Sunday, May 22, 2016

Some aimless thoughts; 69, the "ham sandwich theorem" and metaphysics

Just some things that interest me, not having made progress the last two days in the mathematics area.  I'm resolved to discover the mathematics of prediction claimed to exist in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" but not making much headway.  As I search my spreadsheets and the "Map of Time" and as commenters point me I find things I knew and had forgotten.  Every day is an epiphany of rediscovery when you get old.

Continuing on with Robert Gordon's number 69; Russell Smith's "Cosmic Secrets."  A commenter, George, thankfully referred me to page 45 of "Cosmic Secrets" (free at Sribd):

On the left side of the above you have Smitt's comment relating the 52 cards in the modern deck of playing cards to the inner octaves of the diatonic scale.  Below it you have his assignment of cards according to those inner octaves.  On the right side you have me, always the doubter as Descartes would advise (my doubting preceded my recent reading of the Meditations), having recomputed the inner octaves and the resultant derivation of the number 69.

[In the right side recalc of Russell Smith's work I used the "none to 2520" to create octaves out of my interest in the Biblical Great Week of 2520 years.]

Continuing on the number 69, math mysteries of page 69 of TTTTA.  Lots of math here that ultimately leads to two things.  First, TTTTA involves two philosopher stone numbers (among other numbers); John Dee's Monas Heiroglyphyica philosopher stone number (so named by Jim Egan, curator of the Newport Museum) or 252 (which is 1/10th of the Biblical Great Week).  Second, WD Gann's philosopher stone number enshrined in the structure of TTTTA, and a number of Biblical gravitas, the number 432.  There numerical relationship reducible from 432 / 252 to the Biblical and cosmic numbers of 12 / 7.  Here's the work which challenged me several months ago:

Noteworthy in my thinking is that counting the vertical line spacing and horizontal line spacing of the black bordered triangle gives you a right triangle with a hypotenuse that rounds to 42.  We have on this page both the number of lines in TTTTA (excluding the 113 lines preceding Chapter 1) and the true number of sections (in contrast to chapters) of TTTTA; see the updated structure of TTTTA.

As well, if we compute the hypotenuii of the right triange formed by the philosopher stone numbers 432 and 252, and then reduce them by dividing by successive 2s and 3s, we find the numbers 250, 125, and 42.  Again, that 42, the number of sections in TTTTA.  And if we multiples, instead, by 2 we arrive at 1000.  What was the only cycle that WD Gann described as "great" in TTTTA?  It was the "great 1000-year cycle."  A thought; where there are perfectly 15 MOT periods of 168 years in the Biblical Great Week of 2520 years, there are 6 periods of the MOT period of 168 years in the "great 1000-year cycle" with the remainder of 113 lines/days....the exact number of lines preceding Chapter 1 of TTTTA.  Purely coincidence no doubt.

Blathering forward with 42, TTTTA is comprised of 15341 enumerated lines (including page headings and typical industry standard vertical line spacing).  15341 / 42 = 365.26 or stated differently, 42 years.  Page 45 of TTTTA (there's that 45 again like Russell Smith's 69 on page 45) tells us to "double" and "redouble" which would give us 42X2X4 or 168 years.  Aren't there 168 hours in a week.  Gosh, it almost sounds line a "wheel (of hours) within a wheel (of years).  And it also sounds like the inner octave within the greater octave.  Funny how those things work out.  Surely it is coincidence and not Mr. Gann's encoding of the "master plan."

If I recall correctly (I haven't re calc'd the math), subtending the black bordered triangle with the red vector, the result is two isosceles triangles.  Kinda like splitting the ham sandwich as in the problem in physics and math of the "ham sandwich theorem."  But that's another story that is found in TTTTA's encoded messages and described by the encoded message "secret."  I'll pass for now.  Knowledgeable mathematicians might be interested in doing the work.

So very much more to this great page.  Books have been written on its significance.

The metaphysical side of TTTTA.  A vastly more widely read scholar of WD Gann's works than I reminded me last night that there are thousands of books about Mr. Gann that are less dry than some of the metaphysical books that Mr. Gann might have secretly recommended.  Yeah, I've derived the thought that Judge David Patterson Hatch' book "Straight Goods on Philosophy" is a WD Gann favorite by an improbable thread of my imagination.  The good Judge's book makes Ralph Waldo Emerson's essays seem as if a Tom Clancy novel.  Who would ever print such a book?  Well, Roger Brothers published it and, that we can find, only 16 or so books in its entire publishing existence.  Its as if they didn't care to make money on publishing.  Hmmm.   Believe me, instead of the Honorable Judge Hatch, read Elsa Barker's "Letters from a Living Dead Man," which, by her automatic writing, as it goes, wrote from the spirit of the then recently departed Judge Hatch according to his son.  Its actually an enjoyable read as metaphysics otherwise goes.  Err, not so much.

The metaphysical is a very big part of TTTTA and, seemingly, the entirety of "The Magic Word."  As if to reaffirm this to me I stumbled on the "Goat" in my review of prior spreadsheets.  It is as prominently presented as possible given that the purpose of encoding its to hide something.  It is acrostically encoded into page 255 of TTTTA.  I mean, there it is "goat" (in tan highlight) begging you to search further:

Some time last year I naively referred to myself as the "Goat" for offering my "great mistake" as a perhaps timely warning to persons living in harms way; California.  Yeah, I was wrong then but only as to the time as I continue to believe Mr. Gann's warning.  The events of those essays will occur soon, even experts in seismology agree...just exactly when.  There's an answer, Mr. Gann knew it but I sure don't.  The point, I called myself the "Goat" realizing the risk of making a prediction out of clues, but not realizing the context of all the messages.  I had a funny feeling at the time;  I really should have known the context.  So when I stumbled on "Goat" last  night with my mathematics mind failing me, I did some "unscramble" work and found in the above, the below:

God.... see.... lamb... __ght.... eat... left.... goat.... ded.... def. 

Obviously, its "The Sheep and the Goats," Mathew 25:31-46.  The Lord called together all nations and separated them, the goats to his left and sheep to his right.  The sheep who had given Him food to eat in the form of their faith in Him, were given the Kingdom.  The goats were, well, not good.

Is the above simply a restatement of scripture?  Surely, but is it part of a prediction, one of those "remarkable events" that will occur in the age of the 266th Pope...Pope Francis.

Amid the mythical love story of Claire Douglas, itself metaphysical and...boring....on the simple narrative level, the encoded messages indicate a richly Biblical, metaphysical message.  At moments of discovery like these, I am richly, if only personally, generously rewarded.

As much as myself and the thousands of authors that write endlessly about the math of TTTTA, it's metaphysical level is hardly the least of its meanings.  Its the same message I get when I hear (and have said as well) the "Bible" is "a book of math and science."  Well, both books are a lot more than than math and science.  To concentrate on just math and science is to miss a whole lot of 'stuff.'

I won't call myself the "goat" again,

Jim Ross

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