From the first essay in this series and derived from WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air," we have the "Ring in Fire" and its implications for our near future speculated upon by the New Yorker; the "what" and the "who." We have the "when," that being February 21-24, 2016, derived in many many essays addressing those dates of concern found in the WD Gann "Map of Time." The "what" discerned in many essays and particularly, this one, is an earthquake and the "who" would logically be answered as a function of the "where."
The "where." From the second essay of this series, we find acrostic/telestic MOT message indications of the Cascadia subduction fault, the tectonic plates, the San Andreas fault and the Hoover Dam; we have an outline of the "where." This essay will find the a more elaborate "map," as outlined by WD Gann in an important paragraph of "The Tunnel Thru the Air." This essay, then, provides that map of concern.
The geographic map found in TTTTA as suggested by a reader, Danny, along with the acrostics "Abif" and "emsy:"
Danny came upon the above paragraph of interest in the context of following up on the essay, "Einstein's Cat." In that context, the renowned equation "E=MC^2" would appear to have been artfully included above in "emsy." That's how we got to this paragraph.
Most interesting is "abif," connoting Hiram Abif, the architect and manager of building King Solomon's temple who, according to Masonic allegory (according to my imperfect knowledge of the latter), was confronted by three criminals demanding his secret knowledge. The great and ancient knowledge died with him when he refused. We also find "taw" having Masonic meaning of the triangle and its properties. And we also find "Tarot" which according to some contains the great ancient numerical meanings handed down by the least of us; Gypsies. I'll leave those acrostic/telestic messages for your imagination and refinement of my very imperfect characterizations.
Suffice it to say, we get to this paragraph with some very strong clues from acrostic/telestic messages. The paragraph, above, is within the line interval of the "Ring In Fire" as previously defined. And from the narrative discussion of the theoretical battle lines of the first battle of the fictional Great War we have this visual configuration:
[If we convert the above image to a triangle by connecting San Diego, Brownsville and either Portland or Seattle we have a near isosceles triangle (see the mileages in the first insert above).]
The red lines are battle lines designed by the War Council in the paragraph in the first insert. Why would Mr. Gann give us battle lines forming a triangle? One explanation might be that he wanted to enclose the Hoover Dam within the area of concern. Another might be as stated in that paragraph, "People in Los Angeles and San Francisco were in a state of turmoil. Thousands were leaving every day....going to the Grand Canyon...." People were fleeing from the coast to safer areas.
The above map shows the key points that you might use to define the San Andreas fault and the Cascadia subduction zone. Consider if one or the other of events occurs; is the probability of the other occurring enhanced or diminished? If a San Andreas event of 8R occurred, will it be less likely or more likely a Cascadia subduction event would occur? And vice versa. The San Andreas event would be a great shaking and violent destruction. In slight contrast, the Cascadia event would involve shaking but would also be a massive sinking according to the New Yorker article:
The great 1958 Lituya Bay earthquake that spawned a 1720 foot high tsunami was the result of the collapse of a large ledge and massive displacement water with stone. Consider a ledge the length of the west coast from Cape Mendocino to and including southern coastal Canada. Lituya Bay's tsunami would be a ripple in a pond.
Now consider the events of TTTTA. First there was an attack on the U.S. Fleet off the west coast. Then there was the attack and devastation of Los Angeles followed by San Francisco. And then the captures of Portland and Seattle. Implication; San Andreas activates, LA and SF are devastated, Cascadia is activated and Portland and Seattle are "captured" (line 11271) if by water enveloping.
The interval of lines defined by the "Ring In Fire," (line 10067 to 11959), using your imagination, defines the entirety of destruction; from the destruction of the west up to and including the final loss in Chicago in chronological sequence. Not until the destruction of the "greaty Chicago" (a purposeful misspelling in my opinion), will both the real and symbolic destruction be complete...that's the meaning I reach out of the fictional TTTTA. The "map" is only that of the physical destruction.
In the immediate aftermath following the surrender of Chicago on about line 11959, the end of the "Ring of Fire," Allied Powers present their terms for surrender. In their fictional 1932 deliberation, the War Council selected Robert Gordon as "Supreme Commander" and battles from that time forward were won by the U.S. [Interesting as I've noted before, "Supreme Commander" is a term and rank that was first used in WWII for Dwight Eisenhower; never used before the 1940s in military history. And yet, Mr. Gann uses it in his 1927 article. Figure that improbability.]
So much meaning can be drawn from the immediately preceding paragraph; theologically, politically, scientifically...the permutations are far too great to address. Too controversial and subjective given one's persuasion. I've given you a view of the "who, what, where and when" but the "how and why" is yours to ponder.
I do believe the questions of "how" and "why" are answered in the many scripture readings that Mr. Gann provides and repeats, as Philo's rules of enigma would advise, so that people will notice. Inquiring minds would ask, "Why did Mr. Gann include literal Bible passages in a fictional book? Why would he further waste the space to repeat them, each, at least three times? What might those repetitions of scripture emphasize?" Ask "why?"
I hope the map encourages people to study the events that could occur and those I have predicted, scratch that, those WD Gann has predicted, scratch that, those that WD Gann says the Bible predicted. Events that, according to the supposed "science of probability" (an otherwise false God in my new view) set forth in the New Yorker article, are long overdue for occurrence.
As that New Yorker article posed the scenario, the only thing worse than living through those events would be surviving and living in their aftermath.
Jim Ross
Update 1/24/2016. Superstation95 New York and AP reporting, respectively:
As well, I have found the "San" of "San Andreas" in the MOT and it is associated with the date 1/15/2016 on the MOT. The swarm of California earthquakes was reported on 1/15/2016:
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