Sunday, January 24, 2016

...but the sign of the prophet Jonas...

We wake up this morning after a great storm has swept the east coast of the United States:

The much debated page 69 of WD Gann's 1927 "The Tunnel Thru the Air:"

This is the same number, "69" that perfectly predicts the 9/11 tragedy extrapolated from July 4, 1932 (the last battle of the fictional Great War in TTTTA) to September 11, 2001 as recounted in the 6th Prophecy; July 4, 1932 plus 69 years plus 69 days and the opposite of day and night brings you to within 1 minute of Muhammad Ata's flight 11 departing from Logan International Airport (this exact calculation is further explained in the link to the 6th Prophecy and not elaborated here).

Point blank:

  • The Bible and Scriptures are the key to all knowledge,  
  • Ask, seek, find (one of several iterations of Mathew 7:7),
  • A prophet will be without honor in his own house as was Robert Gordon,
  • An evil generation seeks a sign,
  • No sign shall be given but for the sign of Jonas,
  • ....all the power under heaven and earth,
  • "I believe that that is the key to the interpretation of the future." 
Powerful statements.   Twice repeated on this page are "the key" and " sign shall be given..."

Recall the Book of Jonah, a great storm tosses the ship carrying the reluctant Prophet Jonas whose divine task is to proclaim judgement on Nineveh.  Adding to his woes, the crew doesn't like his message and casts him overboard where he is engulfed by a whale for 3 days and 3 nights (permutations of which numbers create the digits that comprise number 69) before God encourages the fish to expel Jonas to continue his mission.  Once complete, Nineveh repents and we see the merciful God.  There continue to be issues between Jonas and God.

You might note that the Book of Jonah and the personage of Jonas are spelled differently.  I am told by persons who understand the old languages, there is a nuance that causes and permits the different spellings. 

I don't know what to make of this great record setting storm Jonas which is reportedly affecting 80 million people on the east coast.  Am I supposed to claim the storm Jonas is a sign?  Need I do so beyond the unmistakable implication of this essay and the name itself?

I did not name this storm.

Obviously, the questions; A sign perhaps?  Of what?  I'd say 'do the math' but there isn't a calculator for this.  We have only Emerson/Swednborg's concept of "intellectual character" as your arbiter which has been offered once before on this blog and, at risk of pedantry, is offered again:

Jim Ross


  1. Bear in mind that 69 is 9 Gemini and is of the utmost significance in TTTA.

  2. Indeed. There are many many meanings of 69 but I forget most... 9 Gemini is not one I've documented in this blog but I have read its importance to the natal charts of the U.S. and Robert Gordon. I believe I've addressed many meanings of 69 in this blog but, again, don't recall them all. 69 is just plain important. RG's birth date; 6/9. The reduction of Mr. Gann's date of death from 6/18 to 6/1+8 to 6/9.

    It would be interesting to hear what an astrologer says about the near future of the U.S. I have at least implied strongly from the WD Gann Memorial Triangle series that this 240th (the width of WDG's gravestone X its depth = 240) year since its founding will be the last as founded; a discernible bright line between at least its character, before and after if not its actual physical composition and physical attributes.

    Thanks you for considering and pray that I am wrong,



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