Sunday, May 22, 2016

The old horse at the trough reconsiders 11, 77 and 88

Remember the math of the previous essay on three curious two-digit numbers found in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air."  No, forget the math.  Think of a new pattern, entirely theological, possibly prophetic.

11.  Line 2813, an acrostic message in yellow:

Genesis 1:1.  "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."  Pretty straightforward.

77.  Line 3809, a telestic message in yellow:

Mathew 7:7.  Again, very straightforward.  "Ask, and it shall given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

Unlike Genesis 1:1 which we do not find formally included in TTTTA, we find Mathew 7:7 stated formally on page 69.  Then we find it stated informally many more times.  As I recall studying those phrases, a total of 7 times, perhaps, including the formal statement above.  

Interesting line numbers 2813 and 3809 which, added together give you 6622.  If you subdivided and added them you'd arrive at 66+22=88.  And we find the number 88 as follows.

88.  Line  8366, an acrostic message in yellow:

Not straightforward at all; Jeremiah 8:8 or Ecclesiastes 8:8 or Romans 8:8 or Mathew 8:8 or yes, its Joshua 8:8?  We find on line 8363, as if anticipating my question (as, I expect, Mr. Gann did), which book's 8:8.  We find on that line Joshua, not any of the others anywhere near-abouts.

It's as if, well, "seek and ye shall be find."  But that's painfully melodramatic.  Sorry.

And what does Joshua 8:8 say?

"And it shall be, when ye have taken the city, ye shall
set the city on fire: according to the commandment of 
the LORD, shall ye do.  See, I have commanded you."  

What city?  Is a prediction being made by this string of possible references to Bible verse?

Note the acrostic message in red; "Inca" spelled flawlessly with a capital 'I.'  In that context, a re reading of two essays would seem imperative; ENS 12, proving the message and Yellowstone.

Err, don't forget the year cited on the line highlighted in green, 1928.  Remember, 1928 plus 88 gives you 2016 and, like the narrative says, its an election year amid great turbulent problems, foreign and domestic, natural and man made.


Am I wrong to consider these references to scripture related; conjured for a purpose?  Similar to the addition of lines 2813 and 3809 to derive the number 88 and link forward, we find the interesting line number 8366.  Parse it like this; 8+3=11 and then add the 66 to get 77.  Would that suggest the 11, 77 and 88 need to be read together as parts of a whole?  A trilogy not infrequently found in the Bible,  this one to prove the parts to the whole.  Hmmm, perhaps as the other trilogies.

Many will find the use of line numbers to confirm prophetic meaning, uncomfortable coincidence; particularly the Noxious Ones.  But they'll tow the line; its random.  Just as it was in the beginning when they denied the improbability of the encoding of TTTTA so clearly evidenced by the immensely improbable "6 e's" they'll find the above coincidental.

Do I think the above is true?  Well, I think so, but that's me.  I only do the work to find, not to refute without cause.

Will the prediction occur and can I or someone figure out when?  "Time proves all things" as Marie said.

Jim Ross


  1. Information on Yellowstone eruptions is very confusing. I usually see the last eruption being 70,000 years ago. But now I see that there was one 1350 BC. My guess is that the difference is a matter of size of eruption. In which case, 1350 BC gives interesting numbers:

    1350 + 2016 = 3366


    1. I've somewhat given up on finding the math that supports the "when" of a Yellowstone event because the historic data is so speculative and inexact. I am working on the math of San Francisco because the data is very specific.

      Without accurate historic data I do not expect Mr. Gann could have computed such a date. Perhaps he's looking at the history of disasters in Chicago or St Louis, computed a date for each and found them to be substantially the same and inferred backwards Yellowstone as the most likely cause.


    2. If I had to guess, that would sound accurate to me. Cycles of multiple volcanoes coming together at a certain moment in time.

      A lot of volcanoes seem to be making noises right now. One in Indonesia just popped killing 7 people.

      Don't know about Yellowstone, but seems to me that an event is about to happen.


  2. A repost of mine (followed by extension):

    My math:

    2520 BGW
    168 MOT

    1350 BC last YS erruption (LYS)
    2016 NOW
    3366 NOW-LYS = DIF (no +1 for AD)
    20.03571429 DIF/MOT = OFS
    MOT * (OFS - 20) = 6 years in current MOT as EXACT result

    Extension to above:

    33666 ->
    King James Bible:

    Page Title: Revelation 33666:1–21,1:1–21:27

    see here:,1.1-21.27

    and read para 6:16!

    To my knowledge (right now) its the only bible version - (KJB is/was a long time
    favoured bible translation) - with "Revelation 33666" in its title.

    Also make a google search: "Bible 33666",
    you'll wonder what results with "33666"
    appear (at least i did).

    For me it really looks like 3366(+6)
    refers to important biblical times.

    Extending 3366.6 : 3366.66 ~ july 2016

    Reducing 11,77 & 88 gives: 2 5 7 -> 25. Juli ?

  3. You prove to me I'm the least of anyone to be doing this work. I take that thought to mean that being the least I have the most to gain.

    6:16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
    6:17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

    Consider, my given name number and birth number are 3 and 3. WD Gann's birth number...s... are June 6, 1878 or 6-6-6. All concatenated 33666.

    You might also wish to consider the first line of page 336 which is the ASCENDING chapter line number 66 or 33666:

    "Had the world and all of us understood the Bible and God's plan as you do, this war would have never taken place. I plainly see now that it is God's intention to teach man thru trials, sorrow and bitter experiences to reverence and respect the law which he has laid down to follow. Man must learn to love his neighbor as himself and do unto others as he would have others do unto him."

    11, 77, 88, 257 and July 25. Wish I interpret the dates that I am sure Mr. Gann somehow coded into TTTTA. Having made the "Great Mistake" based on subjective clues, I'm resolved to have a higher level of comfort and expect to find it before the event. Whenever that might be.

    Your comment is greatly appreciated and I can assure you I will be studying and imagining its importance and circumstance.

    Jim Ross

    1. The "Guest" should really give himself a name for this one. Really good thinking.


    2. 33666 - 33 being the commonly accepted number of years The Christ was on this earth - 666 of course being the sign of the devil. Maybe tribulation begins in 2016, pointing to beginning of 1000 year reign beginning 2023?


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