Tuesday, January 19, 2016

St. Peter's Flood

Yesterday I received and watched "San Andreas"  in very faint expectation it might hold a serendipitous insight as did the movies "Knowing" and "2012."  The dates of apocalypse of the latter two movies "triangulated" (a simple average of the two dates) the date that I've been considering for several weeks now, February 21-24, 2016.  I expected San Andreas to be given a "cute" treatment as was given "2012;" it wasn't.  It was pretty serious when you consider the content.  There wasn't a date in "San Andreas," just an event involving the movement of rock (San Andreas and related faults) and the movement of water (tsunami).

So I studied occurrences of rock and water in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air," and kept coming back to the 110-year old Aunt Silly's tale of Claire Douglas and his love, Bernice Mayo.  [You may note the age, 110 years old; the earthquake of 1906 plus 110 is 2016.  You might note my many essays that derived the '110' from Mr. Gann's grave stone measurements.]  Claire Douglas was sent on a business trip by his father to interfere with his relationship with Bernice whereupon Bernice wasted away and would ultimately die.  In her last hours, Bernice imposed on Aunt Silly to row her out to point in the crystal clear Lake Munroe where Bernice' body sank to the lake's depths and was swallowed by a fissure in the rock that opened and closed upon her.  Similarly, the heartbroken Claire Douglass dove into the lake and the fissure opened and closed on him thus uniting the lovers.

Aunt Silly, having witnessed the first of the events that Bernice had predicted, said of Bernice on page 254:

As my search progressed, I wandered, as will often happen at 4am, into the following discussion on page 212-13:

I haven't a clue why WD Gann had Robert Gordon ruminate on the above.  I haven't a clue how I got there this morning but, reflecting on it, I realized that 1335 days is the square of the 365.242 days of the year.  Forgetting the decimal placement, as Mr. Gann often did, we have 365.242^2 = 1334.  Assuming one period of 365 years within 365 periods, I counted back from 2016 to find in 1651 there occurred the St Peter's Flood which killed thousands in the Netherlands and Northern Germany.  These floods were caused by great tidal surges and struck in two waves;  February 22, 1651 and March 4-5, 1651.

In the past several weeks I've identified on the WD Gann "Map of Time" two periods of concern; February 24, 2016 (which could be as early as February 21) and the period March 2-19, 2016.  I find it troubling St Peter's flood dates coincide with the MOT dates.  From the Foreword of TTTTA and the Map of Time:

Moreover, I find it concerning that a search of "rock" finds the tale of the 110-year old Aunt Silly would involve a fissure in the rock, the turbulence of the water and a swallowing.


So many coincidences; serendipity or the "23 enigma?"  

The path I've chosen to follow is troubling in two regards.  It troubles me that what I've read and I've read into WD Gann's great work, TTTTA, predicts troubling events.  More so the latter troubles me that my interpretation may become a distorted end in itself.  Yet, what's the downside to being prepared?  

With that self-observed caution, I'll simply continue to write as I explore and leave it up to you.

San Andreas was a very disturbing movie for me.  In case you are unaware, "the Rock" is the movie's epic hero.

Jim Ross

1 comment:

  1. There is a telling instance of the acrostic word "watr" beginning on line 213 and very meaningful associated narrative. The acrostic phrase that includes "watr" is "hvnsawtr" or "heaven saw water." The narrative explains that young Robert is told that God would never again destroy the world by water.

    Jim Ross


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