Friday, May 20, 2016

Robert Gordon's "number"

You'll need to refer to Luo Clement's (Luo Clement = WD Gann, in my opinion) "The Ancient Science of Numbers."

69.  Put the ending first.  69, argued by many astrologers and Bible prophecy savvy students of WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" as of overwhelming importance.  On that page:

3 days and 3 nights.  3+3=6 and 3*3=9.  6-9.  69.

69, the number of years and number of days (using one year = 365.242 days) between the 8pm, July 4, 1932 final battle of Washington and 9/11/01 (12 hours difference between day and night).  69 years and 69 days.  Within one minute of the moment Muhammad Ata departed Logan International Airport (7:59am); the 6th Manifest Prophecy of WD Gann.

The date Mr. Gann was born (June 6, 1878) and died (June 18, 1955), the 6th and 18 of June.  6 and 18 or 1+8=9.  6-9.

WD Gann's "number" according to Luo Clement would be the given name or, if Mr. Gann chose to do so, an assumed given name as permitted by Luo.  Mr. Gann went by the name WD Gann.  The assumed given name was "WD" or, enumerated by the Pythagorean table, 54 which is reduced to 9.  The birth number would be the 6th of June.  9 and 6 with the birth number the superior...  Mr. Gann's "number" is 69.

69, Robert Gordon's street address on Wall Street, his birth date (June 9 aka 6-9).

Now, for Robert, born on June 9, 1906.  The Pythagorean enumeration of Robert is 9-6-2-5-9-2 or summed to 33 (which happens to be my "number").  Further reduced, his name number is 6.  And his birth number is simply the 9th of the month or 9.  If the birth number is superior, then Robert has a "number" of 96 which is the perfect opposite of WD Gann's number.

Perfect opposite without reversing the order of the numbers.  Not just flip it over because that won't work.  You have to flip it over and then rotate it left to right or right to left.  Alternately, look at it in the mirror and then rotate it from bottom to top.  Or look at it in the mirror and rotate yourself upside down.  [I think.]

What to do with this knowledge, if peer reviewed by you and thereby proven true?  I believe Robert knew; "I am sure I have found it and know how to apply it."  That's the ending I put first.

I wish I were so confident.  "Time proves all things."  Presently, I'm in my 66th year.  Rotate one digit top to bottom.

Please leave me a comment if you find error ("Rossups" are in my nature and my proofing staff is, quite obviously, incompetent) in any of the above.

Jim Ross


  1. There is no error just differences of approach . To begin with I want to ask what do you consider to be the heart of the earth in the Zodiac , 3 earth signs ?

  2. Thank you Serge,

    As a wannabe in many things and an expert in none, I've studied astrology (Ferrara, Sepharial, Mikula, Cowan's Pentagonal....) and found myself too challenged and unable to make an astro system work like I have seen others. Whether by preference, excessive challenge or seeing a better way, I have decided that I would not try to invent the astro wheel that others claim to have mastered but do not dispositive-ly present as flawless (that I can find).

    Rather, I believe the perfect system Mr. Gann discovered is mathematic, the "only science that the entire civilized world has agreed upon."

    So, that's my approach to page 69 and I know a lot of astrologers and Bible prophecy scholars approach it differently. But, the math thing is the road I'm down and I need to keep the blinders on.

    I'd be privileged to read your interpretation.


  3. Also just because it fits.... OROLO, LUO, WD, ROBERT.... all reduce to the 3-6-9 TRIAD... and I believe OROLO and LUO are made of all 3-6-9 numbers/letters

    1. Why, it appears to be a conspiracy. One wonders if Mr. Gann created the interrelations or whether like things attract like things. Or both. I suspect its that crafty Mr. Gann. Or maybe his strings are being pulled as well. Or maybe.... the circle becomes endless to find that 'first cause.'


  4. "Between the beginning and ending DO's...come 69 vibrations that define Life from its humblest beginnings to its highest Spirituality" p45 Cosmic Secrets

    1. George, please see my reply below and, again, thanks,


  5. I've read page 45 of CS a half dozen times and still did not remember that; I don't know if I even considered it more than purely coincidental. I will re re read pg 45 and update the essay. Thank you,


  6. WDG born June 6, 1878

    6th month
    6th day
    1878 reduces to 6

    Birth number 666



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