WE can ascribe the events of man as the result of forces playing with as pawns to be manipulated by the many "Gods" at their will like a game of Battleship and for their entertainment. Put the "Gods" in a black box and just do what we do not knowing or having any inkling of 'why.' Destination resulting from divine caprice.
OR, we can say its "all a wash," that all things cancel out in the end, that what we do is without personal consequence for us though others may suffer or benefit from the consequence of what we do. After all, maybe we can get away with it. Its all random and an event does not condition the next occurring event. The coin toss. Randomness.
OR, we can envision all things being circular as clearly explained by Mr. Gann. There is consequence according the one God's "natural law," the phrase used with great specificity by Mr. Gann as claimed by Patrick Mikyla to represent something (largely astrologic in his interpretation found in his two volume of "Gann's Scientific Methods Unveiled"). That "natural law" thing...sounds like law that we, in "common law" usage, intend to mean, something objective, pure, immutable, belonging to and governing every person equally. Its not random and not capricious, its "cause and effect," it expectation of the reciprocal for every action. It's perfectly mathematical in its working. "Perfectly," "mathematic," "cause and effect," "natural law,".... one cannot read TTTTA, in my opinion, and not be satisfied that those things are dominant themes. Natural law would seem to be the perfect order of all things from which all things had previously flowed; as perfect as mathematics. Order according to or rivaling the perfection of mathematics.
So we follow Mr. Gann's thread from the seeming transparent but startling prediction of World War II found in "Tora, Tora, Tora" uttered on the bridge of the Nagato in the early morning of December 7, 1941, to the greater meaning of "Torah Code" encoded in the acrostic telestic letters and bracketed by the great Isaac Newton's name whom, it is said, dedicated half his life to its discovery, to Descartes' second proof of the existence of God and the reasonable inference that the secret of the third mathematic proofs of God might lie in the proof of the existence of the Torah Code.
What a sentence. Let's bullet it for clarity:
- Prediction of WWII via, among many other incidents, "Tora, Tora, Tora,"
- Encoding of the "Torah Code" bracketed by "Newt_n" and "Newton,"
- Descartes' second philosophical proof of God supplementing the first theological proof,
- WD Gann's speculated third proof of God via the secret of the Torah Code encoded in his "The Tunnel Thru the Air;" the third mathematic proof.
Why the "Phi and the structure of space-time" title this morning? Its the possible nature of that order. Clearly Mr. Gann likes the number Phi. How many essays on this blog of the last two years have been devoted wholly or in part to identifying Mr. Gann's many explicit (though encoded) or numeric representations of Phi woven into TTTTA? Many.
Phi and mathematic order, evidenced by manifested predictions, and explained in an algorithm, a "Torah Code," that produces prediction according to the perfect order.
That's where I am and have been, except for the finding of link to a Torah Code, for several months now having almost a year ago identified the WD Gann Memorial Triangle. The GMT, a physical triangle formed of three New York locations that create a spacially ordered triangle, whose historical context form an exponential temporal order. An apparent inverse or reciprocal or complementary order of space and time governed, apparently, but sisters/brothers of Phi (pi and square root of 2).
Am I alone in thinking those are the ingredients of all things; that all things are comprised of order between space and time enforced by a permutation of Phi? No.
The genesis of this essay was my stumbling on speculation posited by noted scientists Dr. Peter Comba and Jan C.A. Boeyens in "Electronic Structure and Number Theory; Bohr's Boldest Dream:"
Forget the formula, that's not the point(s) I derive from the above because I'm not qualified to even mention the formula. Two points:
- "It (Phi) could even be interpreted as a measure of space-time curvature." The "curve for the future," perhaps? Phi, the arbiter (via some algorithm) between the two fundamental opposing forces; space and time.
- And to summarize the last paragraph of the excerpt, taking some liberty, its all well and good to model molecular (matter) properties by "coincidence" aka "correlation", or aka "meaningless coincidence" but maybe its "fundamentally" more important to model "molecular properties by number theoretic golden parameters" (again, Phi).
According to the many "miracles" of prediction I have documented, Mr. Gann knew how to predict, with perfect, mathematic precision, at least those things documented to date. Prediction as precise as predicting Muhammad Atta's departure from Logan International Airport on September 11, 2001 within 1 minute of his actual departure (the 6th Prophecy). Many such instances are in these pages and can be backtested at the leisure (or pain) of the reader. Given that we can find evidence of prediction, therefore, we can rule out the "randomness" view of the world because randomness is, by definition, well, random. We are left with either the "divine capriciousness" of many mysterious Gods who rule with impunity or the one God that rules with perfect order, natural order and natural law; mathematic order.
The "Torah Code," as it may exist and may be found to be documented in TTTTA would go a long way to disproving divine capriciousness and supporting the divine order of mathematics.
From the above, I'd expect Phi to be a part of the "Torah Code" which would relate the opposing, reciprocal or inverse forces of space and time.
From the above, I'd believe the ultimate meaning of things cannot be found by studying "meaningless coincidence" as Comba and Boeyens offered. In my thought and as I'd think Rene Descartes would approve, can we derive the thought of perfect mathematics from the thought of imperfect and meaningless coincidence? Can perfect truth result from imperfect observation? Perhaps a false god in itself; Gaussian probability? Wow, 40 years ago as an MBA student I would have scoffed at the thought. After reading Nassim Taleb's "The Black Swan" I would have been less sure. Today, well, I'm in a far different place.
After I posed these thoughts to myself last night I slept on it and this morning I woke up with the thought to search for Dr. Comba and Jan C. A. Boeyens... no, not online, but I did do that as well just to satisfy myself as to their credentials. No, I searched TTTTA and in minutes I found both "Comba" and "Boeyens." On page 358 I find "SeCret" highlighted in green, "COmBa" highlighted in red and "Boeyens" highlighted in blue.
Test it, I haven't. Do those words pop up at a moment's glance several places in TTTTA? Download TTTTA and see if you can find a second instance of those three words in a space of 29 lines. Perfectly spelled, 'secret,' 'Comba' and 'Boeyens' all within 29 lines of text or 58 acrostic telestic letters. And of the 18 letters comprising the three words, 9 are telestic letters and 9 are acrostic letters. Maybe you can find a couple instances in the 15,341 lines and 30,682 acrostic telestic letters but I doubt it. I'm too lazy to test myself; I didn't get much sleep last night. So, knock yourself out and "just do it."
Can we derive perfect truth from coincidence? Did Mr. Gann? Really?
Jim Ross
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ReplyDeleteYou are really onto something... "secret." I need to find every location of "secret" and "hidden." Last would indicate his last secret hidden in TTTTA. I doubt uncovering the secrets will tell us how the MOT device works, but I'd think the background is what is needed to figure it out. Find the secrets, study the subjects (Descartes, John Dee, Einstein....) and then we have the necessary background.
DeleteSo, that's what I'm making of it for now...always subject to change.
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DeleteAbout the different levels of secrets. Remember Mr. Gann said in the Foreword a good book will have something for everyone. Some people are only sophisticated enough to understand "risk only 10% of your capital." Some people are smart enough to understand "buy when the market makes new highs." Even smarter people will be able to use the 45*. Even smarter people will be able to use the lunar return. Has anyone ever been able to use the Map of Time or the true mathematics of the market (should it exist).
DeleteSo yes, deeper secrets for people capable of understanding those secrets. Something for everyone. Milk for the weak, meat for the strong.
Interesting thoughts. I took the Forward as referring to earthquakes, stock market, wars, famous political people, and most importantly, religion. Something for everyone.
DeleteSteven Hahn
About miracles and the number 88. 88 years and 43 days from the date of the Foreword (May 9, 1927), I was standing at Mr. Gann's gravestone for my first visit. I did not plan to be there that day. It just fit with our trip to Newport RI to see my daughter and son-in-law. It was exactly the summer solstice. I left his gravestone at 1pm according to my back fitting the time while on my trip back up to Newport that day. And then I realized that was daylight savings time. It was really 12 noon on the summer solstice.
DeleteTake 88 years and 43 days (based on 365.242 days per year). Deduct the 88 years and you have 43 days. Look up line on the MOT. What does it say?
Now look up line 88 and see what it says.
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DeleteYeah, the 88 years and 43 days was pretty personal. I've experienced many of those "coincidences" I have not documented. The ones in "What is a Miracle" included myself and daughter/son in law.
DeleteAbout October 20. October 19 is the day of the end in "Knowing." I don't believe that's Mr. Gann's messages as he says "that the time be shortened." But another day before is the subway attack on the NYC intersection of Lafayette and Worth (there isn't a subway station there anymore but the tracks are there). That intersection is where the largest US Federal Govt building is located.
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DeleteI had noticed the 15 years to 2016 but not the remainder of 43 days. Were it 42 days, I'd find it equally alarming (TTTTA is exactly 42 years in lines as a line per day). That would then be October 19.
DeleteLine 42 is the first line of the Foreword (precedes the title Foreword) and, counting from the last line of the Foreword upward, its the 72nd line).
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ReplyDeleteYes. Line 69 descending. It is also chapter line 45 ascending on the right. 69 and 45, very notable numbers. Makes me feel like I have the line enumeration of the first pages correct.
DeleteLook at the narrative on line 62/63. "This story is founded on facts and event, many of which have happened or will happen in the future."
Seems to be a revealing statement. I've written about that sentence before. He didn't say it was based on fiction in his imagination. It is based on facts and events, some have occurred, some will occur.
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DeleteKnew that, but did you take YOUR own method to the next level? I found "secret" spelled proximate to "hidden secret."
ReplyDeleteGiven our discussion of numerical representations of that October date above? Can you guess my street number...don't post it. I'll email you.
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DeleteEgyptAir Flight 804 vanishes from radar with 66 people aboard
Happened this morning. That number 66 makes me think it was based on past events.