This essay reprises bits and pieces of previous thoughts, which are near always incomplete and pending, but dredges them up to, perhaps unite them into something meaningful.
"...according to a divine plan." Now recall how important "Robert Gordon's Seven Days" is relative to man's greatest mystery and the reasons for the greatest of Biblical miracles. From the next to the last paragraph of the Foreword:
The lesson of "Robert Gordon's Seven Days" is the answer to the greatest of riddles and the future will become an open book.
In speculation, I have connected the thought of the divine in the Foreword to RG's 7 days to the divine plan perhaps enshrined in the pyramids. There's astrological/astronomical/mathematic meaning in the relations of the smaller pyramids to the Great Pyramid but I'll only address the Great Pyramid in this essay and leave the smaller pyramids to the more qualified.
Phi (1.6180), Pi (3.1416) and the constant e (2.7182) are all enshrined in the mathematics of the Great Pyramid. The former two irrational numbers have been well documented for decades but the latter constant e is recently found in the Great Pyramid as well. Are they the "divine plan?"
Let's reprise one more WD Gann mystery; the circle and square within the circle and square:
My thoughts this morning boil down to this proposition; both the Great Pyramid and Robert Gordon's Seven Days symbolically form the Kepler triangle and the three of those concepts each, independently, form the triangle, inner and outer square and inner and outer circle. Whew.
The Kepler triangle is a right triangle formed of side lengths that represent a geometric progression. Though the sides may be longer or shorter, there is only one set of angles comprising the Kepler triangle; 90*, 51. I have read the Kepler triangle is the only triangle that solves (in approximation) the ancient problem of "squaring the circle." Let's look at the dimensions of the Kepler triangle and the Great Pyramid:
Shazam, we have identical proportions. Wikipedia remarks:
What self absorbed, narcissistic horse hockey; on what basis might a learned person suppose him or her self more knowledgeable than those living centuries, eons before them? At best, one could say there is an absence of plain language saying "We knew." On the other hand, the pyramid, itself, is prima facie evidence that they did know. Heck, out of the thousands of years between then and now, it was only in 2002 that the constant e was discovered enshrined in the Great Pyramid built how many thousands of years ago. I'd be hard pressed to assert, as a mathematician, that I was smarter than those who built the Great Pyramid despite thousands of years of discovery.
Which brings me to this thought. There are those reading this blog post that "know" and are musing at my accountant's struggle to ask and find. Just my opinion. I hope they'll give my sophomore attempts a hearty "attaboy." Plenty of people know the Great Pyramid is the Kepler triangle, I'm sure, and I feel sure there are those silent ones that know what I expect to find, know I will find; that Robert Gordon's Seven Days will form the Kepler triangle and "square the circle." And in the process reconcile angular space with circular time.
From an essay on Robert Gordon's Seven days posted some time ago:
[The above is not, exactly, "squaring the circle" but it sure is enticing.]
In that earlier essay I posed the question whether the above is beginning to look like Mr. Gann's triangle, inner and outer squares and circles that prove the fourth dimension at work in the stock market; starting to look a lot like some of the "square of 9" devices so many people claim to able to use but none of whom can mathematically explain. [Oh, right, its a "square number generator." A big "so what."]
Perhaps the above is the trail to be followed.... maybe, in a second part of this essay; one way or the other. That sentence really hedges things yet to be discovered or not. Appropriately so, because I simply don't know....yet.
Jim Ross
[Flies in the ointment; the Kepler triangle sports the same medium sized angle as the Great Pyramid, 51.837*. In contrast, Mr. Gann liked the 45* angle which divides price and time equally. The contradiction is compounded by the his affinity to the Pythagorean triangle that has a medium sized angle of 57*. I expect there's a unifying mathematics but....don't know.]
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