Monday, April 25, 2016

ENS 8: The third and final set of historic earthquake data points

Back to data generation.

The "plan" is to identify the most notable earthquakes by the various criteria by which earthquakes are ranking; deadliest, most destructive (costliest) and most powerful.  Then, by identifying the dates of those earthquakes in the MOT, the surrounding acrostic and telestic letters can be scanned to see if they spell the name of the earthquake, there is significance of the missing letters and if there is a geometric configuration of the letters.  The question that must be asked with each observation is whether there is indication that Mr. Gann identified that earthquake.  For those after the date of TTTTA's publication...did he foresee its future occurrence?

And then, how do the observations relate to 21 observations of the telestic message, "ens," and 19 observation of its inverse, "sne," correlate with the physical results?

In previous essays of this service there have been identified the 15 deadliest earthquakes in the period covered by WD Gann "Map of Time."  In addition, the 12 most destructive earthquakes of the MOT period were identified.  Lacking is the most powerful earthquakes of the MOT which will be documented in this essay.

As in previous essays a list from Wikipedia was used to identify the most powerful earthquakes:

Of that list of 39 earthquakes, 16 (far right column) were identified that occurred after June 21, 1848 (beginning of the MOT) and that had not been included in the lists of deadliest and most destructive earthquakes.  The 16 earthquake observations and the results are in the following table:

Screen shots of the letters located near each of the 16 dates, including comments on apparent geometry of the letter arrangements and other notable observations are found at the following links:

I'll reserve an evaluation of the uniqueness of each observation which might infer its intentional design by Mr. Gann.  As I was creating the above screenshots, I was dubious.  Simply finding the letters isn't, itself, persuasive.  But the whole "ball of wax" is the basis on which one might make a judgement.  

There were unique, clearly intentionally designed spellings that indicated Mr. Gann was predicting a future earthquake.  For example, in the previous essay on this subject found HERE I highlight one of the most conclusive displays of encoding Mr. Gann's intention; Haiti.  It was the first observation I evaluated (even though it is shown as number 4):

Haiti spelled in all capital letters.  Every letter is an acrostic letter, none are telestic.  And there's the hook, my name (red highlight).

Is that random?  Or was it contrived to let us know Mr. Gann knew this would happen Haiti would happen on January 10, 2012?  

After seeing several observations in the current 16 observations most were, let's say, "adequate."   Few were as dispositive as was Haiti.  The last observation that occurred after the beginning of the MOT was was the hook that keeps me coming back.  In my view, is was equally as conclusive as Haiti.  It is the 2007 Sumatra earthquake:

Again, every letter is an acrostic letter.  And there's that hook; the name in red.


Except for the errors I will find, this concludes the data gathering.  The next essay will include the conclusions as to whether Mr. Gann foresaw these earthquakes.  And one final planned essay will attempt to correlate the physical events with the the messages "ens" and "sne."

Jim Ross 


  1. Nice article. My interest is also on seismology. Thanks for sharing. Please visit my page. where are seismic zone in the world?.

  2. Glad you liked it Sean. Likely, you are not seeing what's going on here. I study, arguably, the greatest stock trader in history and propose he knew the mathematical secret to foretelling the deterministic future. There are obvious encoding in his very odd book "The Tunnel Thru the Air" which are of the nature that 16th century intellectuals used to avoid detection by the Church.

    As an unintended result of this study, there were many earthquakes that laced letters to make them perfectly words. The letters can be used to create a perfectly spelled and ominous message (see the last essay of the ENS series).

    To date, I have used "clues" (not the math methods that I do not know) to derive two primary dates for earthquakes; February 23-San Francisco, and June 9-LA. I was wrong both times to the extent of the destructiveness of the earthquakes. I've wrestled around with exactly which day. If you look at the record of my wishy washy, chicken little essays (an I have not deleted any or changed any), you'll see the dates were just those; February 23 and June 9. On February 23 you had Wasco CA at 4.9M the largest US earthquake in more than a year. On June 9 plus 4 minutes you had Borrego Springs CA at 5.2M. The latter is the largest in CA since 2014 I think I read.

    So, it would seem I am on to something. Next major event would be September 6, 2016 at San Francisco. But I'm still evaluating that date.

    Thanks for reading, will visit your site,



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