Monday, May 9, 2016

Phi flying high on Mt St Helen(s); a May 9, 2016 discovery

Continuing my fascination with the numerology of  LOVE, LOV and PHI, all found in or proximate to Marie's note of June 5 at 3 a.m. of WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" and my conception of his "Map of Time."  Question, do those concepts of gematria and numerology contribute to identifying yet another contemporary matter of concern; Mount St Helen's?

The discovery that will be described below is a very important one.  I think it will guide me in aligning the 9579 days of TTTTA (from Robert's birth on June 9, 1906 to the last date of the book, August 30, 1932) with the number of lines of the MOT or 15341.  With the alignment, the dates should become meaningful and constantly predictive.  A big "should."

When I identify these things, such as San Andreas events, Yellowstone events, I only identify them.  I find them as a concern that Mr. Gann very apparently encoded in TTTTA.  I have not proven a 'when.'  I jumped off that cliff during my "Great Mistake" episode with a test prediction of calamity on February 24, 2016.  The proportions of the event were not remotely as billed;  the largest earthquake affecting the lower 48 of the U.S. in over a year did occur that day but at 4.9 in magnitude at Wasco CA (midway between San Francisco and Los Angeles) it was a non event.  I don't have the 'when' to make it clear and to make it equally clear, all I have is clues and clues are subjective.

We need to recall another of Mr. Gann's methods of encoding; the "Tao device."  Recall I found the acrostic encoded word "Tao" and later the acrostic word "WAR."  I needed an encoded word "to" to generate the phrase "Tao to WAR" or, interpreted phrase, "Path to WAR."  And I found it perfectly between the MOT location of Tao and WAR.  Take the line number of those two words, find the perfect midpoint line number and that is where I found "to."  It was on page 69, a page of immense importance any student of Mr. Gann's TTTTA recognizes.

To prove the point, Mr. Gann apparently designed a beautiful isosceles triangle that, as such may always be done, the triangle might be divided into two Pythagorean right triangles.

And to make his prediction, he placed the "T" of Tao on the same line as you find September 11, 2001 and the number of innocent persons that died that day.  From that combination of encoded wording, geometric imagery and plain text meaning it is difficult to deny 1) intent of the message, 2) meaning of the message and 3) the prediction of an event in 1927 that occurred in 2001.  It also led to and proved the concept of the WD Gann "Map of Time."

And the math is the second rough iteration of Phi in the Fibonacci sequence; the great math of Leonardo de Pisa.  The first iteration is 1 divided by 1, the second is 1 divided by 2 or .5.  And "to" is found on the exact mid point "D" in the insert above.

With that background in the "Tao device" and armed with my present fixated readings on seismic events, I found "Mt" and "Helen" at distant points in TTTTA:

Please appreciate these two paragraphs and numbers before we move forward.  In red we have the acrostic "m" and telestic "t," a very very weak abbreviation of "Mount."  The math will prove it ultimately.  In blue we have the cumulative line number 168, the number of years in the MOT and hours in the week.  In green, the cumulative line number is 160 or 10 times the 6th number of the Fibonacci sequence divided by the 5th or 8 / 5 = 1.60.  And then we have a vague sense of timing; the unfavorable events, a panic in the fall.  This is the cornerstone of "Mt St Helens."

Next we have the capstone of Mr. Gann's identification of this contemporary topic of concern.  

I could not but produce the entire two paragraphs of narrative, their meaning so profound.  I hope you will take time to read it.  "Helen" the first four letters spelled, in order, with the 'n' found adjacent as an acrostic.  Reflexively, I look for pages to read and the cumulative line number 738 on which the 'h' in Helen does not exist in TTTTA.  So, I read page 52 (see blue above):

The meaning is clear.  Note that, in the tradition of the "rules of enigma" Ezekiel 7:2 is produced and Robert Gordon reflects on and repeats it.  Repeat concepts the writer of enigma wants understood.

The Noxious Ones are in full battle mode; "You give us an imperfectly spelled 'helen' with one letter in the acrostic column and a chump change 'mt' not even capitalized, easily a random occurrence. Where's the 'st?'  Prove to us where for ought though 'st.'  Says them, dripping with contempt for the order Mr. Gann might intend and the order that such a prediction would force them to accept.

Phi and the Tao device:

"But Jim," cry the Noxious Ones, "Phi is 1.60 in the early iterations approaching 1.618 in later as the Fibonacci sequence approaches infinity.  Not .40."  Yes, but, a unique property of Phi is that both 1 divided by Phi results in .618 and Phi minus 1 is .618 and that subtracted from one gives you .382.  By that same process but using the earlier iteration of Phi of 1.60 one gets to the .40 used above to find line 398.

"Well, since you're obviously playing with Phi numbers, do the products (those sly NOs intending a pun) of your imagination ever prove back to the 1.60?"  Why yes, they do.  Step two, three and four above get you back to Phi, 1.60.  The three lines, 168, 398 and 742 are deterministically self proving using addition, division and exponentiation.... and prove to Phi.  The "randomite" NOs haven't anywhere to hide.

"Okay, then" they retort, "nothing but math wizardry 101...let's see what is on line 398....

We find on line 398 the acrostic letter 's' and the telestic letter 't.'  Coincidence?  Reading that narrative, one should not be so careless as to overlook Amelia Gordon's dream that San Francisco and Los Angeles were destroyed in 2 days.  The two days that it took to accomplish the same end in the movie which is encoded into TTTTA "San Andreas," the topic of the linked essay.  But when?

I don't know.  I don't think earthquakes and volcano eruptions will happen today because I have found a meaning for today, May 9 and yesterday May 8.  They are important in my little universe of understanding the encoded mysteries of TTTTA because I have now found the means by which I might properly spread the days of TTTTA, again, 9579 days computed above, among the 15341 lines of TTTTA to produce an accurate "Map of Time."

And it happened on the days that Luo Clement published (perfected his copyright of "The Ancient Science of Numbers") what I have long felt was WD Gann's great 1908 discovery and WD Gann published his novel of enigma, "The Tunnel Thru the Air;" May 8 and May 9, respectively.


Using Philo's method of repeating things the author wants emphasized, I find the following among the above inserts as possibly very important:

Marie's note, June 5 at 3 a.m.  The sixth month and fifth day.  So, I re read page 52, yet again.

Maybe June 5 will be as benign as I expect today, May 9, will be (despite the ominous astrological signs).  I doubt, however, I will be up at 3 a.m., researching TTTTA.  That moment is unlikely of being one of personal discovery.  What might it be?   

Mt St Helen...what of it?  I don't know.  It erupted May 18, 1980 and is quickly refilling with magma and undergoing a swarm of earthquakes according to the above linked article.  May 18, 1980...9 days from now will be the 36th anniversary of Mt St Helen.  Did we read one of those inserts as being on page 9?  Yes we did.  It was that insert we find "mt."  .....I just don't know.

[If you really want to play with numbers, then the date of Mt St Helen's previous eruption, May 18, 1980 reduces to 5 9 9 and further to 23.  As well, May 18, 2016 reduces to 5 9 9 and further to 23.  The "23 enigma," the number of encodings of permutations of WD Gann's name in TTTTA.  The date Mr. Gann passed; 18 reduced to 9.  36 years in between...reduces to 9....]

I bet Luo Clement and WD Gann knew.

Jim Ross


  1. 'Marie Stanton' is an anagram of:

    Nation master

    Make what you will of this. Just trying out an anagram solver.


  2. June 18, 1955 to June 18, 2016 would be 61 years. Have you seen any significance to the number 61?


  3. Had to stretch for the last "S" but I found the letters for "Mount St Hellens" on lines 15066 to 15085.


    1. Again, "Mount Saint Helens" Missing 1 "L". lines 1244 to 1266.


  4. Why not go back 168 years from 1980? Is there a repeat? In 1812 there were 2 major volcanic eruptions, Soufrier on St. Vincent Island erupted in 1812 and Mayon in the Philippines in 1812. The St Vincent one stopped in May 1812

    1. Why not go back 168 from 1980, because I believe the period must have the correct beginning. From page 75 of Future Cycles "that in order to know and predict the future of anything you only have to look up what has happened in the past and get a correct base or starting point."

      That base or starting point I've 'reckoned' from in creating the MOT according to 168 years is 'the Exile' of 586 B.C. (from memory) which also reconciles to "Enoch's translation" (pg 85) by 2520 lunar years to the Exile and another 2520 solar years to Enoch (again out of memory). Each 2520 "Great Week is subdivided by 168 years.

      Through many observations that work (9/11/2001 being one), the MOT seems to work. But, even still, the MOT is NOT right. What I found May 9 is how to make the MOT correct. The 9579 days must be spread among the 15341 lines and attendant dates. And I now know how to do it according to the Tao Device and Phi. Once corrected, all the ens/sne words should align with real earthquake event dates.

      I try not to correlate periods with past events any more. Cycles aren't according to fixed periods of time because its a multi variable relation and exponential relation between time and space (the place of nativity and current location). The MOT, IMO, will be a device (invention) that will make those calculations without our knowing the formula itself. Ultimately, the prize is the formula which will be derived from Robert Gordon's 7 days and Luo Clement's relation of the vibration of the person/entity to the vibration of the "curve of the future."

      Thanks, it helps me to restate my current thinking,


  5. Looking a little closer to home, checked out Mount Rainier. 1894 eruption. Half of 168 is 84, so this is off by about 2 years. However, it has an interesting number for height. 14,411 Feet.

    Square of 12 and an 11.

    I believe all numbers matter. Wonder what happens if we start going back in time from this one by 42 year intervals.


    1. I've often wondered is 42 or 1/4 of the MOT is a repeating period which would be 60 period of 42 in the Great Week. I believe the proportions of math in the MOT period is the same as the periods of math in a small week comprised of 168 hours. Of course, there are 60 minutes in the hour and the smallest cycle is 4 minutes making 15 periods of 4 minutes. WHEEL WITHIN A WHEEL.

      When we solve the MOT period in relation to the Great Week, we have solved the Small Week in relation to the MOT.


    2. surely going back 42 , or 84 is the same as going back 168. If going back 168 is incorrect (and I largely agree with you) then going back 42 or 84 is also incorrect

    3. That there are 42 sections in TTTTA (see the updated structure of TTTTA essay) argues persuasively, IMO, for your position. Break it down to the 168 hour small week and you have 42 4 hour cycles in a 7 day week. He rose on the 3rd day and rested after the 6th or he was risen on the 4th day and was resting on the 7th. Seems to fit the next to the last paragraph of the Foreword...the test of the defeating of man's greatest enemy.

      Thank you,


    4. He rose on the dough ray me

    5. George, I am very into diatonic scale application and that next to the last paragraph of the Foreword. I would never have made the do re me connection via anagram.

      Thank you, I'm placing it in the permanent attic,


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    A new way of organizing Mathematics. Similar to a periodic table. Hmmmmm!

    A quantum computer capable of incredible speed. Hmmmm!

    The end of The Great Biblical Week. The end of one age and the beginning of another. An awful lot of things happening all at once.


    1. Things moving faster. Remember WDG's quote "when time runs out" price travels great distances before it collapses (recall and undoubtedly incorrect). Now look at the top right dates on the MOT and the sections on the top left. Each section is a cycle. The cycles are as short as 8 lines or 16 days. Now look at the mid sections in the MOT and they are as long as 1800 lines or 3600 days (recollection). We are going to travel the same "distance" of those long cycles in 8/1800ths of the time. So, yes, things are happening fast.

      But maybe not as WE think. I believe we will be so working to survive in the next two months and continuing into the early months of the new MOT that begins June 22, that there will not be time to worry about physics.

      I read about the "weeping of Tammuz" which is the last sentence of the excerpt of page 52 above because I hadn't a clue as to what it means. I'd recommend the article I read when I googled that phrase:

      And IF you do read it (note the date of the article), read the next to the last sentence of the article. Sound like a sentiment that is key to Mr. Gann's work?

      And what happened to the people of the Tower of Babel?

      And where might the Tower of Babel be? I'd propose this picture of the recently (2015) occupied building pictured:

      Can you imagine any greater pridefulness than to build your headquarters about 3 feet above sea level with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background? I think it the next Atlantis. I feel and essay coming on.


    2. Amazing when you and I overlap research. I was looking for unusual letters and found the letter "Z" only twice. Once used as the word "Zero". Not sure what the other one is supposed to be. The letter "Z" was from the word "Tammuz" in one case.

      So which is it to be? Will we got the way of Atlantis? Most technology lost and forgotten? Or are those two articles showing the tools for the new age?

      Guess we will find out. If we survive the hard times coming.


  8. China scrambles fighter jets as U.S. destroyer steams past disputed island

    The name of this disputed island is "Fiery Cross". That is very unsettling.


  9. Terrorism. 1910 Los Angeles. 1920 New York. Both bombings did a lot of damage and killed a lot of people.

    Could be used in your predictive model.


    1. Interesting. Have you consider the modern birth of California came with two 1848 events 1) the Treaty of Hildago ending the Mexican-American War and giving the US the southwest and 2) the discovery of gold at Sutters Mill. Between 1848 and 1851 the population of San Francisco went from 1,000 permanent residents to 25,000 not including 300,000 transient prospectors (need to re fact check).

      168 years ago; might that population be reversed in 2016? In the 6th Prophecy, TTTTA had the US winning a great battle, the Mammouth Building destroying the first wave of attackers. In 9/11 the opposite happened to the WTC.


  10. Good morning Jim,

    Treaty of Hildago February 2, 1848

    February 2, 1848 to June 20, 2016 exactly 61,500 days

    61,500 is 168 years and 180 days. 180 days is exactly 6 months.

    168 years and 6 months. 1686. I think I have seen that number somewhere before.


  11. According to Clement's book, 9 years of life is influenced by a letter of the first name. After 9 years moving on to the next letter. Mr. Gann used WD Gann as his name. Not his full name. So he chose to use the W for each 9 years. Repeated over and over. Very consistent. However, if he used WD. Then he would be alternating between the W and the D. This doesn't follow the rules though. You aren't supposed to use the middle name.

    He did change his name to WD Gann. Being referred to by this instead of his full name. Or even his full first name. Wonder if this eliminates the middle name idea and leaves him with WD as his first name. Number 5 then 4 then back to 5 etc.


  12. Thanks so much. I'd forgotten the 9 years of influence.

    I believe Mr. Gann referred to himself as "WD" as if it were a first name. I can think of meeting him for the first time and he would say "Hello, I am WD Gann." After all, he did not prefer the full name on his book or when speaking of himself in the third party in his advertisements.

    Luo (err, shussssh, WD Gann) says you can change your name to influence your vibration. And you don't even have to make other people say it the way you want. You just internalize it. You consider yourself "WD" as opposed to Walter and your vibration, to the extent of your belief, will become that.

    At least, that's what I remember about Luo.

    I think I'll call myself 3 from now on and that will be very consistent with my birth number 2+1=3.

    Over and out,


    1. Yeah, sounds like my interpretation. However, I remember something about numbers being to strong when they are the same. Have to go look into that.



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