Sunday, January 17, 2016

Correcting errors in and a synopsis of the 6th Manifest Prophecy - 9/11

I hate to make errors so it's not infrequent I'm regretful and embarrassed.  Writing essays out of recall of what I've previously researched and written, I make plenty of errors.  There's a tradeoff between the time it takes to research my 'attic' of previous writings and the time needed to research new ground and writing new things.  I prefer the latter.  A tradeoff for which I'm embarrassed this morning.  At the same time, it is an opportunity to condense an important prophecy.

This morning, in addition to correcting two errors, I'll restate the 6th Manifest Prophecy of 9/11 in a more concise form than was presented several months ago.

Number of terrorists.  I've stated that there are 15 instances of "Ata" or "Atta" in the acrostic words of WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" and, similarly, 15 instances of  the defunct airline: TWA.  I back checked this morning.  There are 19 instances of the former and 20 instances of the latter.  The line numbers that are in the WD Gann Map of Time that is available for download are:

There were 19 terrorists on 4 airplanes that comprised the attacks on 9/11.  It is theorized that a 20th terrorist named Ramzi-bin-al-Shibh intended to take part in the actual attack and did participate in the principle phases of planning and preparation.

Attendant to the many of the line numbers associated with "Ata" are meaningful narrative passages and following is just one:

That's the correction of many posts where I've referred to 15 occurrences of Ata or TWC.

The name of the lead terrorist.  Muhammad Ata as meaningfully spelled in TTTA as cited above.  There is much more to the "Ata" occurrence presented in the 6th Prophecy that is not presented here.

The name of the air line.  TTTTA is argued to have named TWA in the context of the number of terroists above which appears to be incorrect.  On 9/11, American Air flight 11 and United Air flight 175 crashed into the North and South Towers, respectively, American Air flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon and United Air 93 was scuttled in a Pennsylvania field.  None of those flights were TWA flights.  [Notably, Mr. Gann was 77 years old when he passed and that his life span forms an interesting subdivision of the parsed components of 7 and 11 (see HERE).  Numbers 77 and 11.]

TWA or Transworld Air entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy in April 2001 and was acquired by AMR, the parent of American Airlines.  AMR, apparently, structured the purchase through a conduit TWA Airlines LLC which was immediately placed into Chapter 7 liquidation to shed TWA of contingent liabilities that would otherwise exist.  The assets (routes, equipment and planes) were sold.  For all we know, the 4 planes could have been at one time owned and used by TWA.

The location and name of the building.  The most easily understood proof of the 6th Prophecy is the name of the 110-story Mammouth Building.  Even the most naive reader of TTTTA must notice, in the wake of 9/11, "110-story" and the prominently misspelled "Mammouth."  The Mammouth was located at 42nd and Broadway, just east of the location of the World Trade Center towers.  Mr. Gann notes the Mammouth was also known as the "Cedar" which connotes aspects of Jonathan Cahn's "The Harbinger" and Isaiah 9:10/11.

Coincidentally or not, Mr. Gann maintained an office at 120 Liberty Street which is near contiguous with the WTC property.  Presently, that office is home to the 9/11 Tribute Center.

WTC.  We find 5 instances of WTC included in the acrostic messages of TTTTA:

Why 5 instances?  Perhaps 3 buildings were destroyed in NYC, 1 building was significantly damaged in Washington DC and 1 additional building was targeted to be attacked in Washington DC.

The incoming flight paths of the attacks on the Mammouth and the WTC.  As explained in the 6th Prophecy part 2, the first two waves of each attack followed the same approaches to their target.

Perfect opposite results.  In the fictional 1932 battle of New York, the U.S. prevailed and utterly destroyed two waves of attack.  In 2001, the U.S. symbol, the WTC towers were destroyed.  Perfect opposite outcomes.

Timing of the attacks.  Many argue the most important page of TTTTA is page 69, its reference to the story of the prophet Jonas and its assertion:

The sign is from the page 69.  The number 69.

From the date of the final battle of TTTTA, the Battle of Washington, on July 4, 1932 we add 69 years, 69 days and add a half day for the opposite of night (1932 attack) and day (2001 attack):

A prediction of 9/11 accurate to within 1 minute of Muhammad Ata's departure and the beginning of the WTC attacks.


Can the above be dismissed as coincidence?

Jim Ross

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