Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Diary note; the "Torah path," the "AMOT" and the "WMOT"

Just to keep track of my frustration or progress or both.  Dozens of hours decoding the perceived "instruction manual" of the WD Gann "Map of Time."  The instruction manual expands via Mr. Gann's "Torah Code" from all too obvious words I've located;  'sum' and 'add' and the permutations of those letters (dda, dad, mus, and ums, etc.).  I have found four instances of the exact word, 'add' and three instances of 'sum' in the acrostic telestic level of code.  Like I say, they are too obvious, such as:

Believing I have the center of an an 'instruction' to the "Map of Time" I take each acrostic or telestic letter and follow what I now call a "Torah path."  Here's how the Torah Path works.

Let's say I want to analyze the letter 'y,' (see the bold border in the above insert) which does not seem to fit with any of the contiguous acrostic letters shown above (both as a word and as a word that has meaningful context).  I first read ascending chapter line number 465 (in yellow highlight)  and go to that line number appearing in the descending chapter line number column:

I try to construct words of the 2 acrostic/telestic (a/t) letters on that line and the 4 a/t letters in the preceding and following lines (those a/t letters are "contiguous").  Very often, an expected word appropriate to a phrase falls right out.  In green you see the descending chapter line number and also in green you see the letter 'W.'  I've now imagined, particularly in the important context of the words heretofore I'd discovered, the letter 'W' and 'y' suggesting to me the word, "Why."  

The next branch.  I'm now biased to find the missing 'h.'  I look to the yellow highlighted ascending cumulative line number 8872 and go to that number in the descending cumulative line number column.  I don't find the missing 'h.'  I'll pass on providing the screenshot.

On descending line number 8872 on which I am now focused, I can find a new ascending chapter line number.  I go to it and do not find the 'h.'  I'll pass on providing the screenshot.

That's three branches so far.  There are two more branches.

Go back to the very first insert above and you'll see the yellow highlighted descending cumulative line number, 9244.  It will provide those two additional branches; we can go to descending cumulative line 9244 search the a/t letters for the missing 'h' on that line, the one above and the one below.

On line 9244, highlighted in yellow, the 'h' pops right out.

The final branch would be to follow the ascending green chapter line number to its corresponding chapter line number, in that chapter only, and look for the 'h.'  I'll pass on providing the screenshot.

*** ***

We are talking incomprehensible hours if one were to want to decode WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" and its "Map of Time."  But we aren't.  Maybe the MOT has a fate that's decodable for every individual based on the vibration of their individual intuition.  I don't think so, but I hardly rule it out as being a function of the actual Torah Code found in the Torah.  

But the focus here is limited; its the painfully obvious word "add" that appears so conspicuously four times in plain, but un-"observed," sight.  The focus is decoding the "instruction manual" and therefore there must be a mathematic reasoning context.  After having decoded several words previous to the word, "add," the context was "we did this and that with number in the MOT and the result is a startling numeric answer."  The next word is "why?"  What is the natural law that gives rise to the startling result?  "Why" was a perfectly logical fit with the previously decoded words and their theme.

Sure, there were plenty of words that can be constructed with one root letter, like 'y' from five branches.  But they won't fit, logically, the context.  From a practical viewpoint, there aren't as many words as I'd have thought in the vast majority of words I've decoded so far.  It hard for me to fathom that not only did WD Gann bury the word to be found, but anticipated the others that might have been found and took steps to prevent their occurring.  I can't imagine the time that might have taken.

Already I've been "instructed" its not a "Map of Time."  Rather there are two maps.  There is an "Annual Map of Time" spanning 168 years, which heretofore has been referred to as the "MOT" and it is solar time based.  Now its the "AMOT."  365.242 days in a year.  And there is a "Weekly Map of Time" or "WMOT" that spans 168 hours and is terrestrial based.  24 hours in a day.

And there's a huge difference; they aren't additive-ly compatible in a year's "time."  They are one solar degree if you get my, err Mr. Gann's, meaning.  That pesky extra one degree in a day making it 361 degrees rather than 360.  Judging repeating history "kinda depends" doesn't it, on whether you're talking solar or terrestrial time.  

What its the biggest problem in reckoning time; which 'time,' solar or terrestrial, is it?  Orrrrr, is it an 'either or' proposition at all?  If history repeats, which time is it or is it only when the two times agree?  When the two have a sympathetic 'vibration?'  "Conjunction" would seem appropriate but not formulaically the same as in astrology.

Just an observation.  If I wanted to know when the first day of a given year and that first day of the week and that first hour, minute and second reoccurs, how many years will it take for that first day to be the same day of week, same hour and same minute?  According to the AMOT versus the WMOT, it'll take 42 years, but one will be am and the other pm.  To dot that last 'i' making them both a.m. takes 84 years.  I need to review my math, but that seems to be how it works out.  How interesting, 42 years, 84 years, nice mathematic subdivisions of the 168-year MOT.  And nice subdivisions of the 2520-year Biblical Great Week of prophecy.  2520, the smallest number into which every digit can be divided and produce a whole number.  

So far, maybe a hundred hours and I've completely, as best I can judge, decoded three of the 'add's' and one of the 'sum's.'  They make logical instructions, which I have not implemented as yet.  I understand why Mr. Gann stated that Robert Gordon worked day and night to understand and to invent so that he could save the world.  I'm not so sure it was just to save the world.  When I stop working in a day, there isn't a chance I won't lay there in bed and continue to think about it; the daily emerging puzzles and enigmas.  Yeah, its work.  But its enjoyable, peaceful, purposeful, intriguing work.

Jim Ross  

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Properties of the square inscribed, the circle inscribed and the squared circle (or circled square); 9

Imagining without a pencil or paper.

A square inscribed within a circle ("square inscribed") has four points "coincident" or "of intersection" between them.  Likewise, the circle within the square ("circle inscribed") has four points of coincidence or of intersection.  Poetically thinking, the solstices and equinoxes might be thought of those four points.

The four points of the square inscribed, assuming the vertical sides of the square are in a north/south orientation relative to the viewer, will fall on the hypotenuse of the square or the 45* angles of the circle.

The four point of the circle inscribed, again assuming the vertical sides of the square are north/south, fall on the poetic solstices or equinoxes or at 90* angles relative to north/south.

The four points of the square inscribed or the circle inscribed have a distance and time from the center that are equal.  In Euclidian geometry we always think that from one point to another is distance and we measure it with a ruler.  Perhaps the four line segments between the center and the coincident points might be measured with alternately the ruler for the hypotenuse or the clock for the radius...the two being equal...the two being "squared" at those theoretic coincident points.

The square inscribed and the circle inscribed, seeming opposites whose proportion of perimeter or area are the same regardless of which you choose.  Each is the reversed proportion of the other (78.5%).

A "squared circle" or, to be politically correct, a "circled square" - seeming verbal opposites but having the same meaning - have eight points of coincidence.  And at those eight points the radius from the center is equal to half the square's side from the center.  Is the angle then 45% or 90% relative to the North/South orientation?  I don't think so.  I wonder what Mr. Kepler would say though I'm not sure what the answer is....not yet.

All of the above sums to an incorrect "either or" proposition, in my estimation.

Either, if one views Hermann Minkowski "spacetime" from the view of the square inscribed, the person weighs the greater importance of the diagonals of the north/south oriented square...the 45* angle.

Or, if one views "spacetime" from the view of the circle inscribed, the person weighs the greater importance of the solstices or equinoxes of the circle....the 90* angle.

Are either correct in viewing spacetime?  I'm inclined to say "nope."  Very very inclined.

What's a common thread of these opposing incorrect views of spacetime?  Its 9.  We see above 45* which is 4+5=9 and we see 90* which is 9+0=9.  

What's the most important digit according to at least one authority I recall; its 9 'because its the last digit and then we start over again.'  [As I dwell, in all of nature, perhaps all ending is a beginning.]  

In the acrostic/telestic encoding of his "The Tunnel Thru the Air," WD Gann refers to John Dee, dozens of times.  I've tried to count the many incidents but the "in your face" creations  of the letters comprising "Dee" are dwarfed by simple permutations (ede, eed) and the line number "paths" that create "Dee."  Some creations of the name are entirely doubtable coincidence given the popularity of the letters 'd' and 'e,' while others are indisputable, author-contrived references to the 17th century mathematician, alchemist, magician, scholar of Queen Elizabeth's court (the first "007").  Mr. Gann refers, in the encodings, to John Dee's "Map."  You'll have to take my word for it because not a person readings this will take the time to decode enough of TTTTA to find those references.

What map?  WD Gann's "Map of Time," his invention and greatest spacetime calculator is, as I believe I will ultimately prove, is based on John Dee's "Map."  And where do we find that Map?

I again recall a description of digits; that 5 is the midpoint of the 9 digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (0 is a placeholder and not a digit and was not used in the Western world until Leonardo de Pisa imported it in the 13th century).  Appropriately, John Dee's 23rd theorem (2+3=5) of the "Monas Hieroglyphica" rendered from Latin to English in Jim Egan's insightful book:

Interpreting only the top left portion of the inscrutable symbolism we find the digits 5-8 vertically arranged on the far left, and the digits 1-4 on the right of a seeming table.  Diagonal lines connect the digits 8 and 1 and 5 and 4.

One digit is missing; 9.  When we add the ends of each of the two lines we get 9, the missing digit (8+1=9 and 4+5=9).  If we connect seeming opposites from each side we get 9 (7+2=9, 6+3=9, etc).

Where in the 9 on this "Map?"  Jim Egan theorizes it above the other 8 digits in the "Horizon of Eternity."  An enigma, worthy of Philo, that teaches perhaps; the prominently missing 9.  How appropriate Dee commented on the chart "Thus the world was created."

Is 9 the key to spacetime, the place where time and space coincidentally end and begin again?  I think so.  Can't prove it...yet.

Is it all static?  When happens when 'motion' is added these static models?  Not just motion of time, but simultaneous motion of time and space as theorized by Hermann Minkowski's great student, Albert Einstein.  The circle inscribed morphing to the square inscribed as a function of Einstein's imposition of gravity...creating a vibration that unifies eight times per completed cycle, in an infinitely small moment in spacetime, at the digit 9.

I believe WD Gann knew all that and more in about 1908 (the year of his great discovery, and years before Einstein's development of General Relativity as I recall) and he didn't just theorize it; he implemented it in his laboratory, the stock market, commodity market, lotteries.  Can't prove it....yet.

Jim Ross


Saturday, January 27, 2018

It is the Torah Code, stupid

The second grader stands up and waves his hand frantically, "I know the answer..."  Sometimes he's right, sometimes he's wrong.

Early on, when I discovered the encoding of the acrostics/telestic messages, someone asked if WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" has encoded in it the Torah Code.  How fantastic was that?  And of course, the pragmatist and semi agnostic I was...and naive... I said 'no.'  Vainly, I thought, if I said 'yes' the social media would label me the fool.  Nevertheless, I wasn't comfortable with the professed 'no' and I plodded forward, never admitting, the answer, as I now know, is 'yes.'

It is WD Gann's rendering of the Torah Code.  I'll start with a suggestion I found and about which I've previously written:

"Torah" highlighted in red and "Code" in blue.  Torah in vertically contiguous letters, "Code" in a perfectly sequenced geometric pattern.

Is WD Gann playing a game with some unsuspecting semi believer?  Surely, its a mortal concoction designed to entrance the unsuspecting chicken whose beak is trained on the straight line it straddles.

No, it is not just a mortal, as we know it, concoction.  I've decoded dozens of messages that are the real thing and there is a mathematic path to decoding the future.  The mathematic paths lead to prophecy.  It is apparent to me the whole exercise in TTTTA is a seeming never ending enigma designed to teach, by mystery and repetition, the 'tao,' the path, the Code.  There are real prophecies in TTTTA.  And I expect the same path methodology will be found in the Torah.

I've given dozens of examples of the mathematic referencing of the path.  One very easy to understand example is "Sal Khan."  I won't recount it.  For a person not at my stage of believing, it is simply a bizarre "coincidence."  To me, and anyone who understands statistical inference, it cannot be coincidence; its too far out on the "fat tail" of the normal distribution.

Instead I'll appeal to the non-believer's thought that this crafty rich guy, WD Gann, sat around trying to cook up brain teasers for some accountant who might find them ten decades after TTTTA was published; "Spooky Jim" to dredge up the characterization of Fox Mulder.  Let's journey through a non-spooky "in plain sight" Torah Code mechanic.  We start with a near clean slate:

Most "Gann experts," probably only me actually, would recognize the above by heart; it is the Foreword to TTTTA.  In red are the statistically impossible 6 consecutive e's in supposed random text.  In tan is the month and day of my birth.  In yellow is the incredible claim that TTTTA is based, in part, on factual events that have not occurred.  I testify to that assertion and have documented many verifiable occurrences of such.  There are at least as many I have discovered and not documented.

Do you see any words in plain sight?  Its a theme I've come to completely accept but not seen asserted.  A feeling I've put into words many times but hadn't Mr. Gann's assertion to add comfort that I was on the right track.  It is the feeling of predetermination, of fate.

Here are those two words, or at least, their skeleton in plain sight.  Don't just "see," "observe:"

We have FATE in green highlight, though not vertically contiguous letters and DETER__NED in tan letters with a break around a seeming misplaced L that is in blue.  If Mr. Gann were trying to spell those two words, he must've really screwed up.  Or did he.  Deeper, find more words.

Also in plain sight, the word "LOCATE" with every letter present.  The letters are borrowed from "FATE" but they are in plain sight.  And there's the letter "Y" in yellow.  Connecting the dots, the phrase is:


This comes to me after already decoding portions of TTTTA that have indicated to me my fate.  Oh, not the day I will die, but the nature of the next decade of my life.  I have no doubt the date of my death is there, but there's a lot to be done in the interim.  Death is not a factor.

So where are the missing letters.  The M and I of "DETERMINED" and the O, U and R of "YOUR?"  That's the mathematic path of the WD Gann "Map of Time."  Reverse order, let's find the OUR then tackle the MI.

To find the O and R I commandeer them from those many letters already used.  In the below, I re color those previous letters to yellow.  To find the U I look to the range of descending chapter line numbers that I have outlined in a bold box on the left of the below insert.  I draw that same dimension box over the ascending chapter line numbers and I expect to find the U and I do.  I find it on ascending chapter line number 25 and I put the U in yellow highlight.

To find the I you can look for it as a telestic letter in the range of ascending chapter line numbers that was "boxed" in the above or you can look for it as an acrostic.  The U was the telestic that we found right next to the box.  The I is simply the first letter of ascending chapter line number 41 and I put an blue arrow pointing to it and I highlighted it tan above.

I can get to the I in a second way.  Where did the word "DETERMINED" break into two fragments?  On ascending chapter line number 41.  I've put a red arrow pointing to line 41 number above.  Now look for descending chapter line number 41.  Its the blue arrow that pointing to 41 and the I.

Which leaves finding the M of DETERMINED.  In my thinking, the proof of the entire phrase lies in my finding the perfect mathematic path to the M.

The math must perfectly lead me to the M.  I'll extend the path we are already on, where the blue arrow is pointing.  We are on ascending chapter line 41 and I'll read across that row to cumulative line number 15260.  I put a yellow arrow pointing to that line number.  Now I'll look for descending line number 15260 which is only 81 lines from the last line of the book.  Here's what I find:

And what I don't find.  I highlighted the entire line 15260 in yellow and the acrostic and telestic letters are I and U.  I do not find an m.

Failure, but there is yet one leg of the path yet to be followed.  I've placed the blue arrow on it.  It is ascending line number 39.  The M must be on that line number.  It must be there.  Here is that line with a blue arrow pointing to ascending line number 39:

Failure.  No other way than to say it, mathematic failure.  I wanted to find the final missing M perfectly on the mathematic path to confirm the entirety of the phrase "LOCATE YOUR PREDETERMINED FATE."

But with, on chapter ascending line 38, there is an M.  Could it be that I have enumerated the 15341 lines of TTTTA incorrectly by 1 line?  Sure.  I don't think so, but sure, it is possible.

Or is it possible we have both confirmation and an enigma?

*** ***

So it was, I slept on it and I arose with two answers.  First, that providing the method of the WD Gann's Torah Code I am not disclosing the final secret to his mathematic methods of the future.  And second, the one line error is anything but an error.  It is the third ingredient of the Torah Code.  So here are those three ingredients of decoding and understanding the results of the Torah Code. 

First, you must be willing an able to imagine an end result.  In four years of study of TTTTA I've encountered a recurrent theme; fate and predetermination.  It is permanently in my knowledge base.  When I saw the word "FATE" so plainly spelled in symmetrically arranged acrostic letters, I looked for "PREDETERMINED."  And there it was, parallel to FATE but not perfect.  And then I saw "LOCATE" even less so perfect.  And then "YOUR" almost entirely obscure.

Second, you have to have the correct knowledge to imagine a worthwhile end.  Studying Charles Manson's manifesto of Helter Skelter would not be recommended.  TTTTA is worthwhile.  In four years of study of TTTTA I've encountered a recurrent theme; fate and predetermination.  It is permanently in my knowledge base.  When I stumbled on F and T in the Foreword, my natural inclination to notice details and ask questions led me, in the context of my knowledge, of TTTTA, to find "FATE."

Third, and the answer to the enigma of the one-line error in finding the confirming M, you must have faith.    You must have faith that the Torah Code led you to the confirming end because it does not give you the perfect answer.  You must seek and find, but you must have faith that your objective inquiry leads to the correct result.  How many times in TTTTA (I know the answer because I've counted), is Marie Stanton's note to Robert Gordon reiterated verbatim or in substance?  Read it again:

If you go through this incredible journey to find "LOCATE YOUR DETER_INED FATE" and reject its substance because the M was one line off the perfect mathematic path, well, you're an accountant such as I was and will be nothing more.  It's Jesus' to the blind man.  If you cannot accept that clearly, in my opinion, intended result, then I've just wasted whatever time it took to read and trace the steps of logic in this essay.  If you cannot have faith your work is to a noble end, then you cannot implement the Torah Code as I have described it and as I believe WD Gann has rendered it in TTTTA.  Its not intended to make you rich in material terms alone.  Again, my opinion, and true enough, I've not made a cent off my work in the last four years.  I do expect that to change very soon.

Can Mr. Gann's rendition of the Torah Code be applied to God's Torah?  I believe it can but I haven't started.  I'm not sure I will have the time in my life to begin such a study of the Torah as there is so much to TTTTA and the Trilogy of WD Gann's books of instruction ("The Ancient Science of Numbers," "The Tunnel Thru the Air," and "The Magic Word").  

Whose Torah Code is it?  Obviously, its God's Torah Code.  In the dozens of messages of FATE I've decoded, Mr. Gann does differentiate between his great invention, the "Map of Time" and its decoding method, his Torah Code, and God's Torah Code.  Mr. Gann does not presume to be its author, only the renderer of the far more elaborate, enigma ladened divine code he, I presume, found in God's Torah. 

WD Gann has given us the dumbed down version or "Torah Code for Dummies."  Read the sentences of the Foreword in the first insert, above, that I re colored in tan, underlined and italicized.  Perhaps you didn't "observe" their emphasis.  I'll repeat it for convenience:

"It contains the key to the process....  The future will become an open book."

So very much more.  But a thin line between what I believe WD Gann intended for "our time" or the time of the 266th Pope and what he cautioned must remain secret.   I do believe the Torah Code, such as I have described it and though undoubtedly more complex and mathematic, was intended for our time.

I hope this helps any of those who 'seek.'  I hope that I am right.  I believe and have faith that I am.

Jim Ross

Sunday, January 21, 2018

A new journey

The new journey is "The Magic Word," the third of the Trilogy of WD Gann's three "books of instruction."

New blog as I've gone as far as I feel allowed with "The Tunnel Thru the Air."  I expect there will be few posts (but don't know) because I expect so much will be dependent on this incomplete journey through TTTTA.

Jim Ross

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

All WMOT pivots for January 16, 2018

I had a busy day yesterday, actually working for a client and did not follow the pivots that occurred during the trading day.  Most interesting to me was the first pivot of the day because it might answer questions about 'gaming' them with a simple set of trading rules.  I've not studied that dollar weighted outcome and am likely not to do so because that effort has led to yet another thread of more promising research.

I do feel compelled to follow the simple case; whether the WD Gann "Weekly Map of Time" (WMOT) predicted dates and times seemingly predict discernible pivots in the market.  Its the simple 'yes / no' evaluation of outcomes.

There were five predicted trading hour pivots yesterday, inclusive of the previously discussed 11:08am pivot:






Each of the above was within 1 four minute bar of a discernible pivot.  If you click on the 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, you should get a drilled down 4-minute chart which shows the location of the predicted pivot relative to the actual pivot.   I haven't broken it down to a one-minute chart to see if the one-bar 'errors' translate into as much as an error of 7 minutes or as little as 1 minute.

It's cluttered and therefore confusing, but here's the 4-minute chart for yesterday, including all of today's predicted pivots, going back to the last predicted pivot shortly before Friday's close:

Phi squared X 10000 is only 50 points from the close.  I prefer that number plus 386 points or 26565. The good old days, pick a number out of the hat.

 *** ***

The WMOT is simple to create.  Take the MOT that is available for free download (I don't even get a 'click' compensation for it) and "appoint" or substitute 20 seconds for each line on the MOT in lieu of 2 days.  But beware, the MOT is based on the annual cycle of the Sun (365.242 days per year) where the WMOT is based on 24 hours in a day, the Earth's daily cycle.  There will be 441 lines "left over" which means the pivots for every week will change.  (You'll also be confronted with the contradiction that I have taken too lightly; that time is not based exclusively on the rotation of the Earth but also influenced by the orbit around the Sun.  Predominantly the Earth, secondarily the Sun and thirdly, the Moon.)

Then, you'll need to identify every acrostic/ telestic instance of the vertically contiguous letters "PI" and "IP" to find every expected pivot for the week.  

Then you'll need to figure out the "perfect" or correct beginning.  Well, you can reverse engineer the time on each line based on snapshots of my WMOT to correlate your chart with mine.  That will give you the correct correlation without knowing WD Gann's "correct beginning" which I believe I know and have coincidentally published in this blog dozens of times.

Bottom line, you can derive the WMOT, but will you have the 'operating manual' of how to use it?  

Wandering a couple days ago, I observed that, despite my extensive research over a decade, I have not found a single "Gann expert" that can use the device WD Gann is mythologically reputed to have carried with him as he walked the NYSE; the Sq of Nine.  Nor his other thought to be sophisticated devices.  Some, apparently having thrown in the towel, write the Sq of 9 off as simply a "square number generator" and ignore the obvious circle that is often seen around the square.  Or even considering the nature of the triangle that operates over the circle and square; is it a Pythagorean 345, an isosceles, a right triangle, a Kepler triangle?  Some relate it to astrology, an excellent starting point but, in my opinion, still "lacking something."

But the point is not that there are varying degrees of dismissal of these supposed devices or apparent components of their operation.  The point is there isn't an instructional manual to show how they operate.  We know some or all of Mr. Gann's timepieces work to some degree, but we don't know how he worked them.  We know his 92% accuracy record came from somewhere, his impossible record of trades in 25 days, the incredible prophecies of events that I've documented in this blog (WWII, the Great Depression bottom, 9/11, me)...  he knew something but didn't leave instruction manuals to his timepieces.  He did what statistical experts in randomness say is "impossible."  Things to those of us (me) unable to understand must consider magic or miraculous.

Or did he leave at least one instruction manual?

That's the "thread of more promising research."  I have found seven artifacts of the instruction manual  I believe is encoded in the acrostic/telestic coding of the MOT.  The first is a mathematic test of the WMOT as I have calibrated it.  It proves my rendition of the WMOT, which spans almost 20 years from the "correct beginning," is mathematically conclusively off 20 seconds (which I can and will correct).  

The other six artifacts have only been partially decoded but one strongly points to "Clement's number."  Thus, I have concluded, "vibration" according to the "Periodic Table of Vibration" is a component of the method explained in the encoded instruction manual.  I don't have the instruction manual as yet and might not ever have it, but the riddles that frame the answer, the instruction manual, are there to be had.  In my opinion, of course.

Other than the one artifact of seven I've decoded, understood and proven mathematically, there is one  message that is mathematically clear; "keep secret."  And I recall, Robert Gordon, though he shared many inventions with Edna and Walter, he kept one secret, even from them.

Maybe Mr. Gann intends (intended) on sharing that secret with me and I am to keep it secret from anyone else.  Or maybe, he is to keep it forever secret it to himself.  Regardless, I take it seriously and believe to go further in this inquiry may have risk which I cannot foresee; that I could stupidly give something away without knowing it.

I feel, so often, like the second grader who has the answer, wildly waving my hand to get the teacher's attention.  Sometimes, if I'm called on at all, I'm proudly right, sometimes ashamedly wrong (mostly the latter in this blog).  I don't know if or when I find some thought to be a profundity, I will feel compelled to blurt it out in a post.  But I've got to stop or risk giving up what Mr. Gann thought, in his sage judgement, must be kept secret.  I take that seriously where others would consider my caution delusional.  As it may be.

If I ever decode the instruction manual and have reliable predictions of the curve for the future, I will share the predictions.

Thank you for considering,

Jim Ross

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Today's first pivot

So confusing, and I apologize.  Friday I said a pivot would occur Monday at 10:40am not factoring in the holiday.  In yesterday's post, I realized that would be the case but do not have an idea whether the "gaming" the Weekly Map of Time seems to imply would correctly identify the correct pivot (buy versus sell).

As it turns out, the first WMOT pivot today is 11:08am:

And we have a pivot at 11:12am:

I'm not inclined to accept the 11:12am bar as success or not given that I 'think' TDAmeritrade's platform tracks 4-minute bars as the time period of 11:11 to 11:14.  Technically, I'd say it is not a "Bernoulli" success.  But it sure looks like a success.

Regarding whether the system gave a bad entry point just before the close on Friday unless we, as speculators, identified all pivots over the 3 day weekend, I just haven't evaluated that as yet.

2:20pm comment.  Based on other stuff I've studied over time, a down close today, after the huge morning gap up, would not only be a very ominous candle ("outside down day"), but would cause me to consider the opening gap an incredible exhaustion gap.  Still haven't reached a conclusion on the Friday afternoon WMOT generated sell pivot given that it missed the 280 point round trip.

Jim Ross

Monday, January 15, 2018

Gaming WD Gann's WMOT - a 5th data point

Previously, I gamed the only four WMOT pivot points on the 1-minute chart of DJIA and found those four points traded without any discretion would realize 182 DJIA points.  The final position, held to last Friday's close would incur an unrecognized loss of 36 points as the final position was not closed.  That position, by the trading rules, remains open over the 3-day weekend.

I've expanded the time range by electing a 4-minute chart and the first data point is a problem.  It is data point 10:43am January 10, 2019 at the bottom left of the chart below.

Here's the 5th data point on the WMOT, January 10, 2018 at 10:43am:

The "IP" acrostic marker is is tan and the related ascending line number ("IP" denotes the ascending line number column on the right and "PI" denotes the descending counterpart on the left) and date is in green; it is January 10, 2018 at 10:43am that is being marked as a pivot.

That 5th data point is a problem.  If we were considering WMOT pivots that occur only during trading hours, then that trade, working backwards from the subsequent WMOT data point at 12:21pm on January 11, 2018, would have to be a "sell."  I'm showing it as a 'buy' on the above chart (in green).

We have consecutive "buy" signals above.

If it were a 'sell,' then Mr. Gann would have lost all the points between those two latter dates.  If it is a 'buy' then he made all those points.  Rationalizing, "arguing my book?"  Absolutely.

But only rationalizing to figure out (if there's something to be figured out), how the pivots work.

So, I was led down the path that, perhaps pivots occur even if the market is not open.  What a novel thought.  Time and space keep happening regardless of our mortal habits of closing markets overnight or on weekends.

We have a contrast.  When I count the pivots overnight between October 10 and 11, I find "5 non-market" hour pivots.  Well, that could explain why the October 10 and 11 pivots would both be "buys."

But if that were true, then there would have to be an even number of overnight pivots between October 11 and 12 because the 12:21pm January 11, 2018 pivot is a buy and the 12:20pm  January 12, 2018 pivot is a sell.  They are consecutive "buy" and "sell."

I counted the overnight pivots between the January 11 and 12 market hours and there were 8 pivots.

I can go further back in the data to January 9, and will do so.  But, for now, all market pivots, whether  during trading hours or not, count towards whether we have a buy or a sell.

*** ***

Since we have a 3-day weekend, the question is how many pivots do we have between the Friday close an Monday open?  I have not counted them as yet.

The more important question is, does the WMOT anticipate and the now better understood (still only 5 data points) nature of pivots?  If it does, then the market should be down Monday.

If the WMOT does not understand its non market trading pivots, then the speculator needs to count the overnight or over weekend pivots and anticipate the first trade of the next market hours.  If there are an even number of pivots over this 3-day weekend, then Mr. Gann's position at the close, even though its under water by 36 points, should be good to go.

One last note on data.  The 5th data point was scheduled to manifest a pivot at 10:43am.  It is a component of the 10:44am bar (10:43, 10:44, 10:45, 10:46, I think) and the very highest pivot of that sequence is one bar earlier making the pivot, at most, five minutes off.  

So, out of 5 pivots, all are within five minutes of being accurate to some level of discernible pivot.

We have two tests of the WMOT pivots using a mechanical system.  One test is whether gaming it will produce a return greater than a random walk 0 return.  That's a test, in statistics was referred to as a weighted test or a substantive test or dollar weighted test.  The other test is if the WMOT marks pivots.  It might be referred to as the "coin-toss," or Bernoulli process, or attribute test.  Its either yes or no.  

So far, both tests seem to be confirming but tomorrow, the first day of trading would seem to be a significant test to confirm its integrity or to uncover further nuance...or to disprove it.

[Time permitting, I'll extend the 4-minute chart further back to January 9 to see how pivots worked overnight January 9 to 10, to add several additional data points.  And I will count the pivots over the 3-day weekend.  I may post them tomorrow morning before the open.]

An off topic note; I caught the Fox Business teaser on Fox News this morning in which Stuart Barney appears to overview the market.  It was clearly 'to the moon' bullish because of tax reduction, regulations and earnings.  And despite possible government shutdown looming in four days.  Interesting contest between what I, in my confessed perma bear bias technical interpretation, consider ripe for a big let down compared to the super bull fundamental interpretation.  Where's a coin I can toss?

Jim Ross 

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Inspiration and foreboding; and Marie Stanton

Minding my own business, working to identify acrostic/telestic markers that denote the mathematic expansion of space (DJIA price) in WD Gann's "Weekly Map of Time," I come upon the clearly spelled word "your" (spelled upside down as "ruoy," in red):

As I often, no, more as a rule, I identify a clearly spelled word as a possible message to me.  How narcissistic is that?  But that's the Pavlovian response to be honest given the dozens of times I have found my name in "The Tunnel Thru the Air" and the meaningful related messages.  I've documented so many.

The narrative might be interpreted as a message; "Keep working Jim, study hard, your work is rewarding in and of itself.  An "Attaboy," thanks coach.  In the end there will be an invention and your troubles will disappear.  The enterprise is noble."  If I were to stop here, I've already been rewarded by considering concepts otherwise I would not have considered in this life.  But I'm not stopping here whether I discontinue this thread (as often I felt I should) or not.

Unfortunately, the message does not stop.  Always following the reciprocating line 'path' which is highlighted in blue in the insert above and insert below.  From the cumulative ascending column line number 8349 I go to the cumulative descending line number column and look for that number and find it:

On descending line 8349 I find "time."  The message is "your time."  That seems personal and the math correspondence of the reciprocating lines joining the words indicates, to me, WD Gann intended the message.

The  narrative of the second 'message' is foreboding; Ezekiel's prophecy presaged by Ecclesiastes' declaration of "history repeats."  The two Biblical thoughts correlated with "your time..." my lifetime which is in its later years; logically in the not distant future.  That's my interpretation, yours might be different...if you give the implied thought any gravity at all.  Most won't, the few that will may look for a rosier context.

The second narrative fits what I identified three years ago; St Malachy's prophecy of the 266th Pope correlated with our time.  The short explanation; Pope Francis is the 266th Pope which St Malachy (some argue the Papal prophesies were actually written by Nostradamus) prophesied would be the last pope.  On page 82 of TTTTA, WD Gann ruminates on the 266th Pope as if he were to be elected in Mr. Gann's lifetime...  Mr. Gann, in my estimation, would not have such a mistake.  In the immediately following narrative of page 82, he predicts the 1929 period and further alludes to WWII.  Again, that isn't the timing of the election of the 266th Pope to which Mr. Gann refers; he knew the 266th Pope would not be elected in the 1930s or 1940s.  Any person in the 1920s at all knowledgeable of St Malachy's prophesies and the then current record would not make that mistake.  Think about it.

WWII in WD Gann's "time" as he predicted on pages 82 and 83 of TTTTA, repeating in "your time" which has little time left to run (I'm 66 to be 67 next month leaving little time).

Mr. Gann knew when the 266th Pope would be elected far into the future given the then current Pope's number according to the prophecy; I argue he knew the 266th Pope would be elected in "our time," in my time.  Pope Francis, born on the 266th degree of the solar year, was elected in 2013.  His predictions are related to our time.  Just my opinion.

And in our time, that greater turmoil to which Mr. Gann refers will occur; again my interpretation of the above inserts.  And in that time, an invention, perhaps the "Map of Time" and the weekly counterpart, will emerge as an aid.

*** ***

Often I will link back, via line reciprocating line numbers as above, "messages" I read as intended for  me to one of the dozens of encodings of my name.  This time I can't find it.  

I'm relieved, but "not so much."

A thought occurs to me now two hours after writing this post; refer back to the first insert above.  An interpretation; once "my" journey is complete, my reward will include Marie returning to me?  Marie Stanton.  Two years ago I used, I think, anagram-solver.net to solve Marie Stanton and it gave me the word "transmeation" using every one of the 12 letters.  A passing, crossing over a border; 'death' I expect.

In an effort to replicate that result I queried 4 anagram solving sites this morning and received nothing.  Then I tried, again, anagram-solver.net and received the following result:

This time I do not get "transmeation," so I go back to my 'names' spreadsheet and I recompute transmeation as an anagram of Marie Stanton.  No question about it, it is a perfect 12-letter anagram of the 12-letter name.  Not one of the sites gave me that solution.

This time, the only thing I get as a 12-letter solution of Marie Stanton is "Nation master."  And was was Robert Gordon....he was the master of all nations of the world.

Far less relieved now.

Jim Ross

Saturday, January 13, 2018

How would WD Gann have traded this market? 4 points of the WMOT

WD Gann published "The Tunnel Thru the Air" in 1927 and encoded in it the "Map of Time" and the "wheel within the wheel" "Weekly Map of Time."  We might expect that this device, if it is valid and his greatest timepiece invention, would be his preferred instrument of trading the DJIA (as opposed to, say, his Square of Nine).

Assuming the WMOT is an accurate device, how would he have traded the DJIA on January 11 and 12, 2018?  Would he have made money?

After re reviewing the WMOT, which I have been following haphazardly this last week, have four data points for those two days.  There are only four points marked by "Pi" in the acrostic telestic encoding.  Those four points from the WMOT are (yellow highlight):

and 2,
and 3,
and 4,

I've linked a one-minute chart to the 1, 2, 3 and 4 above to show the bar that was predicted and the price at that exact bar.  I'm made notations as to how many minutes the WMOT deviated from the nearest recognizable pivot (One was 5 minutes off which violates the 4 minute complete cycle.  I excuse that as the math from the "correct beginning" is many years and my calculations, though entirely mathematic, could involve some "user error.").

Four data points, those being 12:21pm on January 11, 2018 and 9:49am, 12:20pm and 3:49pm of January 12, 2018.  I followed two of them in real time this last week and those two were perfect (within the smallest cycle of 4 minutes).  But does that mean Mr. Gann would have made money if he traded them?  Let's make some assumptions and see.  The assumptions:
  • The first of the four trades is on the correct side of the market. 
  • Each successive trade flips.  Each WMOT predicted pivot has WD Gann reversing from short to long and vice versa.
  • The entry/exit point of each flip will occur at the average price of the hi and low of that predicted moment.
Here are the four data points in a one-minute chart as an overview.  Note the arrows indicate assumed entry and exit points (green for establishing long and red for covering long and establishing short).

I have attached to the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 above, hyperlinks to screen shots of four one-minute charts that give the market prices at each trade.  Here is the derived spreadsheet of WD Gann's trades:

Two wins and one loss according to the yes/no outcomes (coin toss, Bernoulli process).  From a dollar weighted viewpoint, Mr. Gann realized a net 182.29 points from the first three trades (four trades but one remaining open at week end).  A trader that correctly traded that first trade long at 12:21pm on January 11 and held continually for that same period (to 2:39pm on January 12, 2018) made 278.47 points.  Or, a trader that shorted the 12:21pm January 11, 2018 bar and held for the same period lost 278.47 points.  That's realized points for the three alternates.

Unrealized positions would have worked to the detriment of how Mr. Gann would have traded this market.  Mr. Gann's position is short at the close and the market had inclined from his last trade at 2:39pm in which he became short.  The continually long trader had further unrealized gains and the continually short trader had further unrealized losses.  In that case, Mr. Gann net realized gains would be netted down by an unrealized losses of 35.75 (his short position of 25767.44 less the close at 25803.19).  The unrealized losses would reduce Mr. Gann's gains to 146.55 at yesterday's close.

Let's say the continually long trader and continually short trader were "random walk(ers)."  Take their gains and losses and average them.  Nothing was gained, net, because random walk means a trader can't have an edge by any means or methods.  (Of course, I don't believe that, be it WD Gann, Elliott Wave or choice other methods.)

*** ***

Of 314.22 points the market "traveled," net, from 12:21pm on January 11, 2018 to the close January 12, 2018, Mr. Gann's WMOT took 182.29 realized or 146.55 unrealized.  Beats sitting on your hands.

Of course, there's the pesky assumption, above, that he was on the correct side of the market with his first trade.  I can only comment that he said he had strict stop loss rules I expect would have corrected him pretty quickly.  

So, the WMOT "system" is short over the weekend and the perfectly prescient long trader is, well, long.  The next WMOT predicted pivot is 10:30am on Monday the 15th.  Then there are two more (a quick count) of two more pivots before noon on Monday, a total of four for the day!  I'll keep tracking for a while.

As an aside.  If the WMOT is an intended "timepiece" as were other devices in my opinion (Square of 9, etc), I believe it to be his most sophisticated of all and, unlike the others, one that came with encoded instructions on how to operate it.  I don't believe anyone, at least that I've read, has explained the Square of 9 or any other of his sophisticated devices to the extent that they could operate it and achieve anything approaching the 92% success rate  touted in the "Ticker Interview."  Or to have accompanied him, as did the Square of 9, as he walked the NYSE floor, I've read.  Once one device is understood, then perhaps the ancient mathematics or natural laws on which it might be based will become evident.  

Until then, its all as if magic to us that he could have done such things as he did.  

Jim Ross

Friday, January 12, 2018

Update 2 January 12, 2018 - after the fact

The WD Gann "Weekly Map of Time" predicted a DJIA pivot for 12:20pm (not 12:21pm):

It did occur.  The pivot predicted by WD Gann worked.

No doubt, I've created confusion because I, me, had an expectation of price.  That did not occur as I've planned.  I have things I'm watching, but for now, my price speculation did not occur.

WD Gann's prediction of a pivot at 12:20pm within the smallest cycle, the 4-minute cycle, did occur. Here is the 4-minute chart:

And here is the 1-minute chart that shows the pivot occurred at 12:18pm.

*** ***

That's three real-time pivots predicted by the "Weekly Map" of Time encoded in "The Tunnel Thru the Air" in the last three days.  Three for three, pretty good Mr. Gann.  Especially good considering the WMOT was published 90 years ago.

Not so good James Ross, you're batting, without flaw as well; about 0 for 3.  Perfect.  Especially bad considering you're trying to interpret math written 90 years ago and your prediction, err speculation, occurred only six hours ago.  

He can predict what he predicts (timing) 90 years in advance and you can't predict what you aspire to predict (price/space) only six hours in advance.

Jim Ross

Update on January 12, 2018 at 12:20pm DJIA 25586

DJIA gapped up big time in the face of an increasingly looming government shutdown; 60+ points.  Err, an upside breakaway gap up...or an exhaustion gap?  Such a hypocrite am I to be arguing a fundamental view (government shut down) and a technical/chartist view (gap analysis) of the market that, momentarily, favors my deterministic view.  Looks like I'm "talking my book."

And it exceeded the 'ideal' "Circle of Time" circumference - implied price of 25586.  I expect I'll have to revise my perception of "lost motion."  I'm used to my theories being disproven.  Its a component of experimentation...and my fallibility (as to which my wife will bear witness).

Regardless, where does DJIA come to rest at 12:20pm is the larger test of the theory.  Here's where DJIA stands at the moment:

I will update shortly after 12:20pm.

Jim Ross

January 12, 2018 at 12:21pm, DJIA 25586

[This essay has a fundamental error of 1 minute.  The WMOT says the turn will occur at 12:20pm, not 12:21pm.  The pivot that was predicted for January 11, 2018 and did occur, was predicted for 12:21pm and today's, January 12, 2018, is predicted for 12:20pm.  Given that the WMOT is still in the process of being calibrated from its 'beginning point' decades in arrears, the difference of 1 minute doesn't bother me.   But making the error, if it is one (my calibration might be wrong making 12:21pm today correct), and not acknowledging it does bother me.]

Laying in bed last, crunching numbers, playing scenarios in my mind, it became only logical to envision, to connect the dots, that we might see January 12, 2018 at 12:21pm, DJIA 25586 today.

Only connecting the dots, not proven by math in any way, but it seems to make sense.  Now after I write this, I check /YM (DJIA futures) and overnight DJIA futures hit 25674 and remains up 95 at 25653 making the confluence of time and price at their conjoined point, the subject of this notation, less likely.

"Less likely?"  If someone walked up to you and said DJIA will be XXXXX at 12:21pm tomorrow, how likely would that be?  Absurdly improbable.

If someone walked up to you and said DJIA would be XXXXX at 12:21pm 91 years and 91 days from now....  Absurdly, absurdly improbable.

I'm not so sure the immense unlikelihood of either proposition is appreciably different....they're both out of the realm of computable 'scientific' statistical improbability.  Yeah, the former is less improbable, but is the difference noticeable?

What set me off on this philosophic rant this morning?  My Luo Clement vibratory "number."

After wringing out the huge number of numerical synchronicities in the immediately previous essay, I'd missed one.  The two-digit reflection my birthday and today's predicted time.

Recall in yesterday's essay I reduced my birthday (21) and first name (12) to 3 and 3.  But I did not connect the dots to the predicted time; 12:21pm.

My number  21    12

           Time  12     21

How improbable is that?

I'm reminded of an encoded "message" in WD Gann's "Map of Time" that, like many, seem too personal or not elaborated enough, I've not published it.  It said, to the effect, "We saw Dee map."  And I realize, that if the message is a message, he was referring to John Dee's "23rd theorem" (from page 18 of Jim Egan's "The Meaning of the Monas Hierophyphica..."):

I've not figured out the "Map," its so steeped in deep enigma of numerology.  But I haven't any doubt the diagonally crossed lines that divide "Metamorphosis" and "Consummation" are a reflection or exchange of the positions of opposites.  If the message is valid, which doesn't matter a bit because it caused me to ponder the subject of what it was teasing, then it has me contemplating another source (other than the Bible, Great Pyramid) of the "Map of Time."

Now focus on those diagonally crossed lines.  And, at the same time, connect the 21 of "my number" and the 21 of "time."  And then cross the 12s.

*** ***

I have a hunch its an ancient lesson in something I've learned from the earliest days of this blog; that opposites are polar extremes of the themselves, always exchanging positions.  John Dee had a great fascination with the "camera obscura" a great invention of his time in which he had a hand.  The camera; he built many models of it.

And the camera relies on light, manipulated through a small hole into a dark cavity, inverts the image in every respect; top to bottom, left to right.  

Space, reality, imaged through a small hole appearing on the reflective other side, becoming the polar opposite but its recognizable reflection.  Move the reflective wall closer to the small hole and the reflection becomes smaller and the reverse it true.  Tilt it one way or the other and the image of the historic event becomes distorted.  Do historic events work the same way, with the repetition becoming larger or smaller, distorted based on the time distance from the 'small hole' through which the original image must pass and the tilt of the reflective plane?

Yeah, I believe that's how all this works and it would seem John Dee had the numeric mechanics of it buried in his map just as WD Gann buried the same knowledge in "The Tunnel Thru the Air."  But its buried deeply in layers of 'in sight' and further derived enigma.

Let's see what 12:21pm produces.  If nothing else, it renews thought of reflective opposites (camera obscura) and numeric opposites (the exchange of 12-21 and 21-12); the numeric laws of time and space.  

Law, not magic.

Jim Ross

Thursday, January 11, 2018

25586 "Any sufficiently advanced technology (or mathematics) is indistinguishable from magic."

Arthur C. Clarke, British science fiction author.  "Mathematics" is my alteration.

On Christmas Day, I discovered July 13 would perfect the time element of a great Kepler triangle that used the imperfectly measured Earth's circumference and Pi to explain the space and time between that date and the dates of the Great 1929 collapse (September, 3, 1929 top at 386 and July 8, 1932 bottom at 40).  Christmas Day, my second post of the day, I predicted July 12, 2018 would be a high at 25207 (later corrected to July 13 and 24861).  This incorrectly framed prediction was made based on a startling discovery; Vibration according to Luo Clement's (WD Gann pen name) method confirmed, is an integral component of, the calculation of spacetime repetition.

On January 1, 2018 I realized my error (one of many).  That one of the two points (September 3, 1929 and July 8, 1932) would control time to July 13, 2018 and the other would control the magnitude of price on that day.  You don't use both time and price of two points to predict a third.  You use price of one extreme data point and time from the other extreme point to 'triangulate' the third.  Time controls future space (price) and space controls the interval of time to another future event.  All according to the Kepler triangle.

Today, January 11, 2018, the "Weekly Map of Time" has proven a second data point evidencing its ability to predict in real time.  And I offered, as I had some time ago, the ideal price top would be the prophetic Biblical Great Week of 2520 X 10, also the philosopher stone number, 252 X100 plus the September 3, 1929 top intraday of 386.  At the close, DJIA stands at 25575.42, 11 points short of the ideal price top.  "11" I said to myself. Eleven.

  • 1.  Christmas Day, 12/25/2017 or reduced 3 7 0.  37, the smallest angle of the Pythagorean 3-4-5 triangle, little brother of the Kepler triangle.  37, the revered number of ancient and present orders holding math as fundamental to their identity.  Reduce 37 once again and you get...1.
  • 1 1 11. January 1, 2018, reduced to 1 11 1 or 1111 without the spacing.  What is the essay that I wrote in idle time just preceding Christmas?  It was the magic square of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" where I derived the 12 rows of the 12 days and reduced them to find the number 1111.  And the significance of 1111?  That essay asks the question, "is the number 1111, the number of the father, the son or the holly ghost?"  
  • 1 11 11.  Today, January 11, 2018, reduced to 1 11 11 or 11111 without the spacing.  
Now DJIA stands 11 points short of what I have offered as the ideal highest high of the DJIA, symbolic of the prophetic Biblical Great Week.

And if DJIA goes that 11 remaining points to 25586 tomorrow...or Monday or Tuesday?  There and no farther?  No "lost motion."  No "truncation."  Well, if it manifests, we have space or circumference of the "Circle of Time" at the Biblical 2520 X 10.  We have John Dee's philosopher stone number.

What would remain to be seen would be whether we have a time interval of Pi X 10000 from July 8, 1932 to the predicted July 13, 2018.  

What's the chances of either?  Try counting the stars.  Regardless, if the former occurs, I wouldn't want to bet against the later.

[Just for grins, reduce the dates of September 3, 1929 and July 8, 1932 just once and you get 33 and 30 and once again you get 6 and 3.  Now, reduce tomorrow January 12, 2018 and July 13, 2018 and you get 21 and 12 or further reduced to..... 3 and 3.  My birth and name number are 21 and 12 or further reduced to....3 and 3.  Tomorrow, January 12, 2018 at 25200 (the interval in time thus excluding the 386 beginning) or those two numbers reduced are 3 and 7 .... 37.  One last detail.  DJIA closed at exactly 25575.42...yeah, reduce it to a single digit and you get 3.]  

*** ***

I feel so blessed to be a part of this "seeming" plan, yet to be confirmed as real or delusion.  You should as well, if you read this essay and the plan comes to pass.  There are very few people that read this blog, now maybe 60, up from the 40s.  If the speculation of what might occur tomorrow, Monday, Tuesday or very soon, namely DJIA touches 25586 and reverses, well, you saw it in real time.  You are a witness.

You'd be hard pressed to deny what we think of as a miracle, as magic.  You'd have been part of it.

A corollary to Arthur C. Clarke's third law in the title of this essay would be that of Florence Ambrose:

"Any technology, no matter how advanced, is magic to those who do not understand it."

As I reach for my dog-eared copy of Peter Tomkins' "The Secrets of the Great Pyramid," having read WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" dozens of times....in never ending wonder.

Jim Ross