From ENS 10 in this series, the message is:
[5/4/16 note: The message above has one too many 'a' s in it. The correction has been may in the subsequent essay "ENS 12: Proving the message. The missing 'a' is key to a further inquiry that led to additional insight.]
To understand the message, you need to recall some background information from previous essays and findings; in point, John Dee and the number 252 and the 266th Pope. A quick reprise of those background subjects.
John Dee is the second most encoded name cited in WD Gann's "Map of Time" that is encoded in the structure of "The Tunnel Through the Air." John Dee was a contemporary and friend of Lord Francis Bacon and in the time period of Galileo and other great thinkers of that era. Dee was reputed as among the most learned men of that era having in his personal library 4000 "volumes" at a time when the great Cambridge Oxford library had 400. A magician, mathematician, alchemist, spiritualist, he was the philosopher scientist of Queen Elizabeth I's court. His personal relationship with QE I was such that his personal written notes to her were encoded and then signed with their mutually understood signature "007." John Dee was the first "007."
"Dee" appears in TTTTA 45 times....make that 46 times. Literally, there are 45 instances of "Dee." There is one instance of "007." It is the 23rd item if the now 46 items are arranged in line sequence as you find it HERE. That 7592nd line on which "007" is pictured HERE. Recall, permutations of "WD Gann" are encoded in TTTTA some 23 times and as a ratio of the number of the 37 times a permutation of my name appears in TTTTA (37 times), we have Phi. The essay on deriving Phi from 37 and 23 is "My Phi."
Hmmm, 46 observations of "Dee" and every one of them are telestic. Is that random? No. "007" is the 23rd observation. Is that coincidence? No.
What's so important about John Dee? Its his philosophers stone number 252, suspiciously 1/10th of the Biblical Great Week of 2520 years. 252 is enshrined in Dee's "Monas Heiroglyphica" is is important to Mr. Gann, in my humble opinion. As a proportion to WD Gann's philosopher stone number, 432, the number pages in TTTTA when counting blank title and rear pages, you have the same proportion as 12 to 7, e.g. 432 to 252 reduces to 12 to 7. Remember 252.
266th Pope, this is where my journey into TTTTA truly started. St Malachy's (some say Nostradamus in pen name of the already departed Saint), prophecy that the 266th Pope would be the last Pope of the Catholic Church...and perhaps the last period. Pope Francis is the 266th Pope by near consensus counts of all Popes under the prophecy. Pope Francis was elected to the office on March 13, 2013.
On page 82 of TTTTA we find the 266th Pope and Mr. Gann indicates "remarkable events" will occur in the wake of the election of the 266th Pope. It is my contention that pages 82, 83 and 84 overview those events. Remember the number 82.
That's the background. Now for the important points of the message; how it was derived, its content and context, its meaning as I interpret it and how we might logically, even mathematically, prove the meaning as proposed was Mr. Gann's intended meaning.
First, how did I derive their message? I sorted the 56 missing letters from the results of the 'objective' study of the 45 greatest earthquakes in the MOT period and then arranged them horizontally. As I derived a word, I subtracted one letter from the horizontal line of letters. The result of the exercise is below:
Are there alternate words to be found in 56 letters? Absolutely. Are there a set of so constructed alternate words that create a message consistent with the themes of methods that derived the 56 letters, that is, Yellowstone and 45 earthquakes? I can't think of an alternate message but I go with the flow. IF I was meant to find something then I'd think the first thing I found is the correct result.
56 missing letters of which 38 letters are used to spell the message that begins this essay.
Second, what is the content and context of the message? This is pretty simple. The content of the message is an advanced society, the Incan Empire, symbolized by the mysteries of the Pumapunka square stones (one as large as 65 metric tons), disappears precipitously. Astroarchaeological study first thought the society existed 14,000 years ago to be corrected to a far more recent dating. Not remotely fully excavated, ground sonar indicates buildings, pools, and other structures buried below layers of earth. Perhaps volcanic mud? Volcanic ash coalescing on Pumapunka perhaps? Check the map; volcanos in South America border the Andean Mountains 200 miles or so west of Pumapunka.
Recall the misspelled "greaty City of Chicago" on page 320. Is it the "great City of Chicago" or the "grey City of Chicago? Yellowstone some 1300 miles west of Chicago. What a silly typo for a typesetter to make, a publisher to miss and a detailed author to.... allow. I don't think so but that's me.
In context, the message must relate to the genesis of this series "Yellowstone - now" and 45 earthquakes from which the message is derived. I doubt that I need to elaborate further. Even for the Noxious Ones.
Third, what is the meaning of the message? Obviously, great societies die and disappear. Sometimes precipitously and with only mere traces of their prior existence. Consider Mr. Gann's description of Atlantis on that wondrous page 76 of the chapter 7, "Future Cycles:"
Focus on "There is considerable truth in that statement." Mr. Gann, point blank, is telling us he approves of the thought that there was a great civilization which was substantially as advanced as that which is achieved at least as it was in 1927. It's as if, he has "seen" or proven, perhaps mathematically, that such an advanced society existed. Think about it "There is considerable truth in that statement." Did he know? Why else did he phrase it that way? Was he that careless?
If you read the next paragraph of page 76 we have the circle; that everything is elliptical by nature. It has a beginning and an end and the end marks a new beginning. That people, and we'd expect, societies, do good and evil and every such act comes back as an opposite. A bad deed results, ultimately, in a bad result and the reverse. There is always "atonement," whether you believe its result is personal or the Christian result of "atonement" and "grace." Consequence, cause and effect.
The meaning of the message is all too clear, at least to me. Its rather personal and I've laid out my take. Its something worthy of one's own personal consideration. What you believe, you own so please don't try to refute my thought and steal what I own. Just consider and create your own property and wealth.
I don't know how proximate the "now" is or what's to be done....the "quick, quick, jump." Isn't that the way it always is in trading? And perhaps, in life? We know the pyramiding price grows irrationally high and must crash...we just don't know the "when." We know the beginning of the "path:" a panic resulting from an event, be it the LTCM default, the Lehman crisis or...the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. We don't know the 'when.' Maybe the 'when' is in TTTTA but I don't know it.
Fourth, can Mr. Gann's intent to leave this message be proven? After all, I've personally interpreted it and, no doubt, tainted it with my bias? Did Mr. Gann leave a web of citations, interrelated based upon numbers, that would, by their interrelationships and consistency of message, cause one to believe the message was intended?
Too much too fast to present and have a reader pause consider. Its too easy for me to write these thoughts because I've lived them the past several days, and, more largely, the last two years since I wrote the essay on the "remarkable events" that would occur upon the election of the 266th Pope.
The perceived proof will have to wait another day first because I have not written that which I've conceived by not set to print and second because the propositions (above) needs to be considered.
On a personal note I exchanged thoughts with another today and need to reflect on the "Noxious Ones." I've insulted some readers out of reflex to their lack of imagination and prideful positions that theirs was the greater knowledge. That was me two years ago; not that I am any better than I was back then. Rather, I'm "less worse." Socrates, in the "Apology," knew he was smarter than the great philosophers, artists, mathematicians... because they all presented themselves as having the knowledge that only God could have. Socrates knew he was smarter than them because he knew that he did not know those things only God could know. He knew he didn't know.
If there's anything I've proven over the last two years of studying WD Gann, its how little I do know. Even the "Noxious Ones," such as myself, can open their minds, read the "signs" and make their own judgements. Judge by the fruit. Create your own wealth.
Hold on to those two numbers; John Dee's philosopher's stone number 252 and the 266th Pope.
Jim Ross
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