So, I woke up very early this morning with the thought..."Knowing" was an apocalypse movie with a date, is there a comparable contemporary disaster movie with a similar prediction and date?
Now that's out there. It's truly silly. But Mr. Gann did refer to "Knowing" in TTTTA by burying the author's name, Ryne Douglas Pearson in TTTTA (see HERE) . Perhaps there's a continuation of that thread of clues in yet another contemporary movie. And, it popped into my mind, "2012."
But first, I'll test you. What is the date that the MOT has predicted (at least according to my reading of Mr. Gann's supposedly encoded "The Tunnel Thru the Air"). The date predicted, according my reading, is February 24, 2016 and is mirrored by the historic date October 17, 1848. On October 17, 1948 there was a great earthquake that struck the sparsely populated Marlborough, New Zealand. Hence, the MOT would have us believe a 2016 earthquake will repeat the 1848 event. That's my interpretation, even though there was a lot going on in 1848, the "Year of Revolutions." I hope I'm wrong; my being wrong is the normal course of things according to my wife.
Now, let me describe "Knowing." When you watch the movie you'll notice some stuff. The 'all seeing eye' is the very first acknowledgement at the beginning of the move, the name of the director is encoded in TTTTA (see HERE), the exact mechanics of confirming the map - that the 9/11/01 date in the map correlated with the number of deaths, the incredible symbology of the architecture of the house where most scenes were staged, the use of the number 6 (three times), 7 mysterious stones...... and you'll notice the date, October 19, 2009, the world's death by fire. I'd like to hear an advanced Mason tell me the notable features he saw in the movie. Even to my non Masonic eye, there's far more than I've mentioned.
Parse that date, 10/19/2009, the way you parse 09/11/2001. To the latter, you drop the year, drop the zero and what's left of the latter is 9/11. Do the same thing with 10/19/2009 and you get 119...the reverse of 9/11. Well, how does that relate to the MOT? It does not directly, but it adds some serious gravitas.
Another disaster movie I've seen a total of once while accompanying some kiddies; "2012." The world, largely would end by water December 21, 2012 even though the Bible says it would not end by water again. Remember that celebrated Mayan date of apocalypse? I purchased a copy off Ebay this morning and will be receiving it to refresh my memory. I don't think I'll find thick symbology in such a 'cute' movie like 2012, but I'm reserving an open mind. Maybe I'll find a director or actor whose been reprised by Mr. Gann in "The Tunnel Thru the Air," errr, reprised 85 years before the movie's production.
So, we have 2 dates of great fictional disasters; October 19, 2009 and December 21, 2012. How might we extrapolate those dates? Here's the very first cut after I fired up the coffee pot this morning at about 3am (much to my wife's....err...consternation):
Get it? If you subtract the two fictional dates you get a difference of 1,159 days. And if you add to the date of the movie, "Knowing," 1,159 days, you get February 23, 2016. How close is that to the MOT predicted date of February 24, 2016?
I used to do a lot of this stuff...playing around with interesting numbers that really seemed to imply a structure of things. A predetermination. An order that I could not compute or see.
I still can't compute or see the order but have become convinced, Mr. Gann could (via mathematics in my opinion). I still play with these entirely unrelated numbers that imply incredible results. But I no longer accept the prediction without the order.
On the other hand, when I think Mr. Gann, a person who, I firmly believe, understood the order, has made a prediction...well, I take note. Serious note.
Oh, nearly forgot...I ordered the movie "San Andreas" too. It looks like a cute movie rather than one with some apparent thought. I haven't seen it and don't know anything about it except that it had a great earthquake and tsunami...hmmm, like the 1958 Lituya Bay quake that MOT mirrors the 1906 San Francisco quake.....1958 Lituya Bay earthquake which had the greatest tsunami ever recorded. A 1,720 foot high tsunami or more than twice the height of the Golden Gate bridge. Hmmm and San Andreas has "the Rock" in the lead role. Wasn't there a great earthquake one "great 1000-year cycle" ago in 1016 during which the Golden Dome of the Rock was severely damaged? Doesn't San Francisco have some golden domes; one at City Hall and one at the Palace of Fine Arts? Isn't there a golden dome on the rear dust jacket of TTTTA? Troubling, terrifying serendipity.
Surely those buildings on the dust jacket of TTTTA don't appear to be, well, tilted? As if...shaken? I need some sleep.
Jim Ross
Hi Jim,
ReplyDeletedon't law at me but have a look at this:
Line 3326 decoding a&t gives me:
"guess telestic model yel" (no chars left)
"yel" could be Yellow Stone Park
Above it at line 3313:
a&l: "Aabfpaff" ->
"A" = Alfred Nobel "fab"ricated "paff" (=dynamite) in 1866
I know its a vague interpetation.
Also the texts of both paragraphs are good matchs to an (explosive?) event.
So eventually a Yellowstone volcanic event at whatever time. Missing as always: geo/math gann connection to some date.
Interesting ?: Column "I" upward counting shows 2015/16/17, if you ignore leading "1" at line 3326.
I did a bit more research and what you have is very intriguing. When you Google Yellowstone volcano, what you see capsulized on the right indicates the last eruption was 1350 BC.
DeleteIf you take 1350 BC + 2016 AD + 1 = 3367 years (you add 1 because there wasn't a 0 AD).
Now take the period of the MOT which is 168 year (the Biblical Great Week divided by 15) and you get 20.0417 periods of 168 years. We are pretty close to a MOT reflection of that event in 1350 BC. Of course, science doesn't tell us when in 1350 BC so our counting is the closest possible year.
Now consider, we are in the middle of 2016, not the beginning. The MOT year is a solar year beginning with the summer solstice. Counting from the year of The Exile, 596 BC with a lunar year, 2016 is the end of the 15th MOT. Counting from 1350 BC with a solar year, 2016 is the end of a MOT.
Moreover, take 3367 years divided by the MOT period of 168 years to get the 20.417 above. Then divide by the number of 168 periods in a Great Week or 2520/168 = 15 ....... 20.417 / 15 = 1.3333.
Interesting numbers. As I've indicated before, I believe that 2016 is the end of not only a MOT period, but a far greater Biblical period. And you may have, perhaps, tied it to the greatest super volcano in the world.
Not a good thought,
My math:
Delete2520 BGW
168 MOT
1350 BC last YS erruption (LYS)
2016 NOW
3366 NOW-LYS = DIF (no +1 for AD)
20.03571429 DIF/MOT = OFS
MOT * (OFS - 20) = 6 years in current MOT as EXACT result
You're right, 6 years off due to the decimal as a fraction of 168.
DeleteThanks, Jim
What we each see as 'truth' is individual. I would not propose it in an essay because it isn't exact enough to claim validity until I had collateral evidence. BUT, read the attendant narrative.
ReplyDeleteI view this page as, perhaps, the most important advice of TTTTA and certainly one of the three or four most important of the book 81-84. It says, read the Bible, determine the signs of the time and prepare. And it says, if you are a person of math and science, a burden is on you to help others understand what is coming.
I've been obsessed with San Francisco because of the Golden Dome. A Yellowstone event would have the same result on San Francisco given that Yellowstone is the largest of all volcanic structures in the world (as I recall) and due for a 'something.'
Counting up 2016, 2017..... The MOT is not perfected. I'd easily understand if any given line number was off maybe 4 lines in the numbering. You see "Cat" starting at line 3321. "Category" perhaps? A suggestion severity? And next to Cat you have "ee." If you watched "Knowing" "ee" refers to "everyone else." Everyone else dies when the world incinerates on October 19, 2009. Or "ee" refers to "Einstein Editor" and Einstein's cat. Or "extinction event."
I will store those bits you gave me to see if they fit later on. You've helped me with my understanding of page 83. Giving away the MOT is paying great dividends to me.