First a real date; on May 2, 2011 Osama Bin Laden was assassinated which WD Gann predicted via his Map of Time that is available for download.
Second a projected date; on February 20-24, 2016 the MOT predicts an event will occur which would echo the comparable date found on the left side of the MOT, that being October 17, 1848. On that later date, a great earthquake hit sparsely populated Marlboro, New Zealand. As well, the acrostic word "Taito" is found between the two dates (highlighted in purple):
Taito is a special ward of Tokyo which in 1923 was struck by what many characterize as the most destructive earthquake in world history. The number of deaths was not the greatest in history, 140K as I recall, but the property damage and death toll causes some to so typify it as the most destructive.
The above combined MOT details supplemented by other clues (the "Golden Dome of San Francisco and the dust jacket of TTTTA" Dome of the Rock, the citation of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake in the book's first paragraph...) supports a prediction that such an earthquake will strike on about February 20-24, 2016 (let's select 2/22/2016 for conversation) and, likely, but with less confidence, in San Francisco.
Third, a further projected date; October 19, 2016. This date has been discussed many times but not so much in the context of the MOT. It is the subject of a future MOT essay but I'll preview it here. The MOT ends on June 20, 2016 (the summer solstice); so what happens when the "numbers run out?" The numbers reverse direction and start running in the other direction...its a new MOT cycle of 168 years.
Where does February 22, 2016 fall relative to the June 20, 2016 summer solstice and still further, relative to the date October 19, 2016? Without drawing the MOT we know this simply by finding the number of days between the two dates and the summer solstice. February 22 is 119 days before the solstice and October 19 is 121 days after. [I've admitted a cumulative line error of as many as 3 lines in the MOT which I cannot readily resolve.]
If we drew the MOT for the next 168 year period, we'd find February 22 and October 19 falling on nearly the same line. And what we project to occur on February 22, and we are soon to know, will be reflected on about October 19.
More on October 19, 2016. I first encountered this date, at risk of diminishing any of credibility of my own, in watching the movie "Knowing" in which the date of the world's end was that date. I had used the thought of "Knowing," that a page of numbers was a "Map of something," that the Map correlated the date 9/11/01 to the number of deaths that day to find that same dynamic in a listing of every line in TTTTA that is now called the WD Gann Map of Time. "Knowing" is where the MOT was conceived. Wouldn't it therefore be natural to have caution about the date it, in fiction, projected?
Let's consider instances of entirely '23 enigma' coincidence that give October 19 some numerological 'gravitas:'
1. Take first the simple numbers; 10/19/2016 and, like 09/11/2001, drop the year and the '0' and you get 119 and 911. October 19 is the inversion or 'opposite' of 911. Odd.
2. Take the simple numbers of 10/19/2016 and interpret their theosophic reduction:
Of course, 119 will occur every year on October 19. This year its different as the theosophic reduction of day, month and year gives us 119 as well. Again, the opposite of 9/11.
3. Take the difference in the dates of the world's substantial end in "Knowing" and in another contemporary disaster movie "2012," or 10/19/2009 and 12/21/2012, respectively. Add that difference of 1,159 days to 12/21/2012 to and you get 2/23/2016:
Based on the above, October 19, 2009 figures prominently in the, purely coincidental relation of two contemporary movies and a date that has been projected for weeks on this blog which has been implicit in the math of the MOT for decades.
4. Take the the 1929 and 1987 stock market "black" days and extrapolate by exactly half the difference (59 years) between them:
May 2, 2011, February 22, 2016 and October 19, 2016. How might a purely "23 enigma" extrapolation work with the date of OBL's death mentioned first in this essay?
The right pane above indicates what's already been mentioned, that the 2016 summer solstice perfectly splits the dates of February 22 and October 19 to near equal segments of about 120 days.
The left pane finds the time interval from May 2, 2011 to October 19, 2016 divided by the time interval from May 2, 2011 to February 22, 2016 to the exponent 4 is 1.667...a number that has some gravitas.
Not done yet.
September 11, 2001, May 2, 2011, February 22, 2016 and October 19, 2016. This is very deep into the '23 enigma.' The time interval between the beginning of the Osama Bin Laden story, September 11, 2001 to its end (at least for him) on May 2, 2011 then added to that later date....
Half the Bin Laden interval added to the date of his death is rather close to the date an event has been projected for February 21-24, 2016. Again.
All of the above, by itself, means nothing. However, if nature prefers the dates identified several weeks previously (February 21-24 and October 19, 2016) for an 'event,' it would create a web of time periods that will occupy numerologists and obsessive accountants for as long as they wish to be occupied.
Jim Ross
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