Friday, January 22, 2016

The Big One, part 2, the "child" messages, "Ring In Fire"

From the previous essay, we have the "Ring in Fire" and its implications for our near future according to the New Yorker.  We also have from many, many previous essays and the WD Gann "Map of Time," the derivation of the date, February 24, 2016 and, given an allowance between the many calculations of this near same date, a range of February 21-24 for an event of great proportion to occur.  Of lesser but substantial confidence, that event would be an earthquake involving San Francisco.

As a caution, the following acrostic/telestic messages have lesser level of evidence value than the mathematically proven "Ring of Fire."  In the latter instance, you have two imperfectly spelled words separated by many lines but confirmed by the similar mathematics of the already proven "Tao device."  I have a high level of confidence in the "Ring in Fire"because it is mathematically proven according to the Tao device.  At some point, I'm sure Mr. Gann tired of the mechanics of encoding the devices and adopted a philosophy of "prove one and sprinkle the others."  Perhaps he's more diligent than I and did create a confirmation of every message. But he didn't tire, I do.  I'm not going to stress over the smaller or "child words."

Let me restate, the "Ring In Fire" in my thinking is the "parent" which has been proven by math in part 1 of this series.  The remainder messages I'll consider the "children" that are to be assumed as credible though....I'll not stress over finding the proof.  There are three "children" I find from the New Yorker article; Cascadia, tectonic and San Andreas.  There is one "child" I find from the movie "Knowing; it is "Hoover Dam."  These children messages color the "Ring In Fire."

Cascadia subduction.  The Cascadia subduction zone is the San Andreas fault on steroids.  It stretches from seven hundred miles off shore of Cape Mendocino (just north of San Francisco) through Oregon and Washington into Canada (see the New Yorker link above for more details).  Where a San Adreas event is handicapped at an estimated max of 8.2 R, a Cascadia subduction event could exceed 9 (the largest earthquake in recorded history is 9.5).  A Pacific Coast subduction event occurs every 243 years or so based on 10,000 years of data; the last such event occurred in 1700.  Its overdue according to statistical "science."

Where is "Cascadia" in TTTTA?  One place (I thought I'd found two but cannot find the second this early morning) and its a very weak, IMO, message if at all:

Techtonic plates.  Two instances and I have not searched for "plates" as yet:

Consider above the "J-1" in the context of the preceding essay on the earthquake early warning system and "...the enemy intended to destroy San Francisco very quickly."

Consider in the above the "redoubled" efforts of two men to try to save their country yet they were not in command; higher authorities were in control.

San Andreas.  It's very hidden if valid at all.  I am satisfied "but that's me."  You decide.

I don't find "San" (found, see update below) but the macro "finder" device queries only a column.  Finding a word using both the acrostic and telestic column is a manual process that I haven't figured out how to program given my very inadequate Excel, database and programming abilities.  I found the above by looking at every page.  I am sure there is a "San" somewhere as I'm equally sure the extra 'a' is an oversight or deliberate intent on Mr. Gann's part to cause us doubt (I prefer the latter interpretation).

I am disappointed that "Andareas" appears beginning on line 6176 which is outside the "Ring In Fire" interval but it does appear on page 160 or the first recognizable iteration of Phi (8/5).  I find it highly meaningful that Robert is considering his 21st birthday with the thought that the shell must be broken before the pearl is realized.  From the hardship comes the learning and faith?  Many philosophical and theological threads might be derived from a San Andreas event and a renewal of faith.  The whole question of could a God of benevolence cause such hardship on those he loves?  Wow, its just too early in the morning for this.

Hoover Dam.  Again, I find one occurrence of "huuu vr" "dam" separated by many lines and it is outside the "Ring In Fire" line interval.  But, "it's complicated.  It covers encoding that is far more involved than the ring of fire as I'll explain at the conclusion of this essay.  Here's the first word:

Exactly aligned with "Huuu" you have "IDSL" an acronym you find for the first emergence of "DSL," a modern invention of digital technology.  But I digress.  The above is personally meaningful as I, as Robert Gordon and Mr. Gann feared, people will ridicule one who tries to understand things that are not meant (so we believe) to be understood.  Read from the very top of the narrative.  And read "an older hand to guide you."  A teacher who knows guiding 'you,' referring both to you the reader and me also a reader of TTTTA.  Mr. Gann, the older hand, teaching us.

So there's "Hoover" where is "Dam?"

"Dam" is separated by approximately 100 lines from "Huuuvr" making the association somewhat debatable.  But, as if to anticipate this objection, we find "watr" nearby.  And not shown above, we find "Sea" only 30 lines below "dam."  Note the "lfd" above prospectively referring to "Los Angeles Fire Department" as one might use the letters "LAX" to refer to "Los Angeles Airport."


We have four "child" messages, three of which come from the science found in the New Yorker article and one of which comes from the fictional movie "San Andreas."  Their "child" properties are less convincing than the mathematic proof of the "Ring In Fire" but you decide.

We find the first two of the above child messages within the "Ring In Fire" line interval but, uncomfortably, we find two not in that line interval; San Andreas and Hoover Dam.  There's a reason to be found in the fictional movie "San Andreas."  Like the movie "Knowing," where Mr. Gann has encoded the director's name (see the essay on"Ryne Douglas Pearson"),  Mr. Gann encoded the name of the fault (San Andreas), the hero first responder ("Ray"), his employer (Los Angeles Fire Department of "lfd" above), his wife (Emma), the child who saw the 'sight' and obeyed (Ollie), Hoover Dam, "watr" and "Sea."  These latter encodings are the main players in the movie San Andreas.  I have found the all which will become a further essay with predictive coloring of its own.  If you want to get ahead of the game, was "San Andreas" and search for the above words in TTTTA.  

In sum, the two child messages not found in the "Ring In Fire" are juxtaposed with the encoding of the movie "San Andreas" as opposed to the "Ring In Fire" to combine the two into one meaning; in one we find the "where" and in the other we find the "what".  The "where" is the Pacific Coast, the what is the events of the movie.  The latter was hardly the "cute" movie, as was "2012," that I thought it would be.

The third part of this series will be the "where" which you already "know" but which will become more granular and a map of the afflicted Pacific Coast found in TTTTA.

Jim Ross

Update 1/25/16.  On 1/24 I located the word "San" spelled beginning on line 79:

Line 79 is also the location of the MOT date 1/15/2016.  I keep notes these days on things that occur.  On that date I received my Ebay copy of "San Andreas" and on that date there was an article noting swarms of earthquakes occurring in Johannesburg CA begging the question of "The Big One." 

I pondered the distance between "San" and "Andreas" in the MOT last night and I received the answer.  TTTTA would confirm the acrostic/telestic according to the metrics of the "Tao device".  Midway between the lines 79 and 6182 would mean line 3051.5 rounded up to 3052.  We find the supposed mythological Atlantis being attested by WD Gann:

The story of a civilization that is now beneath the seas.  You will also see the acrostic word "ten" (we would suppose 'Richter scale') which would infer a slightly greater than the greatest earthquake theretofore having occurred in recorded history.   I expect this is Mr. Gann telling up of the the rough magnitude of the world event that befell Atlantis and will occur in February 2016 in California.  You will also find the word "ten" associated with the word "Andareas."


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