Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Big One, part 1, the parent message, "Ring In Fire"

To understand this essay and related essays in this series you should first recall the proposition that WD Gann's foreknowledge encoded into "The Tunnel Thru the Air" of events of our time indicates a great event will occur between February 21-24, 2016 and, less firmly established, it will be an earthquake involving San Francisco.  I've written several essays 'triangulating' these dates which originated with WD Gann's "Map of Time" of which one can download it for free, HERE.  Second, you should read a contemporary synopsis of such an event's likelihood according to present science and its possible damage.  One such article can be found HERE.

The Ring of Fire according to Wikipedia:

Might Mr. Gann had referred to "The Ring of Fire" and, if so, is there any associated narrative of note?  Yes.  From the WD Gann "Map of Time" available for download, we find those words located in 3 distant locations:

Ring or "rng:"

Fire or "fre:"

But where is the preposition "of" to be located?

We have a device called the "Tao device" where Mr. Gann had acrostically encoded the word "Tao" meaning "Path" as the beginning of a phrase.  Using that word and a second word, you can determine the location of where he encoded the third word of the phrase.

Let's suspect such a device as the "Tao device" exists in the phrase "Ring of Fire."  The "of" would be located equidistant between "rng" and "fre:"

We expect to find "of" on line 11013, but we don't:

I do not find relief in the above knowing that the MOT could be in error by as much as 3 lines.  In contrast, I see the word "In" spelled only one line removed from the projection as troubling.  I judge the foregoing serendipity to mathematically confirm the integrity and interpretation of the phrase "Ring IN Fire."

Further, read the narratives:
  • "Is there no way to prevent deadly destruction?"
  • "The New York Stock Exchange Closed..."
  • "There was no minimizing the seriousness of the seriousness of the situation."
Now consider a nuance of the "Ring of Fire."  The name "Ring of Fire" is static.  It describe a state of being and a set of facts.  "Ring IN Fire" connects the existing "ring" in an active state.  As we know, the 1906 San Francisco earthquake was bad, but the ensuing fires consumed an estimated 80% of the City.  Same with the 1923 Tokyo earthquake, regarded by many as the most destructive in world history.  And in 2011, the Tohoku earthquake was just the beginning...  it continues to 'burn' in the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant.

In this series, I will uncover TTTTA encoding of the "Cascadia" subduction, the San "Andreas" fault, and the "tectonic" plates; all the subjects of the New Yorker article linked above.

The many miracles demonstrated by Mr. Gann in TTTTA only establish his ability to 'foresee' in order that we consider his warning of "remarkable events" that will occur in our time.

Jim Ross 

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