Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Synchronicity, Abby Ross, part 2

Okay, I take these things in stride so I said.  An event correlated with a personal history to form a "meaningful coincidence."  I've seen many over the last two years.  I have become accustomed to the thought that there are laws which we do not understand that might have been understood my Mr. Gann that enabled him to provide information to our time.  But this one startled even me.

Having established Mr. Gann encoded names and events into his "The Tunnel Thru the Air," several of which were also found in the contemporary movie "Knowing," I came upon the idea, "Why not another movie."  I figured I needed something light for the afternoon.  So, why not watch the 2015 movie of the same name as the subject;  "Synchronicity."  Not a Cannes Film Festival award winner, but quite a joke of a movie.

An invention, a traversable worm hole through time.  The Professor Beale is defrauded of his invention after having had a seeming successful success test.  Long story short, he gets the girl and reverses all he screws up on time.

The girl.  In "Knowing" the girl subject to travel was "Abby."  In Synchronicity, the girl was Abby.  But it gets better.

That's right, Abby Ross.  Not negligible is the apartment number 8377.  Subdivide it this way 83-77. 

Page 83, a page about which I have written many essays as subject or coincidental thought.  Page 83 si one great warning to our generation, the generation of the 266th People.

Page 77, the first line of which is cumulative line number 3077, chapter line number 77:

And the narrative?  "The great law of vibration is based on like producing like.  Like causes prove like effects."  There are few statements in TTTTA with as much conceptual gravitas.  Agree?

Loose end, Professor Jim Beale.  We've previously found "Jim" in many places including page 75.

We find both of my names on a page; Jim and Ross in red.  And we find the tan narrative having yet greater gravitas; WD Gann's conceptual method of prediction.

Still the loose end, "Beale."  I've previously ascribed that word to the downtown San Francisco street "Beale Street."  More specifically, 77 Beale Street, the location of Pacific Coast Gas.  Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.  But we again have one of the two principals of "Synchronicity" in TTTTA.  We find "Beale" in blue highlight:

A yet higher level of gravitas; Eccl. 1:9 said once, and if of great importance (to say the least), a second time.  And the City of Atlantis, now underwater.  "There is considerable truth in that statement.  Does that mean Beale Street of San Francisco will befallen the same fate as Atlantis?  I believe so.  And what is on Beale Street of San Francisco that caught my attention several months ago?  It was the headquarters of Pacific Gas and Electric or PCG in yellow:

If you read the first part of the Synchronicity essay, you know we've come full circle.  It started with Ryne Pearson Douglas movie "Knowing," followed characters through to a second movie, "Synchronicity," to arrive at the place we began in red highlight "Ryne."

Get it?

Look at the narrative associated with "Beale" in blue above.  All things are circular.   

If you live in San Francisco, you may wish to consider the above.  The 'when' remains a mystery, but the message seems clear; in the wake of the election of the 266th Pope.

Jim Ross 


  1. Things come in threes. I would be looking for another movie. Wonder about the names in Pi.


    1. There are now 3 highly synchronous movies bearing on TTTTA. Most notably and pervasively, Knowing, which is very detailed about a timeline/chronology of events. San Andreas as descriptive, prominently without almost any notations of time or date. And now, Synchronicity which has some interesting commentary on the nature of time and the earth's rotation about its axis and the nature of interwoven events in time. All are rich in numbers as I'll further develop tomorrow and in characters embedded in TTTTA. As always, I put the citations out there so people can replicate and evaluate themselves.


  2. The last image you with the word "Ryne" You should really put the two line side by side. I see the word "Energy". Which goes to show that there are multiple levels of messages.



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