As mentioned, I identified "How" very early on in considering the encoded words of TTTTA. I was following up on a mystery which led me to the date 7/2/2008 and that date is adjacent to the "O" in "HOw." One mystery brought be back to one which was unresolved. And one that I perceived to be the remainder of perhaps the greatest mystery of number, that been "Nbr-if-why-how."
So what was the mystery I was researching? We know the inspiration by which I discovered the "Map of Time." Professor Koestler (Nicolas Cage) discovers a similar "Map" of the world's greatest disasters over a 50 year period which had been buried in a time capsule for those 50 years. He discovers it when toying with the numbers on that map and discovers 9 consecutive digits subdivide into 9/11/01 2996. The number of deaths on 9/11/01.
Having already a near perfect text of TTTTA in Excel and having counted the lines many times depending on the vertical spacing conventions and the cumulative and chapter line numbers already assigned, I added dates. I began the dates at the bottom of the 15 thousand lines and, presuming it was a map that would end near 2016 for it to be valuable, I gave it two days per line. The starting point at the bottom was July 4, 1932 (the end of the fictional war prior to Robert Gordon's 7 days). On my first try, I didn't see a match between 9/11/2001 and 2996 and was disappointed, though not surprised. After some head scratching, I saw it. Note the date of the essay in which I made the discovery of WD Gann's tribute to the victims of 9/11/2001.
After months of finding errors, a change in the "starting point" date to the summer solstice and still a residual error, the MOT is still very close to the 9/11/01 2996 number:
If you add the 301 ascending chapter line number to the descending line number 2698, you get 2999 or 3 off from the total number of deaths that day. If you add the 2698 cumulative line number to the descending chapter line number of 280 you get 2978 which is one off of the number of innocent victims of 9/11/01 (2996 total minus 19 terrorists). Can that be a coincidence?
Its a tad closer than that. That line has 2 dates on it; 9/11/01 and 9/12/01. I interpret a date in the leftmost position being 1 less than the line numbers. Hence, I would interpret 2698+301 minus 1 for 9/11/01 being in the left of the two dates. Hence, the numbers of deaths (total and innocent) are, according to the MOT, 2998 and 2977, respectively. Differences of 2 and 0, respectively.
Out of the "9/11/01 2996" finding, the WD Gann "Map of Time" was proven to have some level of integrity. If you pursue the remainder of this essay you will need to understand the MOT and refer to it to verify my work. I have made it available free of any charge so that I can be backtested and corrected where a substantial correction is need it.
"9/11/01 2996" is just the beginning. In the movie "Knowing" there is an early segment that immediately follows Professor Koestler's discovery of "9/11/01 2996" in which he feverishly works out every date and number of deaths on his "Knowing" map. There are fleeting images of dates, numbers of deaths and pictures of events. My mission of January 28, 2016 was to isolate every one of those dates and compare them to the MOT in the expectation....well, I just didn't know. Could Mr. Gann have "seen" those dates and deaths and built them into TTTTA as he, apparently, did with "9/11/01 2996?"
He did:
There were 12 events that had a date and number of deaths, of which, I find 9 actually occurred. The order in which they occurred are in the left most column and the sheet is sorted in chronological order. I'll explain three items so you get the hang of it.
3/3/74 Turkish Airline 981 crashes. The movie "Knowing" shows that date and 346 killed. When you go to that date in the MOT, you find:
The ascending chapter line number is 347 minus 1 because 3/3/74 is in the left column and you have 346 deaths. Exactly the number actually killed that day both according to "Knowing" and my research.
Do look at the narrative. Mr. Gann did give a "Tip of the hat" to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, twice as I recall, and I do believe he's giving one to the person who decoded this first item and a clue. First he brings in the elder Mr. Watson reminiscent of...Sherlock Holmes. And second, Robert tells us his method is based on science and the law of cycles laid down in the Bible. I think that noteworthy. And I'll take Mr. Gann's posthumous "Tip of the hat" with humility.
Before we go on, this can't keep happening this way. I had conceived I'd have to use the four numbers available in some combination (add, subtract, multiply, divide) to arrive at a close prediction of the number of deaths. And so it was. The immediately preceding event was a warm up. An easy example. After all, we had to do some mathematic machinations to get the "9/11/01 2996" answer.
9/19/1985 Mexico City earthquake killing 10153. The ascending cumulative line number of 9725 plus the ascending chapter of 388 gives us 10113; only 40 off from the actual.
12/26/2004 Indian Ocean earthquake/tsunami aka the Christmas earthquake/tsunami killing 229,866 according to "Knowing." There's a story to that. The "Knowing" news clip says that many thousands may lie beneath the waters and rubble. When I look up the details in Wikipedia, its capsulation at the right says that "230,000 to 280,000" died. We simply don't know with reasonable accuracy. For that reason, for this one item, I took the average in the spreadsheet at 255,000.
So what is the closest I can get out of the combination of the four numbers available to me? Here is the MOT excerpt:
And from those numbers we may arrive at 260,028:
The MOT is off by 5,028. Or is it?
Summary of 9 events. Taking the 9 events in "Knowing" which were actual historical events, the cumulative deaths were 278,077 versus the MOT's 283,167 as "constructed" from the 4 numbers. Of the 5,090 difference, 5,028 related to the Indian Ocean event. The remaining 9 events were, therefore, off a net of 62. And most (7 out of 9) were close, if not exact.
And that major Indian Ocean difference of 5,028; well, who might be correct? Wikipedia, that admits a variance of 50,000 (230,000 - 280,000)? Or Mr. Gann's point estimate? I'd think Mr. Gann in 1927 knew the real number better than Wikipedia in 2016. But that's me.
And that 12th event that was misdated on the "Knowing" map; 17/2/08? The final event I evaluated and found never existed; it brought me face to face with "How." From the end of one enigma to give me a piece needed to begin to answer another.
I've tried this exercise with dates that were not in the movie "Knowing" with mixed results. My thought on that is Mr. Gann "saw" the movie "Knowing" and designed TTTTA and the MOT to "work out" the number of deaths accordingly.
Standing alone, the "9/11/01 2996" prediction made in 1927 by WD Gann is vastly persuasive. There's hardly any explaining how a person, unless they be dedicated to randomness, can deny the determinism of finding both the number of deaths and number of innocent deaths as did the MOT. Now we have 9 more instances of foresight, of determinism that are, in their cumulative, vastly more persuasive. Ten in total which reduces to the "1."
"Ten" and I discovered this today. I am told the Egyptian daughter of Ra, Ankhsoun, Daughter of Ra considered the number 10 as the name of God. And this is what I found just below "How:"
Ten spelled twice in red with Ra spelled in yellow and a second time if you read it ascending as well as descending. I count the word "Ten" spelled 20 times in the vertical acrostics/telestics but the zig-zag "ten" above is not within that count. It would make 21 but there may be more. That word was spelled a lot. And one last thought on 10...the greatest earthquake ever record was the 1960 Valdivia, Chile earthquake at 9.5. Two of the many foreshocks dwarfed the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.
"How" did he do it? Does it matter if the time is not to be "shortened?" Until he confirmed his thought of what the "Numbers" meant, Professor Koestler was dealing with the "If" these things are true. What was Professor Koestler's questions to himself upon confirming his thoughts of the date of the end?
Why do I learn these things now?
How am I supposed to save the world?
"Number is the if and why." And "how."
I'd planned on ending this series of essays with a letter to my family regarding predicted forthcoming events and a February 25, 2016 essay in light of the outcome of the first predicted date. When this project turned out as it did, I considered it evidence that might be that which is necessary for any person sitting on the fence of believing in Mr. Gann's foresight...and sitting on the fence regarding preparation. Now, with 1 essay left to 266, I'm not sure how I'll end this series. There is such a mountain of evidence do I need to find and document still more? Its fun for an obsessive to work the puzzle knowing he'll find something.... and I'm sure that Mr. Gann buried multiples more than I've discovered. The guaranteed Pavlovian self reward. But the marginal utility for anyone reading it would be small. If you dismissed the foregoing, you'd dismiss any incremental discoveries.
If you are so disposed to believe the evidence, the "miracles" as I call them, then I would recommend a re reading of the next previous essay. I am not in any way wavering in my belief that Mr. Gann has warned us out of his unfailing foresight derived from his study of the unfailing Bible. In my estimation, the later two, one of which was dependent on the other, was and is perfect. The truth of that which is conveyed in TTTTA, as interpreted by me, is dependent only on my perception of what is written. If nothing else, I did the best I could.
Jim Ross