Hard to get away from the WD Gann's grand enigma. I turn on the television at a socially unacceptable hour in the morning and caught a news article on Martin Luther King. As disrespectful, unruly and, err, less than articulate the current generation, MLK's speeches, broadcast on Sunday mornings when I would be traveling to the golf course in the '80s as the morning devotional, were the opposite in every respect; thoughtful, peaceful, eloquent.
And my thought turns to another then contemporary of Reverend King, President John F. Kennedy. Perhaps not the same level of fidelity, but certainly of the same stature with a similar contrast. I'll avoid the fidelity question. Quickly forced into the Cuban Missile Crisis (October 14-28, 1963), President Kennedy, seemingly, held fast against the Russian/Cuban threat (subject of some revisionist speculation); a strong defense and posture of confrontation. He drew a line and didn't budge.
A line President Kennedy did cross was an affront to my conservative father; deficit spending. JFK reduced near confiscatory tax rates, particularly at the highest marginal rates, but did not reduce spending. It was that supply side economics that would be seen in the Reagan Administration but JFK's action was without pretension to reduce spending. [Quite vexing to conservatives of that day was this evolution of FDR's "Why pay now for what you can make the next generation pay?"]
Like MLK, JFK seemed somewhat opposite from the Democrat of the present; strong military, modest upper income tax brackets, free markets. My father wouldn't agree but we're talking contrast. He might agree if he knew the present popularity of an acknowledged and admitted socialist gaining momentum in the 2016 presidential race. I wonder what WD Gann would think...no I don't.
Would Mr. Gann have encoded "MLK" and "JFK" in "The Tunnel Thru the Air?" He did:
One instance in TTTTA for each man in the acrostic column (light blue) above on pages 177 and 360 respectively.
The confirmations I've discovered are not compelling. The dates do not comport with assassinations of these great historic figures nor do the narratives describe the men or the manner in which they passed. I do not find nearly placed acrostic or telestic words that 'seal the deal.' Not that I can discern in these very early hours of the morning mathematic relations that are compelling.
I was a little disappointed that the cumulative line number on which JFK appeared, line number 6827 was not exactly half of the cumulative line number on which MLK appeared, line number 13243. The page numbers were close; 360 / 177 = 2.033.
Giving away my age, a popular 1960's song by Peter, Paul and Mary (err, Dion) was "Abraham, Martin and John" referring to Abraham Lincoln, MLK and JFK. Abe has to be there. We've found the latter two champions of freedom for ALL persons, do we find the former? "Abe" has to be there. Yes, in two places in that affectionate nickname, "Abe":
Pages 54 and 320. Still no confirmations. Perhaps someone will discover a mathematic serendipity that provides confirmation and, if so, I'd appreciate a comment below this post to share it.
I do not find any of the three acrostic words having compelling corroboration. At the same time, I was not disappointed. I knew, judging from my real or imagined personal understanding of Mr. Gann at this juncture, they would, all of them, be there.... and they were.
What a stark contrast to our leaders of today; men, largely of conscience and principle; each fallible but sincere. In context, two great Democrats emerging from the legacy of a great Republican and father of the Republican Party; all devoted to the freedom of the individual. Each assassinated. Two acrostic citations of two Democrats, two citations of one Republican. 2.000 for each party.
"Abraham, Martin and John" performed by Dion. You'll recognize it's lyrics and rendition....simply haunting:
And I find "Dion" once and once only; with "Dio" in the acrostic column and with a hanging "n" placed adjacent the middle letter "i" to form "Dion." It had to be there, didn't it?
I'm satisfied of Mr. Gann's prediction of JFK, MLK, Abe and Dion.... but that's me.
Jim Ross
Hi Jim,
ReplyDeleteHave a look at this english gematria:
You have to scroll down for a nice explanation.
Applying it to
Line 24++ : "Copyright, 1927" (C7 = Code 7) gives me:
CBAIP = 32153
N = 1
My interpretation:
"321" are same as letter order in the alphabet.
"53" signal that NOT ALL letters are their respective
numbers in a linear way as is the case with this
"1" tells me that "N" is again a starting point.
All of this is matching 100% to above gematria.
Even if trying, i wasn't yet able to decode other
However, i believe Gann could have used it, maybe
with an additional "veiling" step which must be
applied to decode from gematria letters
to something meaningful like dates (nums again)
and/or events (letters).
I've also found this E-Book of same guy, but its
totally overpriced in my opinion:
Hi Ben,
DeleteI've been deleting posts that I never posted and one was about my suspicion that Mr. Gann had used a multi key polyalphanumeric key to encode his work. I now know that that can't be true because you can't create meaningful words and phrases in a text to create a book. What you get is can't be worked backwards. You get just a bunch of letters without discernible order.
I think Mr. Gann wanted his knowledge found so it had to be simple enough for a finite math accountant to figure out....and not an obvious challenge to a cryptographer. So it was simple; acrostics and telestics. But even within those, there are devices such as the 'tao' device.
I won't in any way discount there being a code in gematria, after all, I fervently believe and have argued Luo Clement was a nom de plume for Mr. Gann. In fact, I find a lot of Pythagorean gematria (Luo's table) that confirms work I've done.
So, I'll not go down that road but its not because I don't believe he or you are not onto something. Where there's smoke there's fire.
Thanks you so much for reading my thoughts and research; this research makes even a finite mathematical lonely,