Friday, April 15, 2016

The "Divine Plan;" the Kepler triangle and the outer and inner square and circle, part 2

Working with thoughts of the previous essay that connects, in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air, the "divine plan" of the pyramids to the outer and inner circle and square and the Kepler triangle, I decided I needed to go through the exercise of "squaring the circle."  The Kepler triangle is the only triangle dimension that can perform this task (the squaring is an approximation as pi is a transcendental number).  In my exercise, I created it according to the dimension of a 19 X 19 square to show the similarity to certain of the recovered square devices attributed to Mr. Gann and to researchers who have attempted to re create the device (most notably, the "square of 9" device).

First it would be good to reproduce Mr. Gann's outer and inner square and circle comment just to focus suggests a riddle:

Here's my rendition of the squaring of the circle via the Kepler triangle showing only the "outer circle" and "outer square:"

An alternate meaning of the the outer circle and square would have the square fully enclosed in the circle with only the four points of the square touching the circle.  That presentation, with the further enclosed inner circle and inner square gives us square root of 2 growth mathematics (see Bradley Cowan's "Four Dimensional Stock Market Structures and Cycles," page 45).  [Hmmm, page 45 in Four D.  TTTTA's Page 45, "tidbits" gives us the "double" and "redouble" inferring 90 just as the circle is halved, halved and re halved to ultimately arrive at the important 45.]  

Here's my rendition of that growth relation (sqrt(2) between the the outer circle, outer square and inner circle:

Don't make the mistake of thinking the triangle in the immediately above is the same one as that in the first illustration; it is not.  I was floored when the hypotenuse of triangle ABC was sqrt(3), which otherwise is the measure of the diagonal of the 1X1 cube.

When I look at that last illustration and specifically the inner circle within the outer circle, I recall the many essays I wrote on "Robert Gordon's Seven Days."  In six days he traveled once around the earth in exactly six days and having completed that circumnavigation on exactly the sixth day when he arrived at Montreal.  And on the seventh day, he rested, taking a leisurely 5 hour return from Montreal to New York.  

During that trip, he traveled a total of 33,543 miles, of which he traveled east/west 18,213 miles and north/south 18,495; reminiscent of an isosceles triangle.  If you think about it, Robert Gordon's east/west distance of 18,213 miles of the trip are the circumference of the earth at just below latitude 41 degrees; the latitude of New York City.  That would be the inner circle.  And the outer circle would be the circumference of the earth at the equator or 24,901 miles.  [Hmmm, and distance as a proportionate proxy for time as it you can say 24 hours is denominated in either 18,213 or 24901 miles depending on the latitude.]

I look down on that second insert above and extend a mind exercise I've read regarding Mr. Gann's square of nine device without the circles.  Instead this time, the circles are there.  I'm looking down from the north pole on the entire earth but superimposed is a square that maps spacial points on the earth....or spacial squares on the Great Pyramid from overhead.  

That second insert is a two dimensional image depicting a three dimensional view; it is a two-dimensional image that may represent a calculator, perhaps, that relates time (the circles) to space (either on the surface of the earth or a stock chart).   

Let me amend that.  A two dimensional image that depicts four dimensions; height, width, depth AND time.  "....which prove the fourth dimension is working in market movements."

If only I could envision the math and geometry that will recreate that mathematic proof of which Mr. Gann spoke.

Jim Ross

Note and comment.  Please correct me on the math as the "Rossups" are inevitable.  Isn't it funny how things emerge.  I created the above spreadsheets by first sizing the cells in Excel to create uniform squares; the default was .21" and I doubled it to get to .42" X .42."  And how many "sections" are found in TTTTA...42 sections.  How many hours in the week?  42X4.  How many years in a "Map of Time" period?  42X4.  So, I'm encouraged when I read page 42 of TTTTA, "It Can Be Done."

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