3 supremes), at least I think its the same concept. There are 3..the smaller, or lesser octave fits within (but can overlap) a larger octave etc

  3. The big snow storm last January called, "Jonas", and I don't believe that is a coincidence, was record breaking. It also has a "TOA" right on it. Got some things to do today that are going to make it hard to study this, but later tonight I will be back.


    1. BTW it's on line 77.


    2. 69 "no sign shall be given but the sign of the prophet Jonas." And that after saying on that page "...the key..."

      I didn't find your instance of Jonas (I suspect 77 is a chapter line number), but I find Jonas again zig zag at line 10384. The associated narrative is the beginning of the symbolic war (April 1930). Personally, I believe that we are at that point both in terms of physical events (earthquakes), internal turmoil ('black lives matter', lack of borders and informal Hispanic and other invasion) and foreign adversaries such as Iran/Islam, Russia and North Korea. Very troubling. Months ago I predicted 2016 would exhibit the turmoil of the "Year of Revolution," 1848 and this 240th year of the US founding, the experiment will have ended, at least in spirit.

      Now 'seek' the telestic number 77 and you will find my name. The associated narrative is dead on what I have formulated/imagined as my role. I do believe there is a great weapon in TTTTA...similar to a TTTTA. Sure, its crazy. But WDG did it. He understood the math of time IMO. What would be a greater weapon?

      And one last thing...what is the date adjacent the telestic "77?"

      We need to itemize the locations and details of "Jonas." That might have shot to the top of my 'to do' list after I finish today's essay.


    3. January 21, 2016 falls on line 77 of your MOT. That is the date of the record breaking snow storm named "Jonas".

      I went to the date to see what was coded there. I found "TOA".

      Your assessment of events compared to the 1930s is very interesting. But I'm concerned that we should be comparing events now to events for Ancient Israel. 2520 -2016 = 504 BC. That is when Harbinger says events like 9/11 happened.

      Jonas snow storm could be the warning Jesus spoke of.


    4. You might revisit my Jonas storm essay contemporaneous with its having occurred. I sensed it as a 'sign' but did not, as I recall, identify the message.

      No, the response was not to compare now to 1930s, necessarily, but more 1848, the "year of revolution" in Europe. The date that is adjacent to the telestic "77" is only a week away. And the name associated infers, to me, something personal.

      Yes, I saw "TOA" at the telestic "77." I hope its a geometric sign and not a permutation of "aot" or act of terror. I really do think its the geometric interpretation.

      I have several essays evaluating and correlating 2016 to the lunar version of the Great Week. It puts us exactly 2520 years back from "the Exile." That would suggest the Jonathan Cahn "Harbinger" interpretation of current times. Several essays there.

      That said, the MOT of 168 years back to 1848 and 2520 back to 586 BC (I could be wrong about the year but the essays have it) would indicate turmoil and dislocation. Not that anyone is going to kick us out of the US but, perhaps, the "invasion" occurring at the southern border has the substantial effect of removing us from our lands. Or perhaps a great physical event does so.


    5. You might recall in 1848 we (Europe) had an up and coming socialist promising all kinds of free stuff and the people's revolution; Karl Marx. Of course, he failed but Lenin, Hitler, Stalin all least for a time. Here, 168 years later we have "feel the Bern" targeting the masses with free stuff and revolution.

      Past repeating on 1/15th of the Biblical Great Week?



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