Thursday, April 21, 2016

ENS 5: Proof of foresight, the 15 deadliest earthquakes in the MOT period

This posting provides excerpts of the previous essay.  To have an understanding you should have an understanding of the previous four essays.

The short version is four instances of the word "Yellowstone" are found encoded in WD Gann's "Map of Time" which are, therefore, included in his "The Tunnel Thru the Air."  In finding those encoded words, 3 unique letters were missing which may be arranged to spell own, won or now.  The logical conclusion to which one would jump would be "Yellowstone now."  I did but, in light of my "great mistake," I want to consider my bias, delusion, "23 enigma."  I put that up front as a "buyer beware."

The "Yellowstone now" occurrence would suggest the possibility that every deadly earthquake is encoded in TTTTA in a similar manner; might a link prove foresight on Mr. Gann's part of the 16 deadliest earthquakes since the beginning of the MOT on June 22, 1848.  And the answer I found was 'yes.'  Not only did Mr. Gann use the same methodology as he used to create the "Yellowstone now" message, but he left a, presumably personal message; "i c u - QUICK - c u."  To me that means complete my research ASAP.  At least, this phase of my research.  Whatever I'm doing, be timely.

Following is a table of the 16 deadliest earthquakes since June 22, 1848 (the beginning of the MOT), the missing letters of importance and links to each date in TTTTA that finds the name of the earthquake:

[Note regarding #12, see correction below.]

For cut and paste convenience the following is a list of those same screen shot links not correlated with the above table.  This may make it easier for you to see each of the 16 observations.**

You can download the MOT to prove my work to yourself.

As is so frequently the case these days, I have made errors.  My first impression was disappointment over the spellings of the earthquakes missing 1 letter in 11 cases.  That impression was wrong.  After concentrating on each of the above excerpts from TTTTA I find unmistakeable geometry of the letter configurations.  I even found the sides of the Pythagorean triangle in #15 and the right triangle and isosceles of Robert Gordon's seven days (see my many essays on the triangles formed by RG of the east/west and north/south mileages).  [See the comment in yellow on all but one of the screens shots above for the unique feature of each excerpt.]

There are plenty of conspiracy rumors regarding Yellowstone and Pacific Coast seismic activity going around now in the wake of the apparent worldwide increased activity; activity we have not seen in the  lower 48 states of the U.S this year.  There was the one 4.9 earthquake 13 miles from San Francisco on the exact day (February 23, 2016) that I had incorrectly warned would be 'the big one' based on my study of the now 88 year old TTTTA.  Other than that, almost nothing noteworthy in the lower 48.  Here is a well written compilation of the rumors and anxieties that are mounting.

As well there is an amateur seismologist/geologist who I have been following for several weeks and seems to have reached reasonable generalizations about how earthquakes "vibrate" across the globe.  That they work from east to west, where they strike they relieve tectonic pressure that is transferred eastwardly, that the east locations build pressure until it is released...and they tend to strike where there has been an absence of such events.  Here is his blog which yesterday (4/21/2016) featured the buildup of pressure along the Sierra/Nevada border of California (just east of San Francisco).   He also provides a near weekly audio forecast of problem seismic areas.

This is the 288th essay that is published on this blog - the second square of 12.  I did not plan that.  Makes me wonder who, if anyone, is setting the schedule.

Jim Ross

CORRECTION 4/22/2016.  Item 12 is yet another date error.  This item should have been deleted from this list.  It was missing an 'i' and therefore the message "i c u QUICK cu" is incorrect.  There is only one 'i' and therefore the message can only be restricted to the single word "QUICK."  I do not consider this error to detract from the validity of the conclusions.  Future essays will delete this error and refer only to 15 observations.

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